Oracle.bird's blog

Twin Souls

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I am here , right beside you, mind, body and soul

We already share a connection, we are twin souls

Our spirits lock in dance, a patten of whats to be

As we come together, truely as one at peace

A world of love and light, a Chalice to embrace


Clear the way of passage, we are ready, its our time

The burdans have lifted, the gate is open wide

We journey onwards, upwards, angels at our sides

A world true of spirit, souls without taint,

Pure of thought, kind of hand,  no shakles of restraint

A glimps of pure divinity, a picture to paint.


Why you can no longer connect in the same way

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A post for Psychics, clairvoyants, mediums, generally all readers who have been feeling blocked, disconnected or as if they are loosing their link to source. The way you use to connect to source could of changed along with your changing vibration and your DNA recoding. Some of you who have been working as readers and messengers might simply need to find a new way of connecting. If you once connected through the third eye or the crown chakra and this is no longer working for you then you may now need to connect with the heart chakra to bring through your messages. It's a time of ascension into love and love within you is where all messages must now come from. As so many people are now waking up, activating their psychic senses, and establishing their connection to guides and spirit families, readers are becoming so common place that the Internet is flooded with them, they are just like hairdressers! Every town has lots of them ;) Anyway my point being that those of you who have for a long time worked as readers and messengers could now be in the process of being activated into your new true roles, as Way Showers, Earth Guides, Direct Channels or Lightbarers so you will find that giving psychic readings now comes second place or even no longer a part of what you do. Always trust what feels right and do not be put off by people who still come from a place of ego and claim loudly to be from a small minority of chosen ones. You are all chosen in your special roles and you all have a very important role to play in the bigger picture. Enjoy the new vibration of light now pouring in and seek what is truly you. It is time for the self, higher self, and soul to be fully engaging with the heart. Love and Blessings Ravenne x

Energy toxins in food.

Oracle.bird's picture

Whilst going through the ascension process, reactivating and rejuvenating our DNA and developing our light bodies we need to be eating well, nutrition and nourishment are vital.
We are burning up a lot of energy and at the same time trying to store some for cushioning and grounding us through this intense process.
At some point we will be able to feed from our light source and will no longer need to consume physical foods in the way we do now. Until that time comes we do need to be health conscious.
It's not just about choosing none GMO, none refined, chemical free, free range and unprocessed foods, although that is vital too, it's also about how we are handling the foods and what energy and mood we are in whilst shopping for groceries, preparing them, cooking them and serving them up.
If you are stressed, anxious, depressed or angry that is the energy you will be putting into the foods you are handling and filling them with toxic negative energy, you are then going to digest these foods and so will anyone you serve them up for.
If you want to enjoy your food and benefit from it in a positive way try blessing it and filling it with light to clear any negative energy, not only whilst preparing your own foods but also when you eat out and have no idea of the energy that has gone into it.

Are you Out of your Mind!

Oracle.bird's picture

The Cogs of the Mind, once they are fully charged up, in operation and going full steam ahead can drive you to distraction, cause stress and anxiety.
Questions questions questions???, solutions, theories, always over thinking, thoughts racing, what's next?, where do I need to be? what should I be doing? what if I do this? what if I don't do that?
It's simply exhausting. I've been there and reached burn out point 2 or 3 times, just because I couldn't control my mind whilst I was working, being mum, wife, home maker and lightworker!
So I came to the realisation that I just had to get out of my Mind!!
Whilst your charged up, your mind cogs are spinning at a rapid rate, and steam could be coming out of your ears but your way to busy in your mind to notice
But Wait, Stop! your not even thinking straight yet alone breathing!
It's true whilst your in your mind your body is on a kind of Auto pilot and doing what it must to keep you functioning. However you are doing just that Functioning and not Living.
If your in your mind, your not really in your body at all, your spirit is floating partially in and out and your ungrounded.
Until you can managed to get out of your mind and fully into your body you will have problem after problem. These problems are because in your mind you are looking ahead, looking behind, looking anywhere to a solution other than in your heart or in the now.
Relax and breath, accept and feel, this is a mantra until you can get out of your mind and into your body.

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