feb 2014

Uninstalling Ego Programs ~ D. Tamick

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By: D. Tamick


When I was doing my meditation this morning, I had an interesting idea present itself to me. Lately I’ve had to uninstall several programs on my computer that I no longer need and that were slowing things down. I had the thought that the programs I’ve created to run my life are in that same category – no longer needed and slowing things down. Why don’t I uninstall some of them? So I started. I pictured my computer screen and clicked on the proper boxes. I was amazed at how easy it was (most of the time). As soon as I uninstalled one, another would pop up.


I realized in doing this that these programs are not in fact truth or reality but illusion and, as if I was a small child, I was simply pretending that they’re true so that I can have an adventure. When I was 8 or 10 years old I was not really a pirate or cowboy or Indian but it sure was fun pretending I was. Of course after the game was over, I became a little boy again and had my dinner.



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By: heartlightdg, 02/11/2014


Your mind has no idea what your highest potential is.

Your soul knows exactly where you are trying to go.

When overwhelmed by life or what is occurring for you, sit quietly for a moment and say

‘I open to my highest potential’,

and breathe for a few minutes. Repeat the phrase a few times,

and your body will begin to calm and you will rise again.

Everything “thing” is a frequency

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By: Karen Doonan, 02/10/2014

Within the old 3d earth reality you are TAUGHT to “hold on” whether this be to possessions or people is irrelevant for ALL is a frequency and it is the FREQUENCIES that you have in your life that support or hinder your expansion at any one moment. For many of you at this time this may be a further illusion that you are struggling with. For surely possessions are a part of the human life experience? well yes and no, how often do you look through your wardrobe or your possessions and connect with these frequencies to check if they still resonate?   For many the answer will be “never” or “hardly ever” for the old 3d earth created reality has you running about chasing your tail, at all moments trying to teach you that you “do not have enough time”. This is a deep teaching for you create your reality from moment to moment, as you move through the transition process you will NATURALLY begin to align with NATURAL time which is NOT the same frequency as that which you are TAUGHT to align with from within the old 3d earth created reality.

Inspirations from my Higher Self – No. 35

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By: Von Badeem, 02/10/2014


[Original language German, translated by (Contra)Mary]

Everybody wants something but nobody gets it

Everybody wants something but nobody gets it. What do I want to affect with this saying?

Now, it is very simple. Everything that we have – we do not want and that very something which we want to have – this very something we do not own nor have it. Doesn’t this sound very familiar to you or ?

True, it comes from a Fairy Tale and is told to submit some certain kind of story to all children with quite its deeper sense. Unfortunately not even those reading it to children may comprehend its deeper sense and even so since this story originally had been thought to be delivered not only to children but for their parents too.

52 Ways to Have Lucid Dreams

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World of Lucid Dreaming, By: Rebecca Turner

Flickr - Lucid Moon - akshay moon

Learning to have lucid dreams can be fun, intensive, frustrating, euphoric, bizarre, daunting – yet ultimately, lucid dreaming is a hugely rewarding and life-changing experience.


Learning how to lucid dream is like any other skill that you develop over time. There is no magic secret to behold. But there are a number of tried-and-tested methods that you can employ.


Below I’ve listed a number of those techniques to get you started. There are probably more than 52 ways to have lucid dreams but we might start to stumble into repetition and overlap of techniques. Besides, 52 is more than enough to get you started.


Organic Coffee Can Improve Memory

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By: The Alternative Daily, 02/10/2014


Gotta have your morning cup of coffee to get the day started right? More and more research shows that this practice may provide a significant boost to your health. The latest study involving caffeine has found that it may improve memory.


For more on this story visit http://www.thealternativedaily.com/


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