's blog

The manuscript of survival -- Part 351 . 07:09:2013's picture


The manuscript of survival – part 351

As you have been made more than aware of lately, the winds of change have not abated, and neither are they about to. We hear groans of agony from many of you, but let us just assure you that in this, you will find encouragement and support, not destruction and chaos. For as you have all chosen your destiny a long time ago by opening up for these energetic emissions early on, you will find that these winds will literally fill your sails and give you better momentum towards your destination. In other words, what for some will be construed as a devastating blow to their illusion, will for you become a mighty push in the back.

SaLuSa 06:09:2013's picture




SaLuSa 6.9.2013


Once we will start to arrive into your reality, all doubts that you still might have had, will vanish into oblivion. We know you are working very hard to align with the “new” way of thinking and after what seemed to be a very long time period, you can now see and feel the change within your thoughts. They are more gentle, more positive, more loving and giving you wonderful feeling of happiness and satisfaction that you have finally made it through the confusion, that this change have brought with itself. Feel the joy for every beautiful thought that comes to your mind, and when for some reason unloving or lower energy thought enters your mind, do not forget to accept it and let it go, as they simply need to leave you because there is no place for them when all thoughts are coming from your loving heart, straight into your brain. These days many of you feel that “a lot is happening in their heads” and we want to assure you that we and your Guides and your Angels are carefully watching over this process and gently moving you to your desired change. Speed of these changes always depends on your wish, and therefore accept that not everyone awakened feels the same at this moment. Do feel comfort in knowing that all is happening at that one and only right moment and giving you the most fulfilling experience of it.


The manuscript of survival - part 350 . 05:09:2013's picture








The manuscript of survival – part 350


As you have already seen, the waves of energy that washed in on you all during this last gathering have indeed churned up quite a lot. And not all of it can be construed as negative, as we gather many of you have faced your own strength through any challenges that this light might have tossed into your lap. For remember, whatever the light pushes up to the surface is done for one reason only, and that is to make you see your own strength by being put face to face to whatever lurks within. And when we say lurk, we do not mean as in a sinister sense, rather as a description of the energetic imprints that may still linger within that will only serve to hold you back in some ways if they are not rooted out of your system for good. So in this, know that all is well even if you have felt the forces of these winds blow more than a little hard lately, for they are serving you in the best way possible, namely to remove any hindrance that stands in the way between you and your true core.


Message from Matthew -- September 2, 2013's picture

Message from Matthew



September 2, 2013






With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Previously we have stated that Earth is within the energy level that brings forth positive and negative extremes in individuals’ behavior. Along the way to this point in the ascension journey, global restlessness has been increasing as people were responding to a growing sense of urgency to act upon their thoughts and feelings.


That was the motivation behind what you call Arab spring, and it is what has put Syria’s civil war on the world center stage. That our brothers and sisters in that country are annihilating each other is profoundly sad to us, as it is to you—no one is unmoved by the carnage and the plight of the refugee millions. This humanitarian situation of dire proportions has created the great dilemma: Do other nations have a moral obligation to intervene? Would doing so escalate the fighting into an international war?



Governments with the power to step in militarily are viewing involvement from those perspectives as well as awareness that their own internal situations need tending and their citizens are war-weary. Those leaders don’t know that their restraint in taking action goes beyond those considerations or that the fighting in Syria goes beyond what is apparent—everyone in your world is being influenced by the flow of energy.


SaLuSa 03:08:2013's picture



SaLuSa 03.09.2013


Do you see now how powerful you are? Those who wished that you stay in lower vibrations of fear and hate have no more energy to feed from, and it can be clearly seen in current most spoken about conflict on your world. You have shown your intentions so strongly, that there is no possibility of starting a war at no place on Earth. Your old Leaders understand what is happening and the new Ones simply not engaging in such interests, as they want to bring that desired permanent Peace on your planet which so many of you now understand is the only way to move on, away from the old as it is useless and rapidly falling apart. Dear Ones, these are the inside changes that are being seen on the outside and cannot be overlooked, as this is how you can manifest everything in your lives. Do focus on the new as you are now in the middle of the ocean of changes, and you need to prepare your ship to joyously arrive at your destined port. Take out everything you feel is too heavy or is slowing you down and see how wonderfully you can flow and navigate in these immense waves, and do not forget to use the energy that these waves are carrying as they can take you home even faster. Do see yourself as part of this ocean and feel that wonderful connection to All That Is.

A short update on energies's picture


A short update on the energies


Rejoice dear friends, for you have once again managed to download such a vast amount of beneficial energy through your joint efforts, and again we say a resounding thank you on behalf of All of Creation. We know that for some of you, yesterday’s event may have felt as a non-event, but believe us when we say that this was indeed a resounding success on all levels. It was not without its challenges for some of you, for as usual, the light never comes empty handed. In other words, the tasks that came embedded within these messengers of light was quite an armful, and for some, a rather taxing one also. Just know that you will all benefit from this huge influx of light, and so will the rest of this planet. Let us leave it at that for now, and instead give you all some much needed time to literally digest what has transpired between you and the other realms that still seem to remain very much hidden from you. But do not forget, you are all frequent visitors here even if you do not have any clear recollection of it, and as such, it was an excellent occasion to get t


A short update on energies's picture





A short update on the energies


Rejoice dear friends, for you have once again managed to download such a vast amount of beneficial energy through your joint efforts, and again we say a resounding thank you on behalf of All of Creation. We know that for some of you, yesterday’s event may have felt as a non-event, but believe us when we say that this was indeed a resounding success on all levels. It was not without its challenges for some of you, for as usual, the light never comes empty handed. In other words, the tasks that came embedded within these messengers of light was quite an armful, and for some, a rather taxing one also. Just know that you will all benefit from this huge influx of light, and so will the rest of this planet. Let us leave it at that for now, and instead give you all some much needed time to literally digest what has transpired between you and the other realms that still seem to remain very much hidden from you. But do not forget, you are all frequent visitors here even if you do not have any clear recollection of it, and as such, it was an excellent occasion to get to thank you all as you popped in for a short visit during your meditation. Thank you, that will be all for now, we leave.



Channel: Aisha North





Channel: Aisha North

Welcome to the fifth Gathering around the Pond, Sunday September 1 by Aisha North's picture






Welcome to the fifth Gathering around the Pond, Sunday September 1 by Aisha North



Dear friends!


Tomorrow is the start of another month, and it is also time for our fifth Gathering around the Pond. It is safe to say that August has been another eventful month on so many levels, but to me, as we exit it, it feels like something has shifted during this last week, and the energies although still intense, are ”lighter”. It will be very interesting to see what this new month has to offer us, both on a personal and a on global level. And tomorrow, at 21:00 Oslo time, we get another chance to connect, and to welcome in this new month and some new energies. Here is what the CCs have to say about this:



The Manuscript of Survival -- Part 349 . 29:08:2013's picture


The manuscript of survival – part 349


You have become weary now, dear friends, and rightly so, as this massive operation that has been going on has also involved you in so many ways. Not directly, but more in the energetic sense, and the fallout from all of this has been very apparent to you all. You see, you have been working so hard to anchor these new energies through your own phsyical bodies, and even if this will not be news to any of you, the amount you have managed to transport as it were is simply astounding. For not only have you been sitting in your own personal forcefield of light, you have also been connected closely with so many others out here, and together you have brought a huge load of transformational light to this blessed abode. For this is a blessed place dear ones, even if you on all sides may see signs that it can be likened more to a hellish place. But know that these are merely scarrings on the surface of this beautiful planet of yours, and now, thanks to all of your hard work, the beauty you perceive within will start to come further and further out.


The Manuscript of Survival -- Part 348 . 27:08:2013's picture






The manuscript of survival – part 348 . August 27, 2013

As you have already become aware of, the upheavals are continuing for many of you, while for others, you seem to have entered smoother waters already. Again, never forget to listen to your own inner voice before you do that of other’s, and never compare your journey to others lest you should think yours is not on the rails as it were. In other words, although these times are indeed intense, they will be perceived very differently for you all, and even if you will find someone that can report circumstances that resonates with what you are experiencing, there is no need to worry even if you do find yourself without equals.



For you are ALL equals, whether you face your deepest challenges either mentally or physically at the moment, or whether you find yourself sailing along in blissful waters. No one is more nor less than the others, and as we have touched upon earlier, it is indeed imperative that you do not loose the focus on your journey by looking too much over the shoulders of another. This does not mean that you must discontinue to connect, far from it, but again, do not measure your journey with another’s measuring stick. For you are all connected, but you all sing to your own tune, and even if you together make up a beautiful and magnificent choir, your voice in this is equal to no one else’s.




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