Gaia Earth Star's blog

Gaia Earth Star Capricorn Destiny Full Moon, July 1st 2015

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Gaia Earth Star Capricorn Full Moon, July 1st 2015

Moon in Capricorn

I trust you have been harnessing the Divine Love energies from the Venus-Jupiter conjunction my Dear Ones, filling your Chalice Cup with the Unconditional Love pouring from the Heart of Mother Goddess, giving us the optimism, courage and faith as we commit to our Ascension, being guiding lights for the many in this dimension and beyond. Our true Heart and Soul’s desires are being answered at this time and I must remind you again to keep your focus on what you want more of in your life. Wherever your attention goes will get magnified so visualize and project wisely and lovingly. This Destiny Full Moon do come with its share of emotional clearing which will assist in clearing Gaia’s emotional planetary body as well. We are invited to apply and practice emotional intelligence. Watching and observing your feelings, allowing them to flow through you without judgement and from that place of acceptance receive the blessing that is hidden behind each and every feeling. We are humans feeling, and we will not get rid of our feelings as this is one of the gift and essence of human incarnation: to feel. This is how we nurture our sense of connectedness and intimacy to others and to the Goddess.

Gaia Earth Star Daily Planetary Dance, March 30th 2015

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Moon in Leo


Today, the main highlight in the Stars is Mercury moving into Aries (6:44pm PST). Before this change of energy in our mind-process and communication, the Moon Goddess in Leo did square Venus in Taurus (6:19am PST) and made a trine to Uranus in Aries (6:57am PST), sleeping into void to leave center stage to Mercury. Those alignments reminds us that time and time again, the voice which speaks from the Heart can win any battles. Leo can sometimes have a sense of entitlement and Taurus a sense of stubbornness. Put those two in a square and watch for power struggles! The way is through remembering that nothing belongs to you, everything is temporary my Dear Ones, and a sense of gratitude for what you have along with a feeling of sharing with others, will prove to create balance and harmony. Have you ever found yourself in a beautiful place, but with no one to share it with? Everything feels, tastes, smells, and so on…better when shared with another.


Gaia Earth Star Daily Planetary Dance, March 29th 2015

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Moon in Leo

Today, is Palm Sunday…the day where Christ entered into Jerusalem, one week before his Ressurection. Why do I mention this? Because, it is relevant to what you can accomplish my Dear Ones. Jesus was a Beacon of Light side by side with his beloved Twin Soul Mary Magdalene. I will share more when time comes as I have received many transmissions during in my stay in Glastonbury last year. In any case, as we are about a week to the next Eclipse, the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Libra, just before Easter, Ressurection time, you can feel it in your own Life, you are about to be resurrected!…if you so choose and walk the path. Indeed, there is no Miracle in that sense my Dear Ones, you have to want to ascend…which means let go of the illusion of separation which the ego-mind-prison feeds on. The Ego must dissolve into the Oneness that you are and that can feel like drowning, if unprepared. But rest assure, you will come out of the waters! This is such a potent time my Dear Ones, a tremendous amount of Light Frequencies is becoming available as the Lunar Eclipse Stargate is open for us to receive this Divine Love from the Heart of Mother Goddess, activating our Diamond Heart Stargate, which only was dormant. We have the opportunity to shed deep layers of conditioning and karmic burdens, transmuting through Divine Unconditional Love and Forgiveness. Forgive self, forgive others. Forgive to GIVE! Take that opportunity my Dear Ones. Pay attention to your Dreams. Write them down. Learn from your Dreamspace. It is your Soul speaking to you with metaphors.
To that matter, please see on my page “Gaia Earth Star” the remote event I will be hosting on Friday 3rd of April. Join this field of Unconditional Love and Unity Consciousness that your are!

Lunar Eclipse Pleiadian Global Meditation & Earth Gong Transmission with Gaia Earth Star

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My Dear Ones,

For the upcoming Libra Full Moon Lunar Eclipse next Saturday (5:06am PST), I will be holding a Global Online Pleiadian Meditation on Friday April 3rd at 7pm PST from Sedona Goddess Stargate, followed by a remote Gong Transmission, with my new 30 inch Platonic Earth Gong to assist us, Mother Gaia, to open to receive those powerful Light Frequencies of this Lunar Eclipse, within our Cosmic ONE HEART, the Heart of Mother Goddess, and facilitating the aligning and grounding process which will follow. Eclipses are key Stargates which assist us in aligning with our unique Soul Purpose. They are pre-destined events which are not to be feared but to be embraced and received with gratitude, faith and empowerment. Rejoice my Dear Ones!

Click on link below for more details and to join this event:

Feel free to share the event with your family and friends heart emoticon

Lightworker Community Transmission with Gaia Earth Star December 17th, 2017

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Dearest Ones, I would like to announce my new offering

NEXT GATHERING: Tuesday December 17th, 2013 at 7pm PST, Full Moon in Gemini and Uranus, planet of Breakthrough and Freedom will go direct on that day!


Gaia Earth Star is now offering “Lightworker Community Transmission”. This gathering purpose is to create a group energy field of light around the Planet, strengthening and grounding the magnetic field of Light and Love of each lightworker, assisting the Ascension of all beings on Planet Earth. Pranayam, kundalini life force, visualization and channeled meditation will be used. Gaia will open the space by sharing thoughts and wisdom to inspire and build the group energy. 

Details on how to connect to the Pleiadian circle of Golden Light will be sent after you have registered.

Please share with other lightworkers 

I look forward to holding this sacred circle of Golden Light with you all beautiful Souls.

Mother Earth Love 
Gaia Earth Star
Soul Astrologer, Pleiadian Channel & Spiritual Guide
"Remembering We Are One"

Harvest Full Moon Newsletter and Pleiadian Meditation has arrived!

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Please share Soul Love ♥
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Harvest Full Moon Newsletter and Pleiadian Meditation has arrived! Please share it with ALL!
Heavy releasing and building energies are working with us right now, a good time to practice the Pleiadian Meditation I channeled this morning for you, beautiful ones; for you, who have courageously and lovingly committed to your soul growth. It is the most precious gift you can offer to Humanity. - We Are One ♥

Link to Pleiadian Meditation "Awakening to your Compassionate Heart":

Mother Earth Blessings
Gaia Earth Star

Looking into the Soul Mirror: Creating the New Earth

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Click on Link Below to see full version of Gaia Earth Star New Moon Newsletter:

Looking into Your Soul Self Mirror...
New Moon in Virgo on September 05th, 2013

Sabian Symbol, 13.04 degree Virgo:
Old Lace Handkerchief; some rare perfume, a mirror
Ultimate fineness of material values shading into the spiritual. Schooled and aristocratic delicacy. Cultured restraint.
This New Moon in Virgo is a powerful and supportive gateway into the new paradigm that we are all asked to create on Planet Earth, that we actually signed up to create; remember this cycle on Planet Earth only happens every 26 000 years! Coincidence you are now here on Planet Earth…?
The motto at this time is "what you experience you are ultimately creating. The question is: Are you creating consciously or unconsciously? As you honestly ask and answer this question for yourself, please do not start to judge yourself or blame yourself others; with compassion and forgiveness choose to take full responsibility for your experience in this 3D dimension. Only from that place of truth and awareness, you will be able to shift and create the reality your soul has come here to experience, a life of true happiness and fulfillment.



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When you find yourself face to face with fear, tune into your feelings, feel the feeling, allow it, it has the healing and Love your soul has been conspiring to give you so you can be in your power as a conscious creator and live your dream. Your deep rooted subconscious fears are your ally, wanting to come up to be acknowledged, accepted, released and transmuted back to Pure Love and Light.Where are you not loving and valuing yourself is the underlying theme. 



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