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SaLuSa 27:08:2013 Love can Be felt and Seen Everywhere's picture

SaLuSa 27.08.2013


Love can be felt and be seen everywhere around you, take it inside and let it move through you and sweep away the last fragments of the old, that you know have no power over you and cannot help you anymore. We know you understand our messages, because they are sent with our love and energy within and they are helping you with your transformation. They are not just words, as words cannot fully express our desired meaning and information that we want to share with you. Therefore with every message that you read, focus also on energy that it is carrying and you will be able to understand more and “read between the lines”. It is possible for you now to understand also that what is not written in words as your higher vibrations are allowing you to sense and feel so much more than ever before. This is how we live and communicate with each other, feeling the energies that surround us and that is what you are ready to practice, as for very long time you were not used to feel and sense others and only focusing on surviving. Now it is almost impossible not to feel as your mind and bodies changed so much, that only those who wish to stay within lower vibrations deny this fact, but also for them will come that moment when they decide to move forward and back home.


The Manuscript of Survival -- Part 347 . 25:08:2013's picture


The manuscript of survival – part 347 . August 25, 2013

As you are well aware of by now, nothing has been left to chance in this operation, and as such, the pressure you feel is nothing to be worried about. As we told you beforehand, be aware of any sort of outbursts now that the assimilation of heightened energy will be perceived as difficult for so many. And as they seem to be unable to take it all in as they say, the pressure valves will burst and the steam will find its way out in one way or the other, hence the sudden eruptions spewing forth from so many now.

Nurturing our Gardens by Aisha North's picture



Nurturing our gardens


Dear friends!


Last night I had a powerful vision. I woke up feeling very unsettled by a dream, and so I started to visualize how I was breathing in the light, and soon I felt like this glowing lightbulb. I felt the urge to connect to the Pond, and I saw myself approaching the shore. It was night, everything was dark and quiet, but the water was nice and warm when I entered it. I suddenly saw how the light inside of me started to light up the water from underneath, so this dark, still body of water started to glow under the surface. I looked around, and on all sides I could see lights approaching. It looked like fireflies coming through the forest, but I quickly realized it was all of you approaching the Pond. One by one, you entered the water, and as each and every one of you were also glowing, the water got more and more illuminated. And soon, it was as if we were swimming in liquid light under the dark night sky. It was so beautiful, and I felt so blissful I was smiling in my bed.


Ashtar Speaks: "Your Progress and what to expect" – August 26, 2013's picture




Ashtar Speaks: "Your Progress and what to expect" – August 26, 2013



With your date of August 25, you have crossed another important milestone. You have successfully absorbed, integrated and transmitted the energies into yourselves and Gaia. Congratulations!


Many of you are not aware of the importance of the afore-mentioned date. It is the most important marker in your Nine Month Period of Grace which we have talked about.


We tell you joyfully that you are in total compliance with the Divine timetable.


Please be patient before you go inside and try to notice the changes resulting from the energies of August 25. You will need some time until you are able to discover the transformation which took place inside of you. Please be patient and don't be too strict with yourselves.


The Manuscript of Survival -- Part 346 . 21:08:2013's picture





The manuscript of survival – part 346 . August 21, 2013

As you have all been made aware of by now, much is going on behind the scenes that few of you have any detailed knowledge of. We know that this is enough to set many’s teeth on edge, but let us just say that all is in good hands, and the reason for this imposed silence as it were is simply this: you will not be exposed to anything that might be detrimental to you in any way, and that does include some of the information that is currently flashing by you at warp speed. This will sound ominous, but this is in fact merely a precaution on our side. You see, you are still under the deep influence of your human side, and as such, much of what is actually going on now might be hard to perceive, much less in a positive way, by you all.

SaLuSa 20:08:2013's picture





SaLuSa 20.08.2013




We are aware of your feelings and great expectations of the future that lies ahead. The time has come for you to step into self power and make it all happen. Focus on knowing that you became much more powerful with the immense Love and Light you have accepted into your beings and feel if you are ready for another great leap forward. Do ask yourself this question, as it might give you more information than you expect. Do it when you have enough quiet time and when not tired and you will know what you need to work on if the answer would be no. Those of you who are ready will feel such a bliss in knowing that they are prepared that it will move them even closer to the realm of constant peacefulness of mind and know that this is the entering gate into the long awaited higher consciousness level with all these wonderful desired possibilities that are coming into manifestation. Always trust your inner self and accept what your Higher Self is telling you and you will realize that your reality is changing, it might be very sudden realization or it might come in series of wonderful revelations that will show you who you truly are. Welcome it and embrace these own truths and join the Oneness of all and share those blissful feelings wherever you go.



The Manuscript of Survival -- Part 345 . 19:08:2013's picture




The manuscript of survival – part 345 . August 19, 2013


You are being battered and bruised by these life-changing energies now, and although they are indeed working their magic on you, it can be easy to misconstrue them for something else. So again let us repeat the message that you are all well looked after, and we will not let anything go amiss. However, there are forces out and about less concerned about your wellfare, and more concerned about their survival on these shores. We are not saying this in order to raise the alarms in any way, just to remind you that there are a lot of interest out there in getting you to lose your equilibrium. For as we have oft mentioned these last few days, the imbalance you all perceive can easily be looked upon as something negative. It is not, or rather, this imbalance is only negative for all those still set on keeping the old ways. Whereas you and everyone else who have set their sights on the light a long time ago, you are all well served by this imbalance.


VERY IMPORTANT -- Ashtar Speaks: "The Energies in September and First Contact" – August 19, 2013's picture



Ashtar Speaks: "The Energies in September and First Contact" – August 19, 2013


We have informed you that September is an important marker in your development. We have pointed to the increase in consciousness and the leap that you will experience like never before.

This leap and rise in consciousness is a process like everything else in your life. The rhythm of this process is always the same: The energies rise, come in and you assimilate them. It takes some time however until you notice the outcome of this process.

Therefore, give yourselves some time before you make the pre-post comparison. Your bodies need a while to process such heightened amount of energies. It is not the case that you notice the energies at a certain time in your bodies and then you wake up fully transformed to a New You. This would be too "hard to digest" for your bodies.

The Manuscript of Survival -- Part 344 . 17:08:2013's picture



The manuscript of survival – part 344 . 17:08:2013



As usual, the heightened activity will bring with it heightened dissonance in many of you. In other words, your bodies will feel even less at ease than normal, and your mind night be racing along with it, trying to give its discordant voice to the choir as well. So this will be a time of much disturbance for many of you, both on the inside, but also on the outside, as you will find this heightened feeling of unease seeping out from many of your fellow men. For your world is seemingly very much off balance now, as the old forces are desperately trying to regain the foothold they have lost. But to no avail, we hasten to add, although this will not stop them from trying to put on a spectacular show in order to try to convince you and even themselves that they are more than mere remnants of their former glory. But again, they will fail in this, but not before they might convince some less enlightened minds that they are still under the influence of the same old powers that they have been for eons.


The Manuscript of Survival -- Part 343 . 15:08:2013's picture


The manuscript of survival – part 343


The anxiety will heighten in many ways as the time for the unveiling approaches. We know many think that this will be like a scene from one of those Hollywood blockbusters, but what we refer to, resembles nothing of the sort. Again, the human perception is a very limited one, and when you are asked to picture something in your mind, you invariably come up with an image that resembles something you have seen before. Well, in this case, we guarantee you that you have never ”seen” anything like it, and when we put it like this, it is indeed to signify that what we refer to may not be something you will witness with your eyesight like you perhaps envisage yourself. No, this is not a piece on the nine o’clock news or to be splashed across the screens or in your newspapers, this is something of a magnitude and of a nature that has not been experienced by any of you before, hence the impossibility to even start to comprehend it beforehand. But it IS big, we guarantee you that, and it will be an event of a sort that will reverberate far and wide, not only within the limits of your own physical body.



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