OPPT Genesis

estherpap's picture

Fractals emerging are WE. 


Bruce LIpton provided the foundation for a profound understanding of what is unfolding in this present moment of now on this planet and beyond. There is no way I could begin to distill Bruce's life work...but if you desire to take a big bite - his book The Biology of Belief is available as an audio download at http://www.soundstrue.com - just put in The Biology of Belief in the search window...they sell the 8 hour audio download for about $11. Your awareness may glaze over with the amount and nature of the information presented...but hang in there, there are pearls of great price contained in this work that WILL free your mind from a lifetime of programming. 




The OPPT is one of many happenings around us that has emerged from the conditions in the field within the human collective...This is what is truly magnificent about the energy surrounding the OPPT, ONE BILLION RISING, the indictments re: the Vatican, QEII...and on and on.


I am not a "legal" expert and would never presume to comment publicly as to the legal veracity of these documents. However, I did work for the Office the US Trustee as an agent of the Federal Bankruptcy Court and I can say that there is nothing "lawful" about what I experienced working with these folks. The "law" is like silly putty to these people - they can and do change the "law" to serve their own agenda without batting an eye. Attorneys on the same team routinely devour their own team mates just for sport...this is the nature of the beast that is in its death throes.


In order to fully appreciate what is happening with the OPPT I would like to direct the reader to consider reading the Paradigm Report - this is where it all began and reading this document will assist in discerning and disseminating much of the commentary popping up on the internet about Heather and the OPPT.  Here is a link... http://www.scribd.com/doc/118067922/PARADIGM-DOCUMENT-FROM-THE-TREASURY-...


For me, the OPPT is merely another tool being presented to us - by us. What it reflects back to me is what is already within me...nothing more, nothing less.


Bye, bye, time to shine...


What you said "the "law" is

will's picture

What you said "the "law" is like silly putty to these people - they can and do change the "law" to serve their own agenda without batting an eye." is one of the reasons I have trouble believing the OPPT is actually acheiving anything within the old system. I know people believe the OPPT is all about getting rid of the old system, but the OPPT itself is heavily rooted in the old paradigm. This should be incredibly obvious to people, here is their site, notice all the legalese, talk of UCC filings and US commerce law.