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The manuscript of survival - part 318 . June 4, 2013's picture




The manuscript of survival – part 318 – June 4, 2013


As you have already noticed, the passage of the light through your entire body was nothing if not profound, and it has left many of you feeling as if floundering in its wake. Do not fret dear ones, as all of this is only proof positive that you did indeed allow these healing powers from above to touch your inner sanctum, and as such, much will be altered within you all over a very short period of time. But again, as the physical body has been used to perceive change as something to be avoided, it will once again try to hold back and preserve ”business as usual”. But in this case, it will be futile, as now, the most profound wake up call ever has been given to your very core, and as such, every cell in your body will become alert to this call. And so, you will feel yourself affected by the stretching and yawning, and indeed also some rather intense protests, as so much starts to awaken and change within.


Special Message about the second Gathering artound the Pound, by Aisha North.'s picture




Special Message about the second Gathering around the Pound by Aisha North.


Dear friends!


i just got this message from the CCs, and I wanted to share it here, as it ties in with so much of what has been posted here already:


“Yesterday was indeed a resounding success, as you all in some way managed to let go of any inhibitions to accepting this heavenly gift, and so, the light was free to pour into you, and through you and into your lovely planet. You will wake up today feeling mayhaps a little bit bewildered, for where are the results from all of this anointing visible?


Again we know we are repeating ourselves, but the results from all of this will be visible to those who seek it out with their inner vision, but also to some extent to the outer. For you will see how the trickles of light will start to appear on the very surface of your world, and it will do so in the most unexpected of places. For many, this will seem insignificant, or even less so, but trust us when we say that this ball that started to roll in earnest a few months back has now gathered so much momentum and indeed power, there is nothing that can stand in its way ever again.





Updating visuals from the Resistance:
The only hero TV channel continuesly broadcasting from resistance:


Another important issue is: Some dark forces try to show this as Turkish spring, like Arab spring. This is not something as it was in Libya, Bahrein or Egypt. This is 10 years of unrests respond to government. Football clubs killing each other for goals, left parties, right parties, communists, religious people, modern people, every type of citizen helping each other and united against Tayyip Erdogan (president)

Police told using orange gas in some locations too (orange agent: real chemical USA used in Vietnam war)


Welcome to the second Gathering around the Pond, Sunday June 2 by Aisha North.'s picture




Welcome to the second Gathering around the Pond, Sunday June 2



Dear friends!


Last night, I had such a wonderful vision. I saw myself finally opening up my heart by reaching inside my chest, and lifting out my heart. I held it in my hands, and then I released it into the air, and it flew up like a bird. But then, it changed into this beautiful, iridescent blue butterfly, and it soared above me. I opened my chest even more, and I let the light flow into it and fill it completely, all the way into the deepest corners. And from my chest, hundreds of butterflies came flying out, all the same brilliant blue color as the first one. They all flew out into the world, and each one landed on a different person. I saw them landing on each one of you, on my family and on my friends, on strangers, and on my guides and family on the other side of the veil.

The manuscript of survival - part 317 . May 30, 2013's picture



The manuscript of survival – part 317. May 30, 2013


The time has come to take a good look at yourselves, dear ones. Do not be shy, and take into account all that you see. Who are you really? And how have you evolved over these last few months, if not weeks? Do you still feel the same, or do you feel as if everything has been turned upside down? Is the image clear, or is it still somewhat blurred? We see you very clearly dear ones, and we see the splendor of who you truly are, but we also see a lot of unchartered possibilities still lying dormant.


Do not take this as a form of chastisement, just as a reminder that there are still pockets of inaccessible energy within you all, and those pockets are more than ready to burst open at any moment now, and give you that added strength you may feel sorely lacking in your lives at the moment


From Mike Quinsey -- ADAMA by Nancy Tate's picture

Hi Friends,


                  Nancy and Bob have been my close friends for quite a number of years, and I am sure you will find their experience very interesting.


 In Love and Light   Mike Quinsey.



Bob Tells of Our Meeting Adama in

Weed, California, Near Mt Shasta in the Winter of 2012


The four of us involved in this event have all reviewed this write up of what we saw and agree that this write up is what we saw took place.


The manuscript of survival - part 316 . May 28, 2013's picture




The manuscript of survival – part 316 . May 28, 2013



As you have mayhaps noticed, the inner voices can be more than a little insistent at times now, and what they demand of you, can be more than a little daunting to handle. You have set yourselves free in so many ways, but these small hindrances still standing in your way will start to make a lot of noise. And they will do so for a very good reason, as it is indeed imperative that you all clear your channel as it were in order to make yourselves fully able to access the information you so dearly seek. In other words, nothing is allowed to stand between you and Source, and now, the only things doing so are those innermost kept secrets that only serve to fog your vision from clearing up completely. For many, it will be something extremely painful, for these are the things you have kept hidden away in the deepest and darkest recesses of your cupboards. They might be remnants of this life or earlier lives, things you may not even have a clear memory of, but lies there as a festering sore that needs to be cleaned once and for all.

The manuscript of survival - part 315 . May 26, 2013's picture





The manuscript of survival – part 315 . May 26, 2013


The days have become more and more intense in so many ways, as you see the light shining through not only yourself, but also those around you. In addition, the nighttime will also bring much information. And although much of this information is in many ways still hidden from you, it is already having quite a profound effect on you all.


The manuscript of survival - part 314 . May 24, 2013's picture



The manuscript of survival – part 314 . May 24, 2013


The time of change has been a long time coming for you all, but now, it is as if you can feel the breath of fresh air coming at you, even if your physical and mental bodies may feel more than worse for the wear at the moment. Much has indeed changed already, but there are still some pockets of resistance within as you all go through this last uphill towards that final goal you have been seeking for many a lifetime. Remember, you started your quest for this freedom a long, long time ago. It has been a journey that spans more than one lifetime, and even if you have not been aware of it for most of these lifetimes, you have had a yearning for that day almost forever.



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