The Galactic Free Press Newsletter

GFP Newsletter - 1/24/2015

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In the modern age, Gurdjieff designed many things, exactly on the same lines as Bahaudin. The people who are not aware of the designs of a Master will not be able to understand at all.

For example, a man will come to Gurdjieff who has never eaten meat, and Gurdjieff will force him to eat meat. Now, just think of a vegetarian. He will simply escape; he will say, "What kind of religion is this?" But by giving meat, Gurdjieff wants to disturb your whole status quo, your whole chemistry, because only in a disturbed state can your reality be known; otherwise you are too cunning. If a non-vegetarian comes to Gurdjieff, he says, "Wait. For thirty days be a vegetarian, and then for three days fast, and then I will start work on you." Neither is Gurdjieff for vegetarianism nor against; he is a designer.

He will give parties for his disciples, particularly the new disciples, and will prepare many kinds of foods, and then all kinds of alcoholic beverages; and this will continue almost to the middle of the night, eating and drinking. And when everybody is utterly unconscious, then he will watch. Then he will sit silently, will go to people, and watch, because people are so cunning - unless they are drowned in a drug they will not reveal their truth.

Just the man who was pretending to be a celibate, when he is drunk, starts flirting with the woman who is sitting by his side. And he is a celibate and he is pretending that he is a monk and he has remained celibate - he is a brahmachari - but once he is drowned in alcohol, he forgets all celibacy, all brahmacharya. His reality surfaces.

The woman who was pretending to be very elegant, ladylike, sophisticated, cultured, holier-than- thou, far above the ordinary human beings, once she is under the impact of alcohol, she is just the opposite; she starts behaving almost like a prostitute.

Gurdjieff will watch his disciples only when they are unconscious. And once he has known their situation, then he knows. Then he will not bother with what they say; he will start working on what they are.


GFP Newsletter - 1/23/2015

will's picture

The very idea of God as a person creates doubts in you. How many hands has he? What kind of face? Is he black or white? Does he look like a Chinese or an American? What height?

Old or young? Man or woman? How many faces has he? A thousand and one questions and not a single question is answerable, because you have taken the very first thing wrongly. God is not a person at all.

God is this impersonal existence.

Keep this continuously in your heart - that in Sufism God is synonymous with existence, synonymous with isness, the suchness of existence is God - and then things will become easier for you to understand.


GFP Newsletter - 1/22/2015

will's picture

If you remember God.... And to remember God means to see God in the trees and the birds and the people and the animals. Wherever life is look for God, wherever existence is search for God, because only God is - La illaha ill Allah. So he can be found anywhere. He has to be found everywhere. Don't look for God as a person, otherwise you will go on missing.

That's why millions of people search for God but go on missing. They are searching for a certain image. God has no image; God is not a person. God is this wholeness, this totality. So don't start looking for a certain personage, otherwise you will never find him, and, not finding him, you will start thinking there is no God. You started from a wrong vision.

Because God has been thought of as a person, there are so many atheists in the world. The atheists are there because of your so-called religious people. The so-called religious people talk about God as if God is a person, and they cannot prove him. They naturally create a climate in which atheism flowers. Almost half of the earth has become atheist. All the communists are atheists, and the remaining people are only so-called religious; they are ready to turn to atheism any moment.

Do you know? Before the Russian revolution, Soviet Russia was one of the most religious countries of the world? It was as religious as India is. And just after the revolution, within five years, all religions simply disappeared. What kind of religion was this which took only five years to disappear?

And when the atheists came into power, people simply surrendered to atheism. That religion was false; it was pseudo.


GFP Newsletter - 1/21/2015

will's picture

I am not just teaching you about God. I am not interested in giving you knowledge about God. I am sharing my God with you; it is a sharing. I want to challenge your God which is asleep inside you, to provoke it. And that is the work Sufis have been doing down the ages: provoking the potential into the actual.


GFP Newsletter - 1/20/2015

will's picture

Non-being is the way to being, and love is the most adequate method to disappear.

That's why millions of people have decided not to love. If you decide in favor of the ego you will have to remain loveless. Love and ego cannot go together. Knowledge and ego go together perfectly well, but love and ego cannot go together, not at all. They cannot keep company. They are like darkness and light: if light is there darkness cannot be. Darkness can only be if light is not there. If love is not there the ego can be; if love is there the ego cannot be. And vice versa, if ego is dropped, love arrives from all the directions. It simply starts pouring in you from everywhere.

Just as nature abhors a vacuum, God also abhors a vacuum. You become a vacuum, and God rushes into you.


GFP Newsletter - 1/19/2015

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Mohammed has said, "Die before you die." That is a Sufi statement: die before you die. Death is coming, death will take you away, but that will not be a voluntary death. It will not be a surrender.

You will be forced to die. A Sufi dies voluntarily; he dies in love. He does not wait for death to come, love is enough to die for. And to die in love is beautiful because to die in love is to go beyond death.

Listen to Mohammed: die before you die.

If you can die here with me... I am a dead man. I have died. And all that I am teaching you is an art of dying so that you can move into the state of fana, you disappear. If you fulfill that condition of disappearing, God immediately rewards you with baka - being descends in you - and that being is eternal.

The door that you have to pass through is the door of love because only a lover is ready to die voluntarily. Nobody else can die voluntarily, only a lover, because the lover knows that death is not death, but the beginning of an eternal pilgrimage.


GFP Newsletter - 1/18/2015

will's picture

When you love, when you really love, there are no conditions. It is unconditional. You love for the sheer joy of it. And love is absolute - it knows no wavering, it knows no hesitation.


GFP Newsletter - 1/17/2015

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The people who are in love are thought to be mad by people who have not known love, are thought to be blind by people who have not seen through the eyes of love. The intellectual condemns the ways of love; he is afraid. Love is dangerous. To go through the heart is risky because the heart is non-calculative, illogical.


GFP Newsletter - 1/16/2015

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Sufis talk about two kinds of love. One they call muhabbah; it means the ordinary love, lukewarm, momentary, partial. One moment it is there, another moment it is gone. It has no depth, no intensity.

You call it passion, but it is not passionate. It is not such a flame which can burn you. You don't become aflame with it; it remains something under your control. You don't become possessed by it, you don't lose yourself in it. You remain in control.

The other kind of love, the real love? The authentic love, Sufis call it ishq; ishq means love with total intensity. One is lost in it, one is possessed by it. One goes mad in it.


GFP Newsletter - 1/15/2015

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LA ILLAHA ILL ALLAH - There is no god but God. This is the fundamental essence of the way of the Sufis. This is the seed. Out of this seed has grown the Bodhi Tree of Sufism. In this small proclamation, all that is valuable in all the religions is contained: God is and only God is.

This statement makes God synonymous with existence. God is the very isness of all that is. God is not separate from his creation. The creator is in his creation; there is no duality, there is no distance, so whatsoever you come across is God. The trees and the rivers and the mountains, all are manifestations of God. You and the people you love, and the people you hate, all are manifestations of God.

This small statement can transform your whole life. It can change the very gestalt of your vision.

The moment one recognizes that all is one, love arises on its own accord. And love is Sufism.

Sufism is not concerned with knowledge. Its whole concern is love, intense, passionate love: how to fall in love with the whole, how to be in tune with the whole, how to bridge the distance between the creation and the creator.

The so-called, organized religions of the world teach a kind of duality that the creator is separate from the creation, that the creator is higher than the creation, that there is something wrong with creation, it has to be renounced. Sufis don't renounce, they rejoice. And that's what I am teaching you here: Rejoice!



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