dragon realm clearing workshop

Powerful Message From The Dragon Realm through Daniela Vogt

Blue Diamon's picture

Artwork by Daniela Vogt

Powerful Message From The Dragon Realm

Welcome Beautiful Souls. My beloved Dragons ask me to channel a message for you:

Channelled Message:

” Greetings. Greetings. Greetings. Its with great Joy and Pleasure to step forth at this time. We are the Dragons of the Crystal Water vibrating on High Frequency Diamond Light, when you look at the Picture above or call upon us you will receive an gigantic boost in your immune system. We are here and feel so delighted to personally invite all of you that hear our call. Once more we commend your dedication on discovering your true Beauty, the Essence you all hold within the core of your Heart.

Now is the perfect moment to resurrect and embody more of who you truly are. Therefore we ask you to participate to receive our immense love, joy and healing we wish to offer to you for personal growth, soul growth, healing relationship with Self and helping you to clear energetic miss-aligned energy. Look at the image and feel our powerful Light. We are here to assist humanity and Mother Earth in shifting fear based agendas. Through the workshop you will receive our Light Codes, Upgrades and work together as a group to clear the Water and Air Body of Mother Earth.

Hear us out as you are all in this together. The more people that attend and give the little push to themselves to participate, will help Mother Earth greatly. You all hold very special keys that lay dormant within your cell structure. Its is now a great Moment of Joy. We commend you and love you always. Namaste. ”

What a powerful Message! My Beloved Souls, look at the image and feel their powerful energy. Open your heart and receive a boost in your vibration. Know that you still can book your seat here:

Personal Invitation to Join our Live Group Clearing Workshop

Blue Diamon's picture

Personal Invitation to Join our
Live Group Clearing Workshop with the Masters of the Sixth Ray ~ the Flame of the Resurrection & The Dragon Realm

Dear Readers,

Did you know Mother Nature uses the Flame of the Resurrection in Spring-time to stir to life the flowers and all of that which has lay dormant throughout the cold winter months? You too can learn how to use the Flame of the Resurrection! In fact you can use it in a much greater way in your own life. You can resurrect your health, your finances, your relationships, you name it!

Over Easter time, for a period of 40 days, the Resurrection Flame is at its strongest and most potent.  As Jesus says, the Flame is limitless and free for the asking! What better deal can you get on the internet?

Through the guidance of Lord Sananda and his Twin Flame, Lady Nada,  we will teach you how to build momentum using the Flame so that you can resurrect areas of your life and also increase your Light quotient to help you make great changes in your ascension journey.

In this event we have once again the assistance of the Dragon Realm which is most prominent at this time in the uplifting of humanity in their Ascension journey. The Dragons will assist us to clear all unwanted energies, within ourselves and also within the Elements of Fire, Water, Earth and Air.

For more information and to book your seat, please click on the link below:

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