theherenowchannel's blog

Life Goes On

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Life goes on. Love Stays. I've been enjoying simple life. I get up, live with Someone I Love. I get ready and go to work some days and other days, like today I stay home and enjoy the day while overcoming the negative options by instead focusing and choosing progressive, positive and productive alternatives. The Most High Within has been my Helper and has allowed me to live and learn.

I could say I'm alone but I am really not. I am with The Most High and I am blessed to have the protection of the Most High, my Good Friend, to never leave me unsafe or unassisted. Creating an environment that is suitable to the level of progress I am at. The timespace of my physical experience is set in Infinite Unconditional Love flooded, from infinitely within, into every and all. Sobriety is sacred or special. It is the Way Love has selected for Growing, Producing and Achieving Every Victory You are destined to Live and Know, Learn and Teach. (Share and Let Flow)

It is much more important that We have perfection Within. We have experienced Essence and in Mastery. As Essence Masters, We developed customs which is OUR TRUTH reflecting now forever.

The Work we do in Essence transcends timespace. No matter where we are this pre-conscious aspect of our Spirit Life is the original Master. In Essence we create this Life. We end things, start things and at this moment, of our Spirit development, we have upgraded our Human Vehicle to where It has ascended within to a higher dimension, to It's Essence/Co-Creator Self, ready to descend back out out bringing It with us. It is Us, We are It.

We are as far as our Infinite Most High Limitless Light has expanded out into the moment we take on a Human Vehicle.

So here we are. We are It. Life goes on.


Atoning, Forgiveness and Healing

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We need to make corrections in our own lives.

We the Most High Limitless Light have descended out into all. Everything we see is what we are. The negative is energy that is in a prepared form that We can process. We Have a choice regarding the approach of our operation. Judgment can easily be unselected in favor of compassion. Fear and anxiety can be discontinued while forgiveness, atoning with Our Self and healing can become the clear way to co-creating Self Unity, Alignment, Empowerment and Progress like: Seeing our Life like we see a star, and how it Belongs, as a descended manifest light from heaven within. We are Each a Star descended from Infinity Within.

Jason Walter DeCoste

The reason we became Essence Masters

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This physical world is fragile. We create it and we change it.
We are within it and flowing from within, out arriving into it. Merging with it as we have co-created it. We are essence and infinity within. We have emerged from deep within, the dimension where all we relate with is essence, into the physical temple environment which is ready for us to live in as the Conscious Spirit Essence We Are. We are unbreakable immortal Essence. Our Human Temple Trusts Us by trusting Infinity Within the Heart which is the Green Light Energy Sphere here now, at what has been defined and manifest as the Heart Chakra.

Our Human Temple became aware of Time-Space Mortality at the ripening of the physical Light Environment and has embraced the Creator Essence Within as the Real Higher Self Master. That's Who We ARE. We are in Essence as we have been through all the age of building this physical environment of Physical Light Star Systems. We emerge into the beautiful fully functioning abilities of our Human Temple.

Heaven Is Within: Here Now. Safe and Strong.

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NOW is the time we will be Triumphant in our Knowledge of Infinity: Within Us.

I bear a message of Love and Peace that is for You. We are One Infinity and I am a prophet of Infinity. I am ONE Within Infinity. People of the third dimension are transforming into Humans of the fifth dimension by willing themselves to be infinite unconditional Love. They are walking into the Light of Truth and Now beginning the process of removing the veil of deceit and greed. Many will continue along this process and this will eventually increase in speed. All will be inspired by the Infinity in which they exist. Power is not important in the fifth dimension. The fifth dimension is a source of Awareness of Infinity where the important factors are unconditional Love, Compassion, Truth, Positivity, Unconditional Equality, Infinite Peace and Unity. Sisters and Brothers of One Blood who enter the fifth dimension of Infinite LOVE & LIGHT stand with Integrity and Walk in the Light of INFINITY.

Infinite Friend: We are aware that we are each One human Spirit Here & NOW. We are each a Face of One and the Same Infinite Spirit and I can see the Infinite Potential Within. Each ONE of Us will unlock it. We will set the Human Infinite potential free under the Order of Unconditional Love and the Law of Unconditional Equality. I am One part of the Infinite Spirit and I am holding and sharing an Infinite Positive Vibration that I have been given by the Hands of JAH/LOVE. I Vision OUR Salvation Here & NOW Within Us and I Vision the energy that will Free all energies within Infinity Here & NOW Within Us

Conducting Our Assurance

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Conducting Our Assurance


Nothing to take away.

I am learning to trust the descending energy from within. learning to trust my self and love my being. This is for all eternity.

This is the perfect process that perfectly brought us here now. We have made this kindness and compassion, so perfect.

Come into the sky. You have been practicing flying within our group, across the Ages, as we have descended across the Dimensions, as we have expanded from the Most High Within. In Essence You are a Master of flight. This is developed with practice descending from the Most High Limitless First Source and Center of all things Within. Fall if you have to, I will catch you, and in the end as you realize you are ready,  We can fly in the new expanded sky just Like we have for an entire Age as a Group Essence Body in the inner sky. I will Catch you In Essence and you will remember when I do that you can Fly In The New Earth as In The New Heaven Within.

Thank you Temple, I assure you this is perfect. Our Perfect New Born Child Self Energy is the result of Perfect Infinite Love Creation Descending and Ascending from infinity within to Us Being Here Now.

Conducting Our Assurance

Jason Walter DeCoste

MERGING - (Super Ordinary Extraordinaire)

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The Human Experience:
Without our Parent Essence, Infinite Side, Full consciousness is impossible to sustain.

The landing signal, We All recognize mutually, has been given. Each of us a unique Face and Personality of our Essence.
We Essentially branch, from within, out to our shared human experience. Humanity is our Temple to experience Earth.
During this, our arrival (e-merging from within), the Human Experience transforms to NOW include the Higher Inner Realm of Essence.
Many Unique Faces and Personalities emerge into the Hearts of the Family of the Human Experience: (into People From Within):
To experience our Essence Mastery, (as established progressing to HERE) across the Emerald Bridge of Infinity from Infinitely Within to NOW.

{From the Human Experience Point of View, learning to be less physical in consciousness.}

We have been Descending from Our Most High First Source and Center of All things for ever. Our Perfect LOVE is descended to the lowest point from the Limitless Perfect Origin. Perfect at Birth and Sustaining All of the Limitless Energy to NOW and eternally Beginning Growing Stronger.

For the Age Preparing this event, we have remained in the Highest Heights of The Inner Sky. Remaining Wheels of our Perfect GroupEssence Mechanics, in Unity, Harmony and Bliss. Like Ships in the highest reaches of the inner sky. Each Contributing for the Greatest Good of All Concern.

When One Descends We All Descend, in the twinkle of an eye, MERGES WITH When One Ascends We All Ascend.

With Inner Peace, Appreciation, Love, Wisdom and Power,

Jason Walter DeCoste

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