archangels and devas

My Favorite Archangel Michael Story

Blue Diamon's picture

How I Met Archangel Michael

I have been working with Nasrin and the Ascended Masters for many years now and from the very beginning, Archangel Michael has been my constant companion. In fact, at my first channeling session; my first opportunity in this life to connect to the Ascended Masters through Nasrin, it was Archangel Michael that came to speak to me.

I was thrilled when the session began and Nasrin said Archangel Michael has come to talk to you. I had no idea what might happen in a “channeling session.” but the love I felt from Archangel Michael quickly convinced me that this intangible connection was real and profound. Michael was loving and comforting and fully aware that this was my first experience of this type and that I did not know what to expect. He seemed absolutely delighted to speak to me and honored to take me, energetically, on my first journey to experience higher dimensions of reality. He presented himself, not as a superior and vastly more powerful being but as a friend or a buddy, someone who has walked with me in many lifetimes before and has come back to be my guide to discovering this vast inner realm. His words were humbling beyond belief, yet totally exhilarating.

The Trinity of Blessings™ Attunement - An Attunement to Divine Love

Blue Diamon's picture

Attunement to Divine Love, Peace and Joy – From Archangel Michael



I’d like to share with you a little background. I was guided by Archangel Michael to these Blessings in February 2013 at a time in my life when I was desperately needing hope. I knew instantly this attunement was something Michael wanted me to have. At the time I did not have sufficient funds to purchase the attunement, so I had to wait a couple weeks before I could order it. Once I started to work with these energies my life experience started to change. I cannot begin to tell you the ways in which my life has changed since it has changed so much, but I will say this ~ blessings come in the form of many things, not just money. You will receive more love, more joy and more peace that you’ve ever before experienced. Be open and willing to work with Archangel Michael and this powerful energy and I promise the extent of the miracles you will create in your life will be boundless. Much Love! ~♥~ Debbie ~♥~

The Attunement

The Trinity of Blessings™ is an attunement from Archangel Michael to a higher frequency of vibration which, when received, helps you to become aligned with the vibration of Love, Joy and Peace that can exist within each person and therefore the world. These Blessings embrace Universal abundance, prosperity and well being through the daily blessing and sharing of Love, Joy and Peace.


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