IAMTyler's blog


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Although most of you will misunderstand this, it is something that has been given to me and something that I MUST pass on. And even though it will be misunderstood, and be looked upon as Darkness or negativity, I will gladly be looked upon in that light if it means that this truth will reach those around me.

YOU DO NOT NEED LIGHT CHAMBERS, you do not need anything. Do not be made to believe otherwise.


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So I'm very tired and don't feel like typing out the entire experience, but I want to share what happened to me last night.

I was with my friends last night, and after smoking a bowl and meditating with a friend who claims to have reached a very high state, I experienced something amazing.

I realized we don't see out of our eyes, nor do we speak from our mouths. We don't live in our bodies even.

I realized it really kind of all sits and projects from the forehead. 

My entire essence lifted, contracted into a tunnel vision-shaped conciousness, then raised higher into my head, then expanded like the big band and I felt so powerful, but it wasn't a power that could be used in a negative way. I felt like I had sooooooo much power to help SOMETHING with. I put my fingers in front of my eyes and it was almost as if I could see my fingers from above. As I was sitting down beside my friend my imagination zoomed in on a freaking nat crawling up his leg, that was what I was seeing like a hologram in my head, while my body was detached and operating while I was sitting.

I thought to myself "I wonder why I trip man"
then I saw a holographic image of a pill bottle in my mind, with two red and yellow pills.
Looks like I already knew the answer before I asked it.

I was and still am much more aware of my soul, not my body that things just a lame machine, i'm talking about ME, I found ME, and I found GOD in ME. It's a beautiful thing. I wanted to cry. 

I had been with them 3 days, and one of the guys is so negative all the time, and he mistreats his lady, and I just wanted to cry when he was saying the things he said to her. And we locked eyes and I just wanted her to know that she was not retarded and I felt an urge to reassure her that she is a beautiful individual and I wanted to hug her with this deep embracing hug and take it all away from her. My empathy is like throbbing.

Good Grief

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Lately I have just been so depressed. It seems like emotional issue after emotional issue keep coming up, the next more painful than before. The most recent has been my family life. I was in a very deep meditation, usually I just quiet my mind and listen, but this time I decided to look for answers. I began by asking myself how I feel, why I feel that way, and what to do with the feelings. It came down to a deep knowing that I have something of great value to give, and my soul wants to give it so badly that it hurt at the time of revelation. I then started thinking about my ex, and how fulfilled being in a relationship like that made me feel, and how now I feel this deep deep feeling of missing something that I am to receive. My family and I are falling out, and this deep intense feeling of missing something is the feeling of missing my family. But not this family. I almost want to cry when I think about the love that I feel is missing from these people, and I feel like I've left my family to come here, and now all I want is to be with them again.  It's a feeling of being deserted by unconditional love and shit on. There's no more doubt in my mind that I am a starseed. And this feeling of something to give, this is my mission. I've been getting a lot of 5 sequences and this fallout with my family is the beginning of my authentic purpose. I'm not sure why I'm writing this right now, I guess to vent. I feel so annoyed by this world, I'm so tired of it. The way people create there own misery and don't even see it makes me so sick to my stomach. I am so ready. Strap up my niggas it's past due time.

I think something's going on with me.

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Wow, yesterday everything changed I'm getting used to it. I had spent two nights with my mom's side's grandma, and did a lot of figuring out. When I got home I went and chilled at my uncles house. I didn't want to drink for some reason , lately I've not been able to swallow things idk my body doesn't want all that nast. I lost a lot of weight and didn't wanna eat , and I guess I don't like alcohol anymore either. I smoked straight crazy though and I realized I had been put in the Perfect place to sungaze, and while I did I felt strange, I have been feeling mean for a while and just had two wild dreams at my grandmas where i would crash or get shot. I closed my eyes and wanted more than anything just to send the whole world the love I was feeling, so I visualized earth, and held it in my hands, but then I started imagining a New Earth and I wasn't even controlling what I was seeing I realized I create really with just my natural flow, it's hard to explain idk. Then the earth kept getting smaller and I noticedthat it was actually shooting up very fast and so was I inside my mind's eye.. Then I got to something and I forget what I imagined but it was amazing. I started feeling everything so much differently, like everything I see was just the pure beauty of itself. colors and sounds and twice I had a ringing in my left ear that night. THEN later I felt my right shoulder drop and now my arms are way more comfortable idk i can do more. I just felt unexplainable.  I still do but now I'm mostly exhausted even though I went to sleep fairly early. I'm going to keep sungazing. Peace <3

And if this helps anyone out there, I found something that helps me find peace. I've worried about being wrong, and what if I'm doing the opposite of what God wants. And I just remember that God loves us, and he Wills to happen whatever will. 

Breakthroughs a' happenin!

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A lot of things have been coming together for me. Thanks to a recent post I finally realized how to just stop your mind and use your heart. It all came to me like I was hit in the head, my heart felt like a big crystal covered in static electrics on speed. When I centered and let it come to me I realized who I really am is the simplest version of everything I'm about, peace. I am supposed to help organize some type of council or sect of govt that has to do with keeping truth and harmony with the light and keeping it all smooth to prevent screw ups. The name Peacekeepers of Light came to me, sounds neat. I've never felt more compelled to do anything ever ha it's amazing. I hope more people start realizing their mission. Maybe it has to do with my job back home. Who knows. I decided that I've done enough figuring out for now <3 Good luck brothers and sisters. One love.

Appalachian Mountains

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You know, I love our mountains here. I was just sitting on the porch looking at them and thinking. The Appalachian Mountains used to be HUGE, they are the oldest in the U.S. Now they're small, rounded, and honestly you can barely even call them mountains. But if they were tall and pointy they couldn't be 100% covered with green and animals. 

It taught me quite a few lessons.. 
One being that stepping down and having humility can make for a much more
resourceful self.
It taught me to see the beauty in what-is-from-what-was..to see the bright side of
Another teaching is how little we notice how beneficial we are in comparison to

But the teaching that I am most greatful for is how to learn, how to observe,
and that there are infinite learnings in any given circumstance. That knowledge
expands upon itself (much like our universe). And thank you Mountains for helping
me realize the key to unlocking sacred knowledge.

Working hard :P

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I finally know what I'm going to contribute. It came to me lastnight. It has to do with pshycological disorders being linked to Femine/Masculine energies. Earlier that day I had written them all down from a post I saw, then it came in handy :P I'm not sure if it's been covered before but I feel like I have a lot to give to the idea. Wish me luck <3

Love and REspect and Honor and Blessings 

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