The Stars Influence - Body, Emotions, and Thoughts!'s picture

The planets in motion create waves, and they influence us! This is indisputable science! The waves are below our hearing range, but are recorded from satellites. These waves correspond to the waves of our body, mind and emotions, and transfer energies through octave resonance - pushing and pulling us. Many would call this vibratory influence astrology!

Numerous scientists have confirmed the presence of this energy that comes to Earth from the stars.

In the 1600's scientist Johannes Kepler sought evidence for harmony in the universe, as described by Pythagoras and others. Kepler found the movement of planets created a scale that was linked to simple, whole numeric ratios. In his book, The Five Books on Musical Harmony, Kepler calculated the angles of the planets (as measured from the sun) from their extreme positions in elliptical orbits during a twenty-four hour period. A system of simple intervals emerged, sixteen in all, (two exceptions) that are beautiful, musical intervals with whole number ratios. This is just like a musical sale. He offers this as proof of harmonic laws in the cosmos.

If we take Kepler's diatonic musical scale down enough octaves, these waves correspond to the brain wave patterns of alpha, beta, theta, and delta. Think about that. The movements of the planets create frequencies and our brain waves emulate that wave pattern. Isn't that astounding? 

Four hundred years after Kepler, a pair of Americans detected a form of music from the heavens. "In 1993 Hulse and Taylor landed the Nobel Prize for discovering binary pulses - stars which send out electromagnetic waves in pulses. The most sensitive equipment located in one of the world's highest places, high on a mountain top in Arecibo, Puerto Rico picks up evidence of their existence through radio waves". 

Dr. Becker, physician author and researcher, describes cosmic magnetic influences on life. "The strength of the Earth's magnetic field averages about half a gauss and worse yet, its daily charge is less than 0.1 gauss. Compared to a magnet that holds a refrigerator door closed, this is peanuts, indeed….but living organisms have the ability to somehow sense these minute daily cycles in the earth's magnetic field and to use them to time their biological cycles".  

Dr. Becker continues, "Wwe know that living things have the capacity of detecting and obtaining information from such low-strength fields as the steady geomagnetic field and its cyclic fluctuations".  Dr. Becker believes that this is how animals differentiate between north and south for migrations and other purposes. Humans also have the capacity to detect tiny low-strength fields, such as those coming from the stars.  Similarly, astrologers profess that our subtle energy systems are influenced by electromagnetic energy that originates in space.

How long has astrology been cast aside as silly and woo woo. Yet pieces of information are beginning to confirm that the subtle waves from space intermingle with us on the level of body, mind and emotions. We are not separate from the heavens, but a part of the cosmic symphony!

Jill, a four time author/soundhealing expert, uses Sound Healing techniques with original music. Free soundhealing mp3s at bottom of home page: Special frequencies expand our consciousness; musical intervals, rhythms and harmonics may be directed to produce special effects!

#1 free mp3 (Paint your Soul) contains soul soothing music & the Fibonacci numbers, vibrational patterns that God used in creating our world, transposed into tones.  Also embedded arethe Solfeggio tones to enhance spiritual enlightenment. #2 free mp3 - (Star Dust CD) - contains heavenly music with the sounds of the planets and trace elements of stars! #3 free mp3 - Listen to the literal sounds of beautiful flower energy, embedded in the Healing Flower Symphonies.
