Reiki Doc's blog

Mediumship With a Recently Deceased Patient: A Message for You

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I am writing to you tonight because I want to talk to you about all your messages. They are beautiful, and I want to add to them with my own message for the populace and the Galactic Free Press.

I am with you.
I am on your side.
I fought the fight for the right with a career in the military, and I saw FIRST HAND (gestures to his eyes) HOW VERY MESSED UP IT WAS.
I am no Cobra, and not the Drake. But I am empowered in spirit. When I met you I saw 'one who is concerned, one who really cares about others, and I am very ill--the death and dying kind of sick.' I knew that in an instant when I went through your aura at the front desk when I rolled in for you to take me to the Operating Room, or OR as you call it.

(strokes my hair and looks me in the eyes)
Everything happens for the best. That goes for me (taps his chest), that goes for you (gestures), and for all 'the happy listeners' (readers--gesturing with a sweeping motion from left to right). Everything happens for the Justice and the pleasure on High, on the Galactic Central Sun or God as you call it.

A Day In the Life of a Medium: What I Don't Say

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My seven-year old Reiki Master boy and I were doing our morning Reiki together to 'Reiki Self First', laughing and enjoying the brief time we had before starting our day together. Master Usui 'popped in', just over my son's left shoulder, and beamed with pride, approving of his 'student'.  'Who were your Reiki Guides, anyway?' I asked him as he giggled and squirmed while he gave Reiki to me, his hands warm with healing energy.


'Um, I think it was Archangel Michael.' he said, concentrating on his work.


'Oh, okay. I'm seeing Dr. Usui right now. He seems pleased with you.'


'Okay, mom. Thanks.'  (He forgot to close my aura,  and I chided him, laughing, 'I can't go walking around with my aura open, leaking all this good healing energy everywhere I go, can I?' He caught himself and closed it, laughing himself.)


Time and its Quirkiness-A Reiki Perspective

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Many Light Workers are losing hope over delays on the Ascension process. I smile inwardly when I see people write flaming comments about 'same old same old' and basically, 'where is the BEEF?' concerns, threating 'not to believe until more EVIDENCE shows up'. Yada yada yada.

Let us have a little talk on the concept of Time...

Time is 'stretchy'
Ever hear of the concept of 'flow'? Well my surgeons work in it all the time. Unless they do a procedure often enough to make a factory for it, their time estimates until completion of the surgery are always off. Also their time estimates of 'how long it will take' when they book their procedures.  "You can quick squeeze it in, t's only a fifteen minute case!" they cry.

Right. These people work in flow all the time. Their mind is so engaged with what is happening that they lose track of the passing of time. This happens every day. So I smile, in my head, double their time estimate, and make plans with the rest of the O.R.

Anesthesiologists, on the other hand, are acutely aware of the passing of time. Spend several decades listening to the blip of the heart, and waiting three to five minutes for the blood pressure cuff to measure, and charting it. I have a little clock in my head, and often times, time goes slower for me on those exact same procedures! Sometimes I even select the music with a tempo to 'speed things up' without the surgeon knowing it!

At the Karuna level of Reiki, time starts to warp and the perception of time is altered temporarily as the new energies come in. It settles back to 3D after a couple of days. But in Reiki classes, people often think it's on the wrong day, and miss the class they planned to attend, because of this.

On Balance in 3D and Higher Dimensions

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Yesterday I went to a graduation. It was for an Online, Returning-student University. Four campuses were represented: L.A., San Diego, Inland Empire and Orange County. The inspirational speaker was a  former Olympic Swimmer, who talked about her experiences in her life. I learned a great deal, especially that depending on what arm you are having 'hit the wall' on a back stroke turn, you turn either right or left, and seconds can count if you are not skilled at making the turn on the left.

Her recommendation to us was that Life is like a table balanced upon four pillars: the physical, the mental, the psychological, and the spirit.

Let us take them together, and make something to add:

The Physical

What Olympic Medalist Says:
It was easy back then, but now in my sixties it is the hardest one to keep in shape. But a well-functioning body affects all the rest, and without health the table will not balance.

What Reiki Doc Says:
"The diet--as the body sees and understands--is as necessary (an) element as any that may be chosen. As the body builds mentally, so may the body build physically by the choice of those foods or valuations from same that sill sustain or maintain--within a developming influence in the physical forces--that proper relationship between a mental, a spiritual, and even physical forces in same."--Edgar Cayce (1909-2). "For nutrients to reac our cells and be fully assimilated, we need to exercise, get adequate rest and sleep, and expose our body to natural sunlight on a regular basis." Simone Gabbay, RNCP, page 17, Venture Inward, July-September 2012

The Mental

What Olympic Medalist Says:

A Channeled Letter to the Newly Awakened

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Dear Fellow Traveller:

Welcome to this Journey of the Light. You are in the process of waking up from a long sleep, the Illusion of Life which you had agreed to experience for the betterment of your heart.

All is not what it seems. Here are ten simple steps to let yourself know that  you are truly on the correct path. The Spiritual Progress that you make is allowed at your own pace, this is 'self-study', and you will have forever if you wish to be completing them.

1) You shall notice an inexplicable connection to Light

2) You shall experience changes in friendship based on a common Light Level--you will attract those into your life who are of a Higher Vibration, and release those who are of a Lower Vibration.

3) As you Learn you shall experience this 'Step Up' process repeatedly.

4) You will start wanting to have Healthier Pastimes, Diet, and Exercise.

5) Your connection to Gaia and her Living Creatures will take on a new depth.

6) In your Mind you will begin to Question, your Heart shall become an important detector of Truth (what is Right for you shall 'resonate' strongly with you).

7) Others will become drawn to you for your Light. Unfortunately, some from a Lower Vibration might find it uncomfortable to be near a Newly Awakened One, and will go.

8) Your Heart will begin to 'pick up' on the intent of others, just by being in their Auric Field, and Presence. This is normal as you begin to experience this.  Normal in every way.

How to Surf Wave of Manifestation

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Here is a summary of today's article that may be pertinent to you:


When you have 'those days' where you feel you 'can't win for losing', know that you are caught in an energy 'rip tide' and are most likely learning a 'lesson for your spiritual growth'.

Try to keep your wits about you, and don't try to fight it.

Get out of this chaotic energy any way you can.

Give it time.

Go back and face the issue with 'new eyes'.

This skill is crucial, because as the energies jack up here on the rest of Gaia besides Hawaii, all of us are going to be subject to this 'super manifestation of your mindset', and only us Kahuna Lightworker Energy Surfers are going to make it look easy. 

The rest of the 'waking up' are going to look to US to tow them 'out of the dangerous surf'.

Your Lightworker jet ski is waiting...

And we get a really cool uniform too--a Light and Sparkly one!


I had an interesting 'lesson' yesterday about manifestation and wanted to share it with you. The entire story is here:


Letting go is key to learning any lesson from spirit!


Ground Crew! That Means You! Get On It! <3

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I would rather support the education of children than subsidize Big Oil!" wrote my favorite Latino gay artist anesthesiologist friend, who used to take me to gay bars with him because he knew how much I loved to dance when we were in medical school together,  on Facebook.


For some reason, for me, as a Lightworker, that made me sense a need to draw a line in the sand. Or should I say, a line up in front of one of the spacecraft up in the sky. The three-dimensionality of that statement was stifling and limited, a total function of Duality, that it caught my breath.  This or that? That or this? My way or the Highway?


And so I cracked.


Would you like to know what I wrote back?



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