estherpap's blog

Quantum Leap TV

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This was a great exchange of energy and data with Santos Bonacci and Kevin Annett re Vatican and current state of affairs...well worth the listen :-)

OPPT Genesis

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Fractals emerging are WE. 


Bruce LIpton provided the foundation for a profound understanding of what is unfolding in this present moment of now on this planet and beyond. There is no way I could begin to distill Bruce's life work...but if you desire to take a big bite - his book The Biology of Belief is available as an audio download at - just put in The Biology of Belief in the search window...they sell the 8 hour audio download for about $11. Your awareness may glaze over with the amount and nature of the information presented...but hang in there, there are pearls of great price contained in this work that WILL free your mind from a lifetime of programming. 




The OPPT is one of many happenings around us that has emerged from the conditions in the field within the human collective...This is what is truly magnificent about the energy surrounding the OPPT, ONE BILLION RISING, the indictments re: the Vatican, QEII...and on and on.


I am not a "legal" expert and would never presume to comment publicly as to the legal veracity of these documents. However, I did work for the Office the US Trustee as an agent of the Federal Bankruptcy Court and I can say that there is nothing "lawful" about what I experienced working with these folks. The "law" is like silly putty to these people - they can and do change the "law" to serve their own agenda without batting an eye. Attorneys on the same team routinely devour their own team mates just for sport...this is the nature of the beast that is in its death throes.


I have found the ONE – do you recognize it?

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I did not write this - this was posted on another forum - Daniel articulated perfectly what I experienced when I first encountered OPPT - thank you Daniel for your BE'ing and presence. Much gratitude in kind :-)


I have found the one – do you recognize it?


Let me tell you what I know about the One Peoples Public Trust--------

But first I will have to back up a bit and speak a little about how I got here today. For going on twelve years now I have been a spiritual student and have come to awaken and remember who I am and what I am here to do in this world at this day in time. And up until just recently I have not found a single human soul or group of souls that did not cause me to have an itch somewhere where that I did not wish to itch. In other words no one I had met up until recently spoke a single truth that was connected to the new life and world I was and still am creating within my world and that of others at this day. For I am not the only one creating this new fifth dneisty paradigm all around us at this day as in fact we are all either creating it now or will soon come to create our  own part or parts  in this marvelous new world and reality we are all to soon  embark upon.

Quote of the Day

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Consciousness doesn't grow from being told facts—it grows from the search for them.


Dynamics of the Ego

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Eye of the Beholder - Vision at Dawn - site

Yesterday at the GFP council meeting there was some discussion about the ego - I needed to leave the meeting right in the middle of the exchange but this thread of the dynamics of the ego has been running through my interactions and ponderings all week long. Today a friend sent me an email directing me to Chapter 11 of The Course in Miracles - I'd like to share some things that jumped out from this chapter...


"No one can escape from illusions unless he looks at them, for not looking is the way they are protected."


10/21 Phoenix group meditation & drum circle

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If you are in the Phoenix area and would like to join with others this Sunday for group mediation and drumming - I will be hosting a meditation and drum circle in my home at noon and welcome you to join us. Send me a message with your email thru GFP and I will forward you my contact info with details.

Namaste :-)

Cobra Interview Transcript, July 3 2012

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Cobra Interview Transcript from July 3, 2012
Thu, July 5, 2012

Transcription of Interview With Cobra and Alexandra Meadors
July 3, 2012
A: OK, Today is July 3, 2012 and I have with me a very special guest, Cobra who uses this (name) as a means of hiding his identity due to the fact that he has had himself threatened and his loved ones threatened. Cobra, I just wanted to say hello and thank you for having this interview with me today.
C: Hello to everybody.
A: And for those of you who are not aware of Cobra, he has been quite on the forefront and a force on the internet as of late. He popped up sometime around March or April and is a Pleaidian incarnate in, or a human I should say and works directly over the last 30 something years, is that correct, with the The Resistance Movement?
C: There are some periods of time when I was more connected with them than others. But yes, I have connections with them and directly and indirectly for some time frames. Together we are working towards liberation of this planet.
A: OK, great. In all of the information and transcriptions that are out there, it says that you work behind the scenes, but it also sounds like you are very much in the forefront working with these guys as well. Would you say that is accurate?
C: Well, in a way yes, I would not go completely into details but I would say yes.
A: Yes, it sounds like it.
A: And they also mentioned in the transcripts that you received quite a bit of information from an individual named Michael. But it sounds as if there are quite a few of you. You said something like there are 20 million underground working with you.
C: Actually they are not working with me. It is more like I am working with them. You see?
A: (giggle) Yes! Ahhh, the cart before the horse, is it?


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