TODAY's MESSAGE FROM THE UNITY RIDE: "We took a break at The Unity Ride. Thank you for your understanding. We are now bringing more managers on-board, so that the responsibility of running this page is shared. Pictured here is the The Antakarana, THE GOOD HEART. It is a Star Code & the Symbol of Unity in the EarthStar Peace Calendar--The Sacred Timekeeping Way of the MAKA WICAHPI WICOHAN. To activate the Code in your own life, draw it, and then circle it. Mitakuye Oyasin. We Are All Related. Let's Ride On in UNITY. #UNITY"
#THIS. After I got HOME from the KATDELIC SHOW on JUNE 22, 2013, THIS PHOTO aPPeared in Picasa from my cell phone ALREADY LABELED with the TITLE,#TIMEMACHINE . SPECIFICALLY, "TimeMachineImage2.jpg." #HUH NOW, ISN'T THAT JUST SOMETHING.