#FULLMOON#UNCIIKTOMI#GrandmotherSPIDER#EARTHSTAR#PEACE#CALENDAR#YES In the EARTHSTAR PEACE CALENDAR, this FULL MOON is the SPIDER MOON. UNCI IKTOMI is GRANDMOTHER SPIDER, HERE TO TEACH THE WEB OF RELATIONS, the HEART CONNECTION of the SILVER CORD. "The Heart of each being is connected by silver strands to all other beings.....the Web of Purity from Heart to heart.....each must learn to protect the rights of all.
Well, SUPERB WORK, Sun! ☀ WAY TO TURN ON THOSE LIGHTS! PLANETARY K-INDEX from www.SolarHam.com & AURORA PHOTOGRAPH snaPPed by Sarah DAngelo & posted on www.SpaceWeather.com: "This is a 4 shot panorama taken at the Twin Tank Lakes in Paradise, Michigan. I was excited as the Kp was at 7 and the Bz was a little bit south. The aurora is so unpredictable, though, the lights were not as high in the sky as I thought theyd be but they were still gorgeous!" #SUN#AURORA#LightsONhttps://goo.gl/3pSXBT
In the EARTHSTAR PEACE CALENDAR, this FULL MOON is the BEAR MOON. MATO MANI is WALKING BEAR. "GIFTS OF SPIRITUAL SIGHT, PRAYER, HEALING, AND RELATIONSHIP WITH ALL THAT IS, ARE POSSIBLE FOR THOSE WHO LEARN LOVE AND ENJOY ALL THEIR RELATIONS. The Spiritual Law of Freedom opens these gifts to you. It opens those who come with open heart and mind.....FIND YOUR FREEDOM AND SET US ALL FREE." -MATO MANI, "Opens Gates That Have Been Closed" in the SPIRITUAL FREEDOM OF MAN. http://www.scribd.com/doc/49860419/Maka-Wicahpi-Wicohan, starts on page 34 https://goo.gl/aFjytM
In the EARTHSTAR PEACE CALENDAR, THIS FULL MOON is the TURTLE MOON. UNCI KEYA is GRANDMOTHER TURTLE. "The Straight Path is the Path of the Heart that rejoices in honoring the Creator, and in honoring all Life. It is the Path of Respect." -UNCI KEYA, GRANDMOTHER TURTLE, "The Straight Path" in the UNIVERSAL LAW OF LIFE,http://www.scribd.com/doc/49860419/Maka-Wicahpi-Wicohan, starts on page 124
ART: PHOTO from "9th International Gathering of Women Heart of the Water Turtle Moon Dance Turtle" by Mazatzin Aztekayolokalli, ART from 'Grandmother Turtle & The Full Moon,' by Jacqueline "Jackie" Traverse, & THE STAR CODE for UNCI KEYA, GRANDMOTHER TURTLE--to activate it, draw it & circle it.