The manuscript of survival – part 348 . August 27, 2013
As you have already become aware of, the upheavals are continuing for many of you, while for others, you seem to have entered smoother waters already. Again, never forget to listen to your own inner voice before you do that of other’s, and never compare your journey to others lest you should think yours is not on the rails as it were. In other words, although these times are indeed intense, they will be perceived very differently for you all, and even if you will find someone that can report circumstances that resonates with what you are experiencing, there is no need to worry even if you do find yourself without equals.
For you are ALL equals, whether you face your deepest challenges either mentally or physically at the moment, or whether you find yourself sailing along in blissful waters. No one is more nor less than the others, and as we have touched upon earlier, it is indeed imperative that you do not loose the focus on your journey by looking too much over the shoulders of another. This does not mean that you must discontinue to connect, far from it, but again, do not measure your journey with another’s measuring stick. For you are all connected, but you all sing to your own tune, and even if you together make up a beautiful and magnificent choir, your voice in this is equal to no one else’s.