Miley Cyrus just shattered and saved the music industry. 432 hz <3

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Miley Cyrus, a spiritual giant waking up.

I know Miley Cyrus personally.... in a way. I saved her life a year ago. This is a curious tale you are about to witness. November 2013 I started writing a comedy about Disclosure, she became a character. Wrecking Ball was fresh on the airwaves. I believed in illuminati mind control conspiracies from YouTube. I was very worried about her. I thought Wrecking Ball was a cry for help, maybe it was!

While writing I got blasted with light very often. The light would possess my dogs. I'd sit and talk to them telepathically. It was a curious period in my life. I used to write to Obama most days of the week for a long period of time about issues, having heard his role in Disclosure. One day he gave me a telepathic link to him or his higher self. I asked him telepathically while writing this comedy for help gathering the artists. They showed up!

I met so many celebrities, powerful political figures. But I didn't ' talk to them. They'd show up where I went, Panera bread, at work at the hOMe Depot. It drove me nuts. I broke down. I had just reunited with my then soulmate and I didn't know how to explain this to her. I couldn't sleep at night. I would cry at night,
Miley Cyrus - 1 Sun


How could this girl go from singing about donuts, amusing and catchy and cool as it is, to singing about donuts, and the worship of our sun? Do listen to this album, recorded in earth's holy 432 hz original tuning. I asked her, begged her, recently, to release this album in 432 hz. When I heard it, I was shocked. How can this be? What a miracle! I kept thinking, is this 432 hz ? I didn't hate it like I hate 440. It didn't hurt my ears. I concluded , and I've toyed with it in Audacity, it is legit ;) 432 hz . She shattered the tyranny of the illumi-naughty did she not ? I wrote to her about giving, the importance of giving gifts, to receive blessings, she gave this album away for free!

When did she start opening her eye ? While writing I would get on youtube and ask Ashtar to broadcast me as a DJ to people. It was an interesting time. I asked him to let her hear me singing to her as I played songs. I would ask for certain videos to get millions of hits, they did. I spoke aloud about the international space station being weaponized, minutes later a news flash came on youtube, the ISS has had a glitch. Oh fun times.

The story gets weirder and more majestic and just really cool! A spirit named Anathea introduced herself to me, stating she was Miley's higher self. The thing is "Miley" also began speaking to me, it took a year for this to prove to be false to me, but my persistence in believing this lead to me meeting Miley Cyrus.

I fell in love with her. I wanted to help her. I needed her to wake up to spirit, to truth, to enlightenment. I would write to her every day, post videos of me channeling "her)" ( it turned out to just be Anathea all along, a necessary ploy to win this incredible sacred victory for our planet and its people! ) . I am a bit of a medicine man and a yogi. I was on DXM and I had a vision of her burning to death. I was horrified. I did everything I could to bless and protect her.

I got sent to a mental hospital by my family right before I was to see her Tulsa show. The thing is while I was there someone set a car *on fire* and imagine that, her TOUR BUS CAUGHT ON FIRE while I was hospitalized. She was okay. A Sat guru once said in a lecture and meditation retreat I attended your karma may be to get in a terrible accident but you start a spiritual path so you stub your toes instead. She stubbed her toes instead!

When I realized she wasn't really speaking to me telepathically I broke. I didn't write to her for a year. I gave up on channeling, yet, how foolish this was, having succesfully met her in person. At least as succesful as our meeting could be called. It was all confligrated, is that a word? it is.

This spring of 2015 I thought and thought and thought, I thought about the tour bus, it clicked. I helped save her life that day her bus caught fire! I wrote to her about this, the first message in over a year, I invited her to dinner. She showed up with another person. I was sitting facing her a table away.  I didn't say anything to her. I knew I knew who she was but it didn't click that it was her until I left.

Tibetan singing bowls, headstands, yoga, crystals, this young woman is a pioneer. Her new album is fantastic! Many spiritual songs in it.

What is Miley Cyrus becoming? What does she think of me?

Think about how crucial this new album is. Its a fuck you to everything wrong with music. 440 is such a toxin to our souls and spirits, a drain, a vampire, dead ghost music, vampirical. This album rocks in so many holy ways.

Did you all know this ?



Wake up World


