Reiki Doc's blog

Imagery of 'Healers Unite'

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A big part about the Event is that afterwards all of the 'parties' involved in 'healing for profit' are not going to be able to keep holding back important technologies and 'cures' for diseases. It is my understanding that most 'illnesses' are in fact, man-made and created by these 'parties' to 'increase profit' and 'cull the masses'. This travesty will come to an abrupt and timely END.

However, when the Galactics come forth to assist, it is important for all healers, across every discipline, to Unite and be ready to move forward with the very best to heal Humanity. Here is a brief photo essay of what 'Healing Beyond Limits' looks like, feels like, and is going to be the foundation for the medicine of the future.

I will give you a hint--it involves Love and The Healing Energy of the Heart. More at:

Fourth Of July: Join Moms Across America March Against GMO

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'Zen Honeycutt blames the chemicals and genetically modified ingredients in the typical meals served at birthday parties and school cafeterias for Sarah de Crescenzo in a recent article in the Orange County Register. 

This remarkable mother started Moms Across America, and organization that fights for the labeling of all GMO. This is the link to the group:  On their home page, look for the little box to enter your ZIP code and it will locate the Fourth of July Freedom From GMO parade nearest you!


How Reiki Got The Fighting Neighbors To Quit

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Our homes are our sanctuaries. Ever have disruption from the neighbors having a loud fight? One almost ruined my plans for dinner on the balcony that faces their home. Instinctively, I used Reiki, and it worked! Here is more on Energy Work in general that you can use next time this happens where you live:

All Healing Is One: A Tour Of The Operating Room By My Reiki Student

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My student had seen her first ghost, and was anxious to meet. My earliest time free was at the hospital, and she agreed to meet there. By some coincidence, she had a hunch and asked me to look up her records--it was true, I had in fact done anesthesia for her cesarean section. What she remembers most is 'your little body' , 'your energy', and 'seeing your back as you walked out the door'.  She had been very anxious, and despite her RAW vegan ideals was facing a c-section in the middle of the night three years ago to save her baby. It was when she had requested 'no anesthesia' for her c-section that I asked simply, 'How?' and did a therapeutic walk out the door for her to think about it. 

Three years later, she learns Reiki from me, without my realizing what has happened in the past. And yesterday, she got a tour of the O.R. and felt the amazing energy there for the first time. 

It is time for Healers to Unite. To go over all options and take the very best for the benefit of humanity. It is time for the Galactics to add their technology too. I look forward to one day where, like her, I will be given a tour of a Galactic Healing Center and allowed to see what wonders exist at 'their work' too.

Read more at:

Reiki At The Grocery Store

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Ascension is happening all around us, imperceptibly. At the grocery store yesterday, as I eavesdropped I saw Consciousness at all-time high levels in the people around me. I also learned the checker is Reiki two, shared I am Reiki Doc, and encouraged her to put Reiki into the food as she scanned it. Can you imagine how many people she is going to help? Astounding and exciting changes are everywhere you look! This is incredible! 

Read more at:

A Healing For You From Achangel Michael and Archangel Rafael

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Some of your ailments today might have origins in one of your past lives. I asked, 'how we can heal it for others?', I can't. It is because of free will. You CAN! You can ask and heal your own past-life negative imprints that have carried over into this life! This is a very special blessing and gift from Archangel Michael and Archangel Rafael. Here is how:

Hanging With The 4D Crowd I Called 'The New Lemurians'

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Gaia Portal just confirmed a hunch I had written about forty minutes earlier: the masses are beginning to Ascend. The crowd at the Water Park on Oahu today was so kind, nice, and pleasant it struck me as something 'different' in a noteworthy way. Gaia Portal says humanity is 'catching up' with Hue-manity. I saw it with my own eyes and it was wonderful! More at:

The Magic Of Aloha Spirit

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Travel to the magical islands of Hawaii deeply touches our spirit and heart. We regenerate and renew ourselves in this tropical environment. The Hawaiian people were advanced with a high degree of social capital, a word for 'mutual trust and cooperation' that helped them to survive. I think the future after Ascension and the Event  is going to tap into a lot of these same concepts of Aloha that are natural to island culture. More on how this works for you at:

The Magic In Aloha Spirit

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Travel to the magical islands of Hawaii deeply touches our spirit and heart. We regenerate and renew ourselves in this tropical environment. The Hawaiian people were advanced with a high degree of social capital, a word for 'mutual trust and cooperation' that helped them to survive. I think the future after Ascension and the Event  is going to tap into a lot of these same concepts of Aloha that are natural to island culture. More on how this works for you at:


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