love peace joy happiness

Be Love in every moment. Written by Chellea

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Be Love in every moment.
Written by Chellea

If you have the internet now days, you are seeing it at every turn, Facebook twitter and youtube have blown up with disclosure.
The truth is even now exploding into the main stream media as well. The mass awakening is happening now. Many of us who have been spreading the truth are feeling as though progress is finally being made. The more people who awaken, the more light spreads across this planet.
These newly awakened souls will bring more power to the cause, bringing in the truths faster. Now more then ever are we needed to show the light, so all can find their way home.

Be of Love in every moment. With every thought, action, and word. Be the unity the we all talk and write about.
Release all your beliefs. Belief systems are all forms of separation. So many newly awakened have been misled by beliefs and fantasies.
Love is not a belief. Love is not a fantasy Love does not judge. Love is not limited. Love is not restricted. Love is not control. Love is not separated.
LOVE IS the only way home. By choosing love you stop believing that you are different. By choosing love you choose unity. unity with all that is. You are not different from your neighbor. You are not different from me. I am you. I am all. You are all. Its the moment to choose love. To unite with one another. To see yourself in your neighbors eyes. To know only love.

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