It does my heart good to see that Master Goodchild has regained her soul song and is carrying on with her mission. She is learning that it is better to expect nothing and all things all at the same time.
I would like to add some clarity as to the project Camelot video interview with Master Wilcock and Master Bill the navy seal( hey that rhymed lol). I 'll reference the video later on, but if you have seen it you may be a little confused, and rightly so. There was a great waging of ego and what not as well as distortion in the presenting of the message with respect to forces within that show that I am sure that you masters picked up on, if not relook at it its worth a replay and use the heart feeling to discern.
The reason why I'm saying this is because it is important, project looking glass was and is a device used by a culture that does not belong to this time space. It operated on a level of consciousness that the people who are trying to extract information out of it do not get. In fact, the greatest joke is that YOU are the real looking glass YOU are what is feared by our dark teachers who have lost all control, for when you are aware and move into your sacred space that technology is already within you.
Like looking glass you have all the probable future time lines moving through your very advanced consciousness/body. You are around 70 percent water and when the time arrives you will begin to use that gift of water within your system in a similar way as the looking Glass. However you will have the adaquate love or life force to use your inner technolog correctly, and it will not have been reached through silly tricks such as the dark are used to...lol.
There is only so far that the looking glass technology can go with the closed heart, but I would like to try and clear up really what that technology means to you the human who is walking around with this technology, to a MUCH greater extent, already hardwired within your beautiful body. Our dark brothers and sisters acted out of powerlessness to try and control us not out of strength as they have tried to play it.
You are the real project looking glass and when you move into your heart space there is a secret within the field of the heart that is so expansive it doesn't just look at the future...it creates it! Masters David and Bill told us before they where cut off by the "interviewer" doing the hosting that there are only going to be two choices or time lines, and our collective will be weighed within those times lines and adjusted for the measure of our collective light, when this measurment is made there will be an adjustment within the body and many probable realities will merge.
Now, the project looking glass was used mainly to try and pinpoint a certain timeline so that the fear of change could be furthur reduced by the so called powers that be. They where wrong, now they are running scared...yet I have great compassion for them for I nyself in many lifetimes played the role of the dark and like ''them' I was blind.
So as we move to our destination, the leading edge of our collective will be weighed and each measurement will increase the collective vibration. Those are when timelines will further merge like the wave in quantum mechanics...as we approach galactic center, the sun will begin to do its dance with the earth and like your body the body of earth will need to adjust. The water within your body is very important to this process just like it was to the looking glass project, because when it begins to light up, the water changes from the ordinary to the extraordinary and then you will become a portal. You will need the strength of compassion and love, because when the time comes you will know that you ARE GOD and there will only be only one choice. LOVE! All other choices will have collapsed, Water is a crystaline 3D representation of love. You are filled with it!
You see, you are and have always been the true technology and the dark gods have delighted in using this as a means of sustanence. But no longer. We the masters have shown up and are taking are places now, this nonsense of the dark will soon cease. It is in its final throes, but it may not appear this way, at first glance. Love yourself, the vibration of worry and self doubt are antithesis to this incrdible program within you so work diligently to rid yourselves of the filth that has accumulated with the bodies system. thank you Galatic Free press for allowing me to express in this way, but you are masters for sure and already know this. Love you ALL.
M newly ascended master!
Link to interview with David and Bill: http://the2012scenario.com/2012/01/project-camelot-interview-bill-wood-q...