Blossom: Hello there my friends. What would you choose to speak of today?
The Federation of Light: Warm greetings to you dearest lady and to all of those who chose to read these words. We would like to express our gratitude to you all for taking the time to read that which we have to say. Each one of you shall receive them quite differently … for each one of you are upon your own level of understanding. Therefore the depth unto which your soul and mind will accept that which we say … depends entirely on ‘where you are at’ within your souls disposition.
Blossom: Yes, it is interesting how when one writes in … how they may or may not have perceived the latest channelling.
The manuscript of survival – part 306 - May 3, 2013
As you have mayhaps noticed, the energies coming in can be categorized in different modules, and the reason for this is a very simple one. One of the layers of this huge energetic web is a part of the all-encompassing one that surrounds and connects everything that exists. Not only on this planet, but everywhere. And this infinity grid, if we may call it that, is the energetic part of this weaving together that many of you have experienced already as a river of light. It is in so many ways a very peaceful and golden hued energy, one that will ease you and release much of the energetic stress you have all experienced lately. These weaving strands of this golden bliss is something that will become even more prominent as the day of the Gathering approaches, and we invite you all to take a small sip from it whenever you feel like it.
Dear friends! As some of you may remember, I was told earlier this year that at some point, I was to call for a ”Gathering around the Pond”. In other words, that we were supposed to have a group meditation of some sorts, and that I was to invite everyone here to take part. And now the time has come to set up the first one! I have been guided a little bit about it these last few days, and today I was given this message:
The manuscript of survival – part 303 . April 25, 2013
The tide has turned a long time ago, but still, there are those under the influence of thinking that nothing is happening at all. They kick up the dust, and complain that everything is at a standstill. But is it truly that? We challenge you all to take a good look around you, and we think you will all see traces of this rush of incoming energies on all sides of you. Not only in the heart of those likeminded souls you are gathered together with here in this space, but also further afield. For your world is already starting to move beyond the level of awareness you might have thought was the limit for everyone not as ”open” as you to these new energetic messages. For they are all moving in some way, and even if some of you have a hard time seeing it, still it is happening, each and every day.
The manuscript of survival – part 302 . April 23, 2013
The storm has subsided somewhat now, and the waves have quieted down compared to the much more intense surges many of you experienced only last week. This is all a part of the natural cycle of things, and you have all more or less become rather familiar with how this works by now. And this time, we think you will all feel the need to take some deep, deep breaths and savour the stillness that will follow in their wake, for this time, you have certainly been through the wringer in more ways than one. Let us assure you all that you will have become so much strengthened by this ordeal, for contrary to expectations, these intense energetic upgrades do not leave you totally floored for long now. Rather, you will feel an instantaneous relief when they subside, and not only that, you will also simultaneously feel an urge to literally get up and go. For, as usual during these very intense bouts of adjustments, anything concerning the future, whether it be imminent or more distant, seems almost impossible to even contemplate. But now, as this mental fog seems to have dissipated along with all of the physical symptoms, you will find yourself eager to set things into action.
The manuscript of survival – part 301. April 18, 2013
As you have already ascertained, the waves come and go, and sometimes, it is as if your feet are being knocked out under you. But at other times, you will feel yourself as lifted aloft, and you will feel how the power of the waves surges underneath you, carrying you higher and longer than ever before. For such is the nature of these waves. They are not here to drown you, but to lift you even closer to that oh so elusive goal that you have searched for for such a long time. And what is this goal, we may ask, and we think you have all started to find your true answer to just that. For what on the outset started out for many as a quest for that perfect world, has now turned inwards. For you have all started to see the truth that paradise is not something that comes from the outside, it is indeed something that comes from within. And as soon as you discover this, much will start to fall into place. For then, you can finally start to build your future on the most solid base of them all, namely the one that you always carry with you.
Blossom: Good morning! Well I have certainly found my mind to be in some miserable places lately … yet today FEELS so much better , so I thought it best to pop in for a chat whilst the going's good. Someone asked if we would have integration with you within our life time … (don’t know if they were 75 or 15 … guess that could make a difference) yet you surely get the gist?
The Federation of Light: Welcome to you and your more chirpy persona. We would answer your question with a definite ‘yes’. Over these next few years the changes that you are all to encounter will be widespread and phenomenal. The more the soul merges with the Higher vibrations the more quickly ‘plans’ can come about.