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How do you affect people with your Name?

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What does our voice tell other about how we want to be treated? The invisible truth is – the way people treat us is affected by subconscious vibes that we send out. Unconsciously they are affected by our unconscious messages. A good portion of relationships occurs below our conscious minds.

People react to the subtle energy we send out...that we are not aware of. However, we can increase our consciousness, by focusing on our thinking and feelings as we interact with people. Focus on tiny feelings that you may not even be able to put into words. What you think and feel will carry on your words.

Our voice is a bridge to others. We subconsciously and habitually tell people how we want to be treated as quickly as we introduce ourselves. What voice do we use, when we say our name? Let say our name several times and feel how it sounds. These questions will help analyze our subtle messages to others:

· Do we love our name as it comes out of our mouth? Do you even like your name? Can you say your name as if it is the most special sound in the world?

· What are we feeling? Proud? Insecure? Suspicious? These feelings are part of our messages. They are not hidden.

· What is the speed volume, pitch, EQ of our name? Try saying your name and changing each one of these items. Which ones sound the best?

· What is our posture, which affects our voice?

· Where does our name vibrate in our body? Our head? Our gut? Our nose? Try saying your name and think of a different area of your body and watch your voice change?

· Do we change the pitch at the end of our name? Does it go up or down?

· Do we say our name like a question, expressing uncertainty about
who we are and what we want? 

· Do we swallow our breath?  Do we say our name in the front or the back of our mouth? Do we want to reach out to them or hope they come chasing after us?

Sounds Within

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                                 Sounds Within

We have the greatest stream of information – reflecting our subconscious mind - surrounding us.  Our truth is hiding from us – in plain sight! 

A crystal breaks out light into component pitches (wavelengths)… and software breaks out your voice into component pitches.  We see our emotions, thoughts and health reflected in the sounds of our voice – because each of those components is has a unique vibration.  Our voice is our vibrational fingerprint.


By reversing our voice at certain speeds, David Oakes has shown that our voice contains hidden words.  This is replicable and everyone’s voice contains words when reversed.  Our subconscious, perhaps a mirror person hidden inside of ourselves, speaks out.  When we lie, it speaks truth. Perhaps that is why our intuition prickles when someone misleads us… our subconscious hears the hidden message.  Somewhere in our being we hear the two messages –forward and reverse.  When Jesus refers to liars as having a forked tongue, perhaps it reflects to the two voices of information contained in a voice?


The real intrigue comes in when you consider how much information you hide from yourself.  How many times you believe you are telling the truth, but your subconscious mind tells a different story.  Many great people point out how difficult it is to know yourself, because you don’t know what is hidden.


Healing through Different Dimensions!

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Dimensions – this word implies intellectual stuff that people are far from understanding, but surprising there is much we already know about the crazy idea of dimensions. For starters, a dot belongs to the first dimension, whereas a line links to the realm of two dimensions. Width, heath and length link to the third dimension. We add the energy of time and whala! We have another dimension. And seriously, would we really think that with all the possibilities that there are no other dimensions??? Even science has shown mathematically the existence of theoretical dimensions. So what do we know? The dot is a small part of a line. Let’s use the lines to draw designs for a paper house that we construct that has width, height and depth. If we were the dot, we would make decisions on the information contained with the dot. If we were the line, we would make decisions based on the “line information,” and so on. But notice that more energy is contained in higher dimensions. In ancient times medicine men and mages used meditative techniques and brain entrainment processes to allow their minds and emotions to go to other dimensions, and retrieve information. Back to our example: surely the dot consciousness would benefit by knowing all of the information that the line knows – the line holding potentially infinite dots. Likewise throughout the ages man has gone to higher dimensions to retrieve information to make a “bigger picture” decision. Perhaps our future selves reside in another dimension or other selves live in a parallel dimension or a higher dimension. Today, perhaps we could go to a meditative theta brain wave state and ask to see ourselves after we have solved a problem or accomplished a big task we are just beginning now (energy follows intent – think of Schrodinger’s Cat Experiment in psychics). We could use this not only retrieve information, but energy and answers to current problems. Energy flows both ways.

This is Music on your Brain

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This Music on your Brain

Music as entertainment is the tip of the iceberg. Music is a hidden giant with far ranging impacts on our health and learning. It is easily accessible and inexpensive! What is wrong with this solution? Why it is not used more?

Music stimulates regions of the brain responsible for memory, language and motor control. That is scientific fact. It should be a staple in schools, rehabs and hospitals. It was required in ancient Egypt and Greece for its benefits on learning and behavior. Music has been used to clear negative emotions and stimulate virtues – in ancient and modern times.

Researchers investigated the effect of music on brain neurotrophin production, which is associated with the swell being of neurons. Young adult mice exposed to music with a slow rhythm for 21 consecutive days were tested in passive avoidance learning (how quickly they could avoid negative stimuli). The music-exposed mice showed increased neurotrophins in the brain and significantly improved their learning performance. The researchers concluded that music helps several central nervous system problems.

Studies are popping up all the time showing abounding with positive impacts of music. Music can replicate the effects of hormone replacement therapy in the prevention of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia, according to research published in Medical Hypotheses. Their study added that music also was helpful with neuropsychiatric disorders. From helping seniors to emotional issues, music is a free, accessible and easy tool to use.

Researchers observed that bird singing (with the Zebra Finch) doubles the numbers of its neurons.  In other studies singing improved the plasticity of nerves in birds – the more they sang, they healthier they got!

Prenatal Babies, Infants and Music

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Prenatal Babies, Infants and Music


“What is the human body, but a constellation of the same powers that formed the stars in the sky.” Paracelsus – ancient Greek philosopher

Ancient and modern wisdom suggests that music listened to by a prenatal baby is influential in the positive development of the child. 

A little smattering of research on the impact of music on babies is listed below:

  • "Mozart and Vivaldi cause fetus' heart rates to stabilize, whereas rock music drove fetuses to distraction and they kicked violently."  Thomas Verny
  • Music learning begins in utero. Peter Hepper of Queens University in Belfast found that 2 weeks before birth fetuses recognize differences in songs/sounds.
  • Dr. Tomatis from France used the sound of the mother's voice that a person heard in utero to reprogram, ground and comfort people.
  • Mothers sing better when their infant is present - 1999 study by Laura Lee and William Thompson, York University at Toronto.
  • Sandra Trehub of University of Toronto found that babies as young as 6 months prefer consonance to dissonance.
  • Various experiments have shown that plants exposed to classical music all day, thrive and grow well. On the other hand, plants exposed to heavy metal music all day shriveled up. Heavy metal music had a very definite negative impact on plants. Although this doesn't mean that it will have the same negative effect on your baby, heavy metal music is not soothing, either for the mother or for the baby, and as such, it will certainly have no positive impact on your child. 

Sounds interact with us on all levels. Of course they interact with a growing baby, within the mother's womb. What the mother listens to makes a difference!

The Stars Influence - Body, Emotions, and Thoughts!

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The planets in motion create waves, and they influence us! This is indisputable science! The waves are below our hearing range, but are recorded from satellites. These waves correspond to the waves of our body, mind and emotions, and transfer energies through octave resonance - pushing and pulling us. Many would call this vibratory influence astrology!

Numerous scientists have confirmed the presence of this energy that comes to Earth from the stars.

In the 1600's scientist Johannes Kepler sought evidence for harmony in the universe, as described by Pythagoras and others. Kepler found the movement of planets created a scale that was linked to simple, whole numeric ratios. In his book, The Five Books on Musical Harmony, Kepler calculated the angles of the planets (as measured from the sun) from their extreme positions in elliptical orbits during a twenty-four hour period. A system of simple intervals emerged, sixteen in all, (two exceptions) that are beautiful, musical intervals with whole number ratios. This is just like a musical sale. He offers this as proof of harmonic laws in the cosmos.

If we take Kepler's diatonic musical scale down enough octaves, these waves correspond to the brain wave patterns of alpha, beta, theta, and delta. Think about that. The movements of the planets create frequencies and our brain waves emulate that wave pattern. Isn't that astounding? 

Four hundred years after Kepler, a pair of Americans detected a form of music from the heavens. "In 1993 Hulse and Taylor landed the Nobel Prize for discovering binary pulses - stars which send out electromagnetic waves in pulses. The most sensitive equipment located in one of the world's highest places, high on a mountain top in Arecibo, Puerto Rico picks up evidence of their existence through radio waves". 

The Stars Influence - Body, Emotions, and Thoughts!

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The planets in motion create waves, and they influence us! This is indisputable science! The waves are below our hearing range, but are recorded from satellites. These waves correspond to the waves of our body, mind and emotions, and transfer energies through octave resonance - pushing and pulling us. Many would call this vibratory influence astrology!

Numerous scientists have confirmed the presence of this energy that comes to Earth from the stars.

In the 1600's scientist Johannes Kepler sought evidence for harmony in the universe, as described by Pythagoras and others. Kepler found the movement of planets created a scale that was linked to simple, whole numeric ratios. In his book, The Five Books on Musical Harmony, Kepler calculated the angles of the planets (as measured from the sun) from their extreme positions in elliptical orbits during a twenty-four hour period. A system of simple intervals emerged, sixteen in all, (two exceptions) that are beautiful, musical intervals with whole number ratios. This is just like a musical sale. He offers this as proof of harmonic laws in the cosmos.

If we take Kepler's diatonic musical scale down enough octaves, these waves correspond to the brain wave patterns of alpha, beta, theta, and delta. Think about that. The movements of the planets create frequencies and our brain waves emulate that wave pattern. Isn't that astounding? 

Four hundred years after Kepler, a pair of Americans detected a form of music from the heavens. "In 1993 Hulse and Taylor landed the Nobel Prize for discovering binary pulses - stars which send out electromagnetic waves in pulses. The most sensitive equipment located in one of the world's highest places, high on a mountain top in Arecibo, Puerto Rico picks up evidence of their existence through radio waves". 

You are What you Listen to

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Music makes you feel –it interacts with your emotions. Everyone has snapped their fingers to a lively beat, and relaxed to the soothing sound of the ocean. Sound waves interact with our emotions, which are actually energy. Sound waves don’t isolate our emotions and ignore all the rest of the waves in our bodies. Sound waves interact with all of the waves in close proximity. That is simply science!


Sound waves interact with your brain waves, physical body and the environment. This opens up a whole new way of looking at our world. It is already proven that sound can entrain our brain waves, going to alpha, beta, theta and delta. How significant is this?. At certain brainwaves, our bodies produce healthy chemicals and repair our bodies. At other brain waves, one can quit smoking with greater ease. In short, controlling a population’s brain waves shapes their behavior.


We are vulnerable, if sound is used to control us without our knowledge, as it allows us to be puppets. Sound can also be used as a weapon and can slowly make a person sick. Sound can help or harm us. We must be aware of the power of sound = for our own good.


Who Started the Rumor that Music was Mere Entertainment???

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In ancient times wise sages knew how sound transformed us slowly but surely at every level, body, mind, emotions and spirit. They carefully selected a vibrational influence to be surrounded with, whereas today we deem music mere entertainment. Whoever started this rumor meant to harm and disempower the human species. With this idea, we are oblivious to the forces of sound – changing us in ways that we may not want. Without knowledge of the power of sound – we are sitting ducks to be controlled for someone else’s selfish benefit. Not to mention, that sound and music, if carefully chosen, can bless on multidimensional ways!


Here are a few quotes through the ages, reflecting their ideas about the power of sound:

* Origin described hearing as a "readiness of the soul towards God". 

* "True inner hearing has not been perfected until one can hear the sounds in a seed, in a leaf...When one unites with the 'archetone', giving life to all forms, he unites with the cosmic music of the universe. Finally, one unites with the tone of his own direct star from whence he came".

* "It is not a fairy tale that the saints used to speak with the trees and plants. You can speak with them today if you are in
communication. Man has the same privilege today, if he realizes that he is privileged". 

* "Upon the wings of sound, the way of higher evolution is traveled".

* "At first only the light works, but when one goes deeper into creation there is sound. When one is face to face with spirit, what
is first expressed is the light or what one first responds to is light; and what one responds to next, and what touches one deeper,
is sound".


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