Life goes on. Love Stays. I've been enjoying simple life. I get up, live with Someone I Love. I get ready and go to work some days and other days, like today I stay home and enjoy the day while overcoming the negative options by instead focusing and choosing progressive, positive and productive alternatives. The Most High Within has been my Helper and has allowed me to live and learn.
I could say I'm alone but I am really not. I am with The Most High and I am blessed to have the protection of the Most High, my Good Friend, to never leave me unsafe or unassisted. Creating an environment that is suitable to the level of progress I am at. The timespace of my physical experience is set in Infinite Unconditional Love flooded, from infinitely within, into every and all. Sobriety is sacred or special. It is the Way Love has selected for Growing, Producing and Achieving Every Victory You are destined to Live and Know, Learn and Teach. (Share and Let Flow)
It is much more important that We have perfection Within. We have experienced Essence and in Mastery. As Essence Masters, We developed customs which is OUR TRUTH reflecting now forever.
The Work we do in Essence transcends timespace. No matter where we are this pre-conscious aspect of our Spirit Life is the original Master. In Essence we create this Life. We end things, start things and at this moment, of our Spirit development, we have upgraded our Human Vehicle to where It has ascended within to a higher dimension, to It's Essence/Co-Creator Self, ready to descend back out out bringing It with us. It is Us, We are It.
We are as far as our Infinite Most High Limitless Light has expanded out into the moment we take on a Human Vehicle.
So here we are. We are It. Life goes on.
Lets watch within very closely. Let's speak When we have the energy and creative point to Share. We need us all. We are all connected at the Infinite First Source and Center of all things and the Essence Master Self, we each are, has descended back out today With us. Co-Created The Shekhinah Experience +with us+ Here Now.
Look Within and Work with The Descended Essence Part of our Self. We are on the verge of the Golden Era. +We Will Be Free!+
Consider This Message From Within and Discern as the Co-Creator With Love and Forgiveness Compassion.
Jason Walter DeCoste