Leo energy

July 31st, 2019 - New Super Moon in Leo

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AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology – Cathy Lindsey
The energies leading up to this Leo Super New Moon has been quit chaotic, intense and in some instances almost/most volatile. We had 2 very intense and transformative Eclipse’s in July. We can see the powerful transformations, with a bit of chaos added in, and the changes happening all around us …. in our own lives and also the lives of all humanity around the World. All you have to do is turn on the news for a few minutes. The energies have been quit intense and are not easy for the body or the Earth to handle. When you add in 6 retrograde planets … you begin to have a feeling of low energy, no motivation, and no direction….which seems most common at this time. There is also a sense of emotional detachment…a feeling of being removed from reality. Just remember that the body is trying to embody a lot of intense, chaotic, transformative, and powerful energies. Time to rest, listen to your body and meditate on moving forward. It is almost like we are being asked to take all the insights we have receive and meditate on what has been put in our faces with these Eclipses…..and make a re-start! The happier and childlike innocence of the Leo energies now all around us....will help us start to “play” again. 
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