
When protests succeed: Bulgarian street anger claims another victory

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By: Euronews, 06/19/2013

When protests succeed: Bulgarian street anger claims another victory

The Bulgarian parliament has formally cancelled the controversial appointment of businessman and MP Delyan Peevski as the new head of the State Agency for National Security (ДАНС or DANS), the Bulgarian secret service. All 128 deputies present in the Assembly voted unanimously to reverse the controversial designation that had provoked protests against the current government, just three weeks after it took power. His rushed appointment – he was nominated, voted through and sworn in in a single afternoon – had sparked numerous protests all over Bulgaria since last Friday.


For more on this story visit http://www.euronews.com/2013/06/19/with-peevski-out-after-five-days-of-protests-what-is-next-for-bulgaria/

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