Evolutionary Astrology


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AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology – Cathy Lindsey

The Great American Eclipse is here!   It is all over the news….how to view it and with what.  Where to go to see it etc. etc.    How to avoid traffic jams as it is predicted to become the most watched cosmic event in human history.  But at the same time, the energies leading up to this Eclipse have been quit chaotic and in some instances almost/most volatile.  We can see this in our own lives and also around the World.  All you have to do is turn on the news for a few minutes.  The energies have been quit intense and are not easy for the body to handle.  A feeling of low energy, no motivation, and no direction…..are almost common at this time.  There is also a sense of emotional detachment…a feeling of being removed from reality.  Just remember that the body is trying to embody lots of intense, chaotic, and powerful energies. 

This Great American Eclipse is a total Eclipse that travels clear Across the United States, from coast to coast in a narrow band of totality! Solar Eclipse’s over very populated areas are relatively rare….which is another reason this Eclipse is headline news.   The more total the eclipse is the more intense the astrological effect is.  The location, from which an eclipse is visible, shows us areas where the world needs changes…. in society, cultures or leadership.

This  will be the first total Solar Eclipse to be visible coast-to-coast in the U.S. in nearly 100 years…the last time was in June 1918.  The August 21st Solar Eclipse is also the first total Solar Eclipse to be visible in totality….only from the U.S., since the nation was founded in 1776.  The next total Solar Eclipse to overshadow the U.S. is in 2024.  Solar Eclipses can create new beginnings and bright new opportunities.


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AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology – Cathy Lindsey

We have been through a lot over these last several months…..both within our own lives and also throughout the World.  The energies have been strong and a bit chaotic….and at times a little frightening.   The World seems to be in a bit of a mess right now…..and it can be a challenge to see the light at the end of the tunnel…….but we know it is there.  With this extremely powerful Capricorn Full Moon…..it feels (Cancer Sun…part of the full Moon) like we are at a point where the Universe is asking….do you want to Evolve?  Or do you want to give up and re-do it next incarnation?  

At this Capricorn Full Moon we have Pluto (the planet of transformation, intensity, power) sitting right with the Full Moon it’s self, and Mars (warrior, action, Passion, Pioneer) sitting right with the Cancer Sun!  The Full Moon (Sun/Moon), because of Pluto sitting with it….has now been pulled into the Cardinal Grand Cross!   This is a lot of energies that could bring about power struggles, good and not so good, in all areas!  This includes relationships of all kinds including Political and World Wide!  There could be/is tensions or secrets between World Leaders!

This can be a dangerous time that we are in….and it can be a time of taking positive action on ideas you have, passions that you want to pursue and put this energy into making them happen.  Stay out of the anger and the drama (both your own and others)…..stay out of the fear and negativity.   Call in your guidance to help you navigate these energies to the higher ends.  Focus on Manifesting your Own reality, equal give and take in communicating between governments/countries and Peace throughout the World!


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AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology – Cathy Lindsey

Happy Cancer New Moon!!  This New Moon happens on the heels of the Summer Solstice…..with the energies of the Summer Solstice and the New Moon reaching out and touching each other!   Many of the energies of the Summer Solstice and the Cancer New Moon will be the same.  I will start out talking about the Moon..which is the only planet that has moved since the Summer Solstice, in the approximate 2 and half days between the 2 events….and then I will bring in the aspects that haven’t changed from the Summer Solstice so you can understand more  how the 2 events blend and differ and at the same time…help support us!    

summer solstice June 20th/21st 2017

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                                                          SUMMER SOLSTICE                            

                                    June 20th 2017 at 11:24  pm  CDT

                                        AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology – Cathy Lindsey



This is a very powerful Summer Solstice!    The Energies are very Intense; Transformative & Changeable while being surrounded by the feeling of Urgency and Chaos!

The Summer Solstice (in the Northern Hemisphere, Winter Solstice in the Southern Hemisphere) happens when the Sun reaches its most northerly point in the Sun’s apparent cycle around the Earth. Even though the Sun seems to stand still for about 3 days….. the actual Solstice day… is the longest day of the year.  Astrologically it happens when the Sun enters the Cardinal sign of Cancer.  The Summer Solstice has been honored throughout history with celebrations, parties, picnics, music, and gathering together outside, to honor Spirit, the Sun, the Earth… and all creation. The Chart of the Summer Solstice is like a symbolic map of the energies that will be playing out over the next 3 months.


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AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology – Cathy Lindsey


This is a very powerful and important Full Moon!   A Sagittarius Full Moon encourages us to have fun, quest for knowledge and expand our visions. A  Sagittarius Full moon also represents the Truth Seeker…..and at this time in History….that is a very important energy to be out there!     Sagittarius also represents the law.  International Law in particular.  This Sagittarius Full Moon is truth seeking and very dynamic.  Sitting with the Moon is Saturn and Saturn rules the Government and responsibility on all levels.  We are being asked to gather up and look at all the information (Sagittarius Moon and Gemini Sun) that we can find…..so that we can quest for the truth…..as we continue moving forward!  Truth, with this Sagittarius Full Moon…is the ultimate goal!   This Full Moon suggests a shift in perspective and a questing for Truth!  Making this a very active…high energy… Full Moon! 

This Sagittarius Full Moon is also called a Micro-Moon because it is sitting on the Lunar Apogee…. which is the  farthest place from the Earth in the Moon’s orbit….making it appear as the smallest Full Moon of 2017!   The point of Lunar Apogee is also (to us Astrologers) referred to as “Black Moon Lilith”.  Black Moon Lilith was said to have been the first woman that God created...but she became way too powerful and was cast aside for a more subservient version (Eve)….Lilith, became very angry and became associated with the destructive feminine.


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AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology – Cathy Lindsey

This Gemini New Moon is a very important New Moon…. one that can bring opportunities or setbacks, in all types of Relationships.  All though this New Moon is a non-aspected New Moon….it doesn’t mean that the energy is easy.  The back drop of this Gemini New Moon is a Cardinal T-Square involving: Pluto/Juno……Jupiter….and Uranus/Eris/Pallas Athena/and Venus!  Venus and Juno are especially concerned about relationships.  This New Moon is also a Super Moon….meaning it is closer to the Earth then most Moons, giving us the ability to feel the Moon’s energy even more.  This generates greater gravitational and electromagnetic pulls…..on our tides, tectonic plates, the Earth, all its inhabitants, including ourselves…..and our psychic.  Triggering….accelerating shifts in consciousness. This Gemini Super New Moon is the first time since 2009 that the closest lunation to the Earth is a New Moon, rather than a Full Moon!  With this Super Moon hovering so close to Earth, its effects may be more keenly felt than usual.

Actually the energy of this Gemini New Moon feels very Chaotic…..and there really isn’t any way out….except going through!  With Mercury ruling this New Moon….most changes and encounters will come through communication of all kinds.   Change is coming and we can sense it…..we can see it…..we can feel it!!

May 10th 2017 – FULL MOON IN SCORPIO – the Magical and Mysterious depths of our Soul

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May 10th 2017 – FULL MOON IN SCORPIO – the Magical and Mysterious depths of our Soul

AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology – Cathy Lindsey

This Scorpio Full Moon is a powerful and emotionally charged one!   Scorpio pulls us in to the Magical and Mysterious depths of our Soul.  Scorpio’s energy is about deep psychological transformation…..through the unconscious (dreams, imagination, and emotions), as we then acknowledge this, and begin to communicate with our consciousness.   Also through our deep desires…. as we learn to let some of those intense desires go.  With this Scorpio Full Moon, desires peak emotional intensity and experiences…..even if they are hidden (Scorpio).  There is a Sexiness with this Scorpio Full Moon as it sextiles Pluto…which then pulls it into the ongoing Cardinal Square/T-square. There is almost a haunting……simmering desire to express one’s emotions on all levels…..be sure to keep the desire’s on the high Spiritual side of Scorpio and trust in the transformations.   Take the Power of this Full Scorpio Moon and face who and what you are ……only then can you make changes. 

This Scorpio Full Moon is also called the Wesak Moon, or the Buddha Moon. Ancient teachings say that the Buddha was born during the Taurus (Sun) Full Moon period. He was born in Lumbini not far from Nepal. Part of the Buddha’s teachings are about, non-attachment, a free mind, unconditional love and the remembrance of your true nature, of your true Value as a Spark of the Divine. The Buddha also talks about COMPASSION & JOY

Taurus New Moon - April 26 2017

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NEW MOON IN TAURUS – April 26th 2017    

AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology – Cathy Lindsey

This Taurus New Moon….is asking us to embody Mother Earth….to Ground in her beauty and feel her energy.  This Taurus New Moon is a quite New Moon as it doesn’t make any aspects to any other planets.  It is Peaceful and serene.  It embodies all of Taurus’s energy without being altered by any other connection.  True Taurus!    Your senses will be heightened….    Go outside and listen to nature….enjoy the sounds of the birds, the wind, and water.  Let you feet touch the Earth…let your feet “kiss” the Earth with merging energies.  We have been in a whirlwind of chaotic energies over the past several weeks.  This Taurus New Moon is asking us to relax, be with the Earth, Meditate, Manifest and take care of our Mother Earth and our own bodies and our Soul!

This New Moon could intensify your feelings…..bringing to the surface of your consciousness, your true feelings in many areas. This New Taurus Moon beckons us to be seduced by Nature and the Earth energies……to become one with our deeper self…..take in the beauty….take in the Love.  It is a wonderful time to celebrate Beauty, Love, and Nature!

It is a powerful time to manifest, meditate and create! 

This Taurus New Moon also begins the Super Moon’s of 2017.  It is the first out of Three Super Moon’s.  Super Moons….are often called…Perigee Moon.  That is when the Moon comes within 90% of its closest approach to earth.  This generates greater gravitational and electromagnetic pulls…..on our tides, tectonic plates, the Earth, and all its inhabitants including ourselves and our psychic! Bringing about accelerating shifts in consciousness. These Super-Full-Moons appear to last longer and look larger than any other Full Moons.


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AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology – Cathy Lindsey

This fiery New Aires Moon is the first New Moon of the Astrological New Year!  Coming in on the heels of the Spring Equinox which brings in the Astrological New Year.  It is a time for intentions and to visualize what you would like this Astrological New Year to look like.

This Aires New Moon seems to have a message……no matter how chaotic, intense and transformative the last several weeks have been, and still are..…..there seems to be a “new” energy of motivation, movement and the urge to start something “new”.  This Aries New Moon is opening up a new beginning….as it moves you into a heighten level of higher consciousness. It is almost like the Universe is saying…..take a step…any step….just move!!   There is no way to hide now.  Things are being put in our faces…..right in our faces…. and now is the time that we DO have to deal with them.  If you stumble and fall…..it is time to pick yourself up and brush yourself off….and move forward again!!   Both Aries and all New Moons are about creating the “new”.   Starting something “new”…..manifesting and creating the “new”……and we are all in the process of Co-Creating the “New” world and Co-Creating our newly evolved selves!  

But first remember that….New Moons mark the beginning of a new cycle. New Moons are also the most spiritual and intuitive moons of the whole Lunar cycle.  It is a wonderful time to manifest, meditate and create!  Each New Moon brings with it a down load of evolutionary energies that gives us the knowledge to create a beautiful future. During this powerful New Moon….meditate and manifest on Peace….within yourself and in the World.   Meditate for direction and guidance during these very powerful energies……


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