creator writings

The Creator Writings ~ Use The Experience

Silver's picture

By: Jennifer Farley, 01/14/2014


Your strength is not determined by the number of wounds you carry and show the world. It is determined by how you use the experience to become a better person. The Universe always has and always will love and support you every step of the way. The only thing you must do is begin. ~ Creator

The Creator Writing ~ Send Them Love

Silver's picture

By: Jennifer Farley, 01/13/2014


There will be times as you journey on your path that others may attempt to hurt your feelings, mock, judge you or make you feel uncomfortable. Take a deep breath and see it for what it really is. Do not let another’s feelings of inadequacy get in the way of your growth. Send them love and be on your way. ~ Creator

The Creator Writings ~ Releasing Fear

Silver's picture

By: Jennifer Farley, 09/14/2013  

Fear is a great motivator; it can get you away from ‘monsters’, carry you to a safe place and keep you hidden. But, what happens when you want to release fear? It is not a matter of replacing it with something like your friend ego, but truly believing you do not need it anymore. ~ Creator


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