M's blog

You are the leading edge of consciousness!

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We are the leading edge of consciousness, we are steering the great mother ship earth to her successful movement in higher consciousness. We have made a statement…we choose love NOW, not fear, as those who are conscious of the changes begin to move forward we move as one breath, even though we are not always aware of it. We work in our dreamtime and waking time for some to unite our breaths and heart beats first with the earth and then with each other, behold!! All things have become new!
The new heaven and a new earth is what is here NOW.



There is no turning back my beautiful souls! You who have stayed strong and kept your faith and “washed your robes” through the last 7 years of tribulation and accelerated evolution, those of you brave light workers who never forgot home, even through  the darkest nights of the soul, YOU my loves are the cream of the crop as it were and I am honored to serve on mother ship earth with you…I say this with ALL the love that is within me. The world is now being successfully run by the thoughts and feelings of the leading edge of society…YOU!



The rich old farts in three piece suits come to be known as the so-called power that be lol, are no more in control, this is truth, no matter what it may appear to look like on the outside! This is why we must continue to keep our hearts and minds pure…because they count now star seeds…indeed they always have but this time it is a bit more concentrated for you are now the master of your OWN destiny. You are graduating with a masters degree in life, we have played many MANY roles to get here, here we are, and I love you. You are the leading edge…take a bow!

Here comes the Sun little darlins!

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In this now and over the centuries, ignorance has become so pervasive, the hearts of men/women so cold that we were stuck in time, but the rising sun saves the day. Let me explain, In science we are aware that there are three states of matter:

The sacred Heart

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In the cultures of the west that we all find our beingness, we have been taught to be in the brain, constantly! There is a VERY good reason for this and also, what lies within holds the key to your "salvation" as it were. The mind games have been played are played to keep you there-in playing them and moving you further away from yourself. In this world of the mind, all the mind games are being played to distract you in order that you may play this game more deeply and become more hypnotized by its(the game)effects. For within this world of affects you are not the master, that which is creating the game for you ...IS...and that is why you feel powerless to stop the game and get off. However, thankfully some of us have and have now come back to show you how to do it, as well.


Here is how, if you seek to know....THE HEART!


You see the heart IS a brain, really it is THE brain, it is in the orders more powerful, has brain cells within that match the ego's type of logic but takes it to GOD mind status. It does not see division like the brain for it is whole and not divided by separateness such as the corpus collosum.


The healed heart is unconditional love and power....PERIOD! The silly powers that be could only create the game for you because you fell out of your heart. When we fell as a consciousness group, we fell out of the heart and into the primitive brain...we fell out of love with life...this we remember as the fall of man. We are the children...ALL of us regardless of our cultural differences, we are the descendants of the heart=earth and that fall. this is not to say that the brain is bad for it is part of GOD as well, what I'm saying is that it should not be in the lead...that's the hearts job.


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