Bella Capozzi

Angelic Message. Formations In The Open Sky. By, Bella Capozzi. July 12, 2013.

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images-1~ This message came in to me a short while ago.  I was in a pretty deep meditative state, when I started to become aware of what felt like a feminine, Angelic energy around me.  I could sense a kind of outline or fuzzy shape of a person, but this being neither looked or felt familiar.  When asked, she identified herself only as “Arcara” and this is what she said:


Dolphin Wisdom. “Striving To Be Perfect In An Imperfect World.” By, Bella Capozzi. July 9, 2013.

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a_cup_of_dreams_by_astridle-d4w459s~ This is today’s message from the Crystal Dolphin Pod, which I read on the air during my Blogtalk Radio show, “Peg & Bella’s Angels & Dolphins”, which I co-host with the wonderful Peg Wolff-Jones.  The link is at the end of the post.   I hope you all enjoy what the the Dolphins chose to share with us today!

Regards, Cousins.  It is with great pleasure that we greet you once again.  The message that we bring to you on this day is brief, and yet it is one we feel is long overdue in it’s need to be addressed.  We live quite simply, you see.  We hunt for our food and care lovingly for our young.  We come together in unison to play and to swim the grids.  Such a spirit of cooperation comes naturally to us, just as it does to you, and the only difference between us is that our species recognizes it. This disparity is, of course, due to no fault of your own.  It is by Divine Design that we would come in to our incarnations with more of our awareness intact.

The Crystal Dolphin Pod. “The Great Crystals Of Atlantis.” By, Bella Capozzi. July 2, 2013.

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This is a message I read on my new Blogtalk show, which debuted today. It’s called Peg and Bella’s Angels and Dolphins, and I cohost it with my good friend, Peg Wolff-Jones. Each week I will share a new message from the Ceatacean Realm. If you are as passionate about the dolphins and angels as I am, please be sure to check it out! The link is below:


The Pod speaks:

Archangel Indriel. “The World Is A Stage.” By, Bella Capozzi. July 1, 2013.

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There is no problem so insurmountable that the loving hands of God cannot overcome.  Too often you forget to call upon your Mother and your Father during times of crisis, and instead you choose to work alone.  Why do you do this, Dear Hearts?  Why must you make things harder on yourselves than they need be?  For nowhere was it ever decreed that when you breathe your first breath of life in Human form then you must sever all ties with Us.  It is part of the Human condition to forget and then, ideally, to remember once again.  Through subtle reminders-and of late, not so subtle-we nudge at you to let you know that we are here.  We are guiding you, protecting you and on occasion barraging you with ingenious ideas.  It is our job to speak and it is yours to listen and to act.  Hear the voices of the Universe and heed the signs.  They have been erected everywhere, to guide you in the proper direction. ♥

“Dream On…” A Mini-Reading For June 29, 2013. By, Bella Capozzi.

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images-1Good morning to all of my friends!  The weekend is finally upon us, and with it comes another fresh rush of downloads and highly transformative energy.   The Universe has been pummeling us with a lot of that lately!  And while it can make us feel a little edgy and uncomfortable at times, it is an overall good thing.  It’s a sure sign that the veil is breaking down at long last, allowing for the higher frequencies to enter into our atmosphere and bodies, and do their job.  Once these energies and their accompanying changes have taken hold, we can expect to see many of our long-held dreams and goals manifest into a liveable reality.  It will take a great deal of patience on our part to not only wait it out, but to jump in and do the necessary work here on Earth to make it happen.  So much needs to change!  Where do we begin?  Our governments, financial systems, education, oppression, poverty, wars…  Yet a New Earth honestly DOES exist just over the horizon, and today we are reminded that we need to get out there and create it, dream it and live it.

A Mini-Reading and Channeled Message For The Solstice. Athena: “A Time Of Rediscovery.” By, Bella Capozzi. June 21, 2013.

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☼ Happy Summer Solstice!  I woke up this morning already experiencing the stunning power of of the incoming frequencies;  this in the form of a sharp pain shooting through my Pineal gland, off and on, at regular intervals.  Also, I’m experiencing some sort of additional activation in ear-chakras, which I think is pretty cool.  My Team is telling me that both of these discomforts are associated with the energies further opening up my channels of communication.  They are also telling me that this is not exclusive to select individuals-these activations are happening across the board, to everybody.  Hooray!

A QHHT Client Story. Cassie, Part 2: Moonbaths, Tent-Cities And Dispelling The Fear. By, Bella Capozzi. June 20,2013.

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389370_364854620280716_1283376003_n◈ This is a collection of excerpts from the second half of my QHHT session with a client whom I’ve chosen to call “Cassie.”  In Part 1, we followed along as Cassie explored her lifetimes as a water element during the earliest days of the Earth’s creation, and also as a member of the planet’s first society of Human Beings.  We will now join Cassie as she steps aside and allows her “Subconscious”, or what Dolores Cannon terms in her writings as the “SC”, to speak through her.  In reality, what we are referring to in this article as the Subconscious is actually the highest, collective source of all knowledge; our Highest Selves.  We now rejoin the session as the SC arrives…

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(** B is me; SC is the Subconscious.)


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