432 hz

Miley Cyrus just shattered and saved the music industry. 432 hz <3

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Miley Cyrus, a spiritual giant waking up.

I know Miley Cyrus personally.... in a way. I saved her life a year ago. This is a curious tale you are about to witness. November 2013 I started writing a comedy about Disclosure, she became a character. Wrecking Ball was fresh on the airwaves. I believed in illuminati mind control conspiracies from YouTube. I was very worried about her. I thought Wrecking Ball was a cry for help, maybe it was!

While writing I got blasted with light very often. The light would possess my dogs. I'd sit and talk to them telepathically. It was a curious period in my life. I used to write to Obama most days of the week for a long period of time about issues, having heard his role in Disclosure. One day he gave me a telepathic link to him or his higher self. I asked him telepathically while writing this comedy for help gathering the artists. They showed up!

I met so many celebrities, powerful political figures. But I didn't ' talk to them. They'd show up where I went, Panera bread, at work at the hOMe Depot. It drove me nuts. I broke down. I had just reunited with my then soulmate and I didn't know how to explain this to her. I couldn't sleep at night. I would cry at night,

Miley Cyrus - 1 Sun


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