Daily Astrology; Gaia Earth Star

Gaia Earth Star Daily Planetary Dance, March 30th 2015

Gaia Earth Star's picture

Moon in Leo


Today, the main highlight in the Stars is Mercury moving into Aries (6:44pm PST). Before this change of energy in our mind-process and communication, the Moon Goddess in Leo did square Venus in Taurus (6:19am PST) and made a trine to Uranus in Aries (6:57am PST), sleeping into void to leave center stage to Mercury. Those alignments reminds us that time and time again, the voice which speaks from the Heart can win any battles. Leo can sometimes have a sense of entitlement and Taurus a sense of stubbornness. Put those two in a square and watch for power struggles! The way is through remembering that nothing belongs to you, everything is temporary my Dear Ones, and a sense of gratitude for what you have along with a feeling of sharing with others, will prove to create balance and harmony. Have you ever found yourself in a beautiful place, but with no one to share it with? Everything feels, tastes, smells, and so on…better when shared with another.


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