The Galactic Free Press Newsletter

GFP Newsletter - 1/14/2015

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Even destruction can become part of the creative process... has to become a part. If you are making a new house, you have to demolish the old.

One has continuously to demolish many things to create new things. Even while you are eating, you have to demolish the food. That's what you do when you are chewing; you destroy the food.

You destroy the whole structure of the food and then it becomes possible for your body to absorb it.

Then it becomes a creative vitality in your being.

Use destruction, negation, no, in the service of yes, creation. You felt good with the negative part because you have trained yourself for the negative, but you have to come to the positive part also.


GFP Newsletter - 1/13/2015

will's picture

Once you start learning how to choose the peaceful, a small room is enough; a small quantity of food is enough; a few clothes are enough; one lover, a very ordinary man, can be enough of a lover.

But if you go on asking for more and more, then thousands of men are not enough. Even the most beautiful man is finished sooner or later. Your desire goes on and on. It knows no end... it stops nowhere.


GFP Newsletter - 1/12/2015

will's picture

Male and female are just emphases. They are not fixed things. While you are loving, feeling soft, sensitive, and surrendering to some experience, you are more of a female. When you are frightened, angry, aggressive, not letting go, you are more a male. And the same is true for women.

So always remember to never get fixed. Allow... whatsoever happens is good. And always remember that you are continuously changing, river-like, flowing.


GFP Newsletter - 1/11/2015

will's picture

The dropping of fear is not enough. It is a negative thing. It is good to drop it but not enough. Now you will have to bring love to your heart... and it can come only when fear is dropped.


GFP Newsletter - 1/10/2015

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"Anytime you blame others and complain about your situation, you are choosing to be a victim. By playing the victim role you are putting yourself in an ineffective and weak position. It is virtually impossible to allow incredible miracles to enter your life when you choose to remain in this negative mental state." ~ Sonia Ricotti

GFP Newsletter - 1/9/2015

will's picture

Sometimes you are one person and sometimes you are another. Whenever energy moves into one direction, you are one. When energy moves into another direction, you are another. Now a synthesis is needed, a unification, a yoga. Union is needed... and the inner union becomes easily possible if you are moving in some outer union also. Then the outer union become just a milieu in which the inner milieu can happen. The inner can also happen without the outer, but it is going to be a very hard way - and there is no need. That is the way of the monk, who tries to create an inner synthesis without creating any outer harmony around him.

He lives in a desert as far as the outside is concerned, and inside he creates an oasis. But it is difficult to protect an oasis in a desert. It is easier to protect an oasis in green and wild scenery, because the whole scene will help you.


GFP Newsletter - 1/8/2015

will's picture

When you love a person deeply that bridge becomes more and more strong... becomes wider, bigger. In a really deep, intimate relationship, a moment comes when right and left hemispheres are no more two separate things. They become one whole. That's why love looks so irrational. Love looks so absurd and blind to people who are too much hung up in their heads. It is irrational because both the polarities meet and mingle and become one.

It is a tremendous chaos but very beautiful. And all that is beautiful comes out of chaos. All the stars are born out of chaos.


GFP Newsletter - 1/7/2015

will's picture

Love is a very basic need... as basic as food. Without food and without love, you will start shrinking.

Without food, the body will start dying. Without love, your innermost being starts dying.


GFP Newsletter - 1/6/2015

will's picture

The day your control explodes, you will feel so free, so alive. You will feel reborn, because it will connect your divided body. The diaphragm is the place where the body is divided; the upper and lower. In all the old religious teachings, the lower is condemned and the upper seems to be really something high, something superior, something holier. It is nothing. The body is one and this bifurcation is dangerous; it makes you split. By and by you deny many things in life. Whatsoever you exclude from your life will take its revenge some day. It will come as a disease.


GFP Newsletter - 1/5/2015

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All the energy has to be used creatively, otherwise it will give you trouble. Even energy, something so valuable as energy, can become a curse if you don't use it. So simply use it. Move into work more and more and let work be your meditation.



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