mental disorders

Why Does the Myth of Marijuana and Schizophrenia Persist Despite Numerous Debunkings?

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The Leaf Online, By: Jeremy Daw, 12/27/2013

Now, the most powerful evidence against the supposed marijuana-insanity link has come forth, with the publication of  a new Harvard study showing that evidence of increased prevalence of schizophrenia among people who smoked pot in their teens can be explained by genetic and other familial factors instead of any causal relationship between pot and mental illness.  Why, then, does the myth of marijuana and mental illness still persist?


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The Selling of Attention Deficit Disorder

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The Huffington Post, By: Roque Planas, 12/14/2013

After more than 50 years leading the fight to legitimize attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, Keith Conners could be celebrating. Severely hyperactive and impulsive children, once shunned as bad seeds, are now recognized as having a real neurological problem. Doctors and parents have largely accepted drugs like Adderall and Concerta to temper the traits of classic A.D.H.D., helping youngsters succeed in school and beyond.


But Dr. Conners did not feel triumphant this fall as he addressed a group of fellow A.D.H.D. specialists in Washington. He noted that recent data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show that the diagnosis had been made in 15 percent of high school-age children, and that the number of children on medication for the disorder had soared to 3.5 million from 600,000 in 1990. He questioned the rising rates of diagnosis and called them “a national disaster of dangerous proportions.”


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Improving Memory Naturally: Sage Contains Similar Compounds as Modern Alzheimer’s Drugs

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By: Paulo Fassa, 12/06/2013

sage plant 263x164 Improving Memory Naturally: Sage Contains Similar Compounds as Modern Alzheimers Drugs

Sage was named “Herb of the Year” in 2001 by the International Herb Association. Used mostly as a culinary herb today, this sister herb of rosemary was highly valued as a preservative with healing powers around the time of the Roman Empire. and it continues to be today. Some of the latest research shows how sage can boost memory and cognitive health.


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These Nutrients Reduce Attention, Behavioral, and Emotional Problems

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By:, 09/30/2013


Polyunsaturated fatty acids are essential nutrients for humans. They are structural and functional components of cell membranes and pre-stages of the hormonally and immunologically active eicosanoids. Recent discoveries have shown that the long-chained omega-3 fatty acids eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) also play an important role in the central nervous system. They are essential for normal brain functioning including attention and other neuropsychological skills.


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Why Drugging All Schizophrenics For Life Is Not the Answer

Silver's picture, By: Bruce E. Levine, 09/19/2013

Fascinating research reveals that some people who suffer a psychotic break do better without a lifetime of medication. It was an amazing victory for mental health treatment reform activists and one investigative reporter: on Aug. 28, 2013, National Institute of Mental Health director Thomas Insel announced that psychiatry’s standard treatment for people diagnosed with schizophrenia and other psychoses needs to change. After examining two long-term studies on schizophrenia and psychoses, Insel came to what was previously considered a radical conclusion: in the long-term, some individuals with a history of psychosis do better off medication.


Insel finally recognized what mental health treatment reform activists and investigative reporter Robert Whitaker have been talking about for years—the research shows that American psychiatry’s standard treatment protocol has hurt many people who could have been helped by a more selective and limited use of drugs, and a more diverse approach such as the one used in Finland, which has produced the best long-term outcomes in the developed world.


Single Serving of Coconut Oil can Boost Brain Health, Reverse Alzheimer’s

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Naturalsociety, By: Christina Sarich, 09/03/2013

coconut oil decanter3 263x164 Single Serving of Coconut Oil can Boost Brain Health, Reverse Alzheimers

Perhaps you already know about the numerous health benefits of coconut oil, but were you aware that in as little as one daily serving, the medium chain triglycerides (MCT) or ‘healthy’ fats in coconut oil can start to repair slow neural pathways and improve cognitive functioning and memory? This is true for people of all ages, but especially in senior adults.


The connection between coconut oil and Alzheimer’s prevention and even reversal has been made stronger than ever, as evidenced in recent studies like the one published by the journal, Neurobiology of Aging.


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The Magic Duo for Cancer Treatment That Frightens The FDA and Conventional Medicine

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Prevent Disease, By: Dave Mihalovic, 08/22/2013

WIKI - Cancer Cells

Use of DMSO (Dimethyl sulfoxide) in medicine dates back decades. It was predominantly used as a topical anagesic, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant. Today, we know that DMSO can treat a variety of disorders including arthritis, mental illness, emphysema, and even cancer. While this is now considered a superb cancer treatment, orthodox medicine is not interested in discussing its benefits. If DMSO were to be implemented and used in cancer treatment, the “true cure rate” for orthodox medicine would rise from 3% to above 90%! Here’s why.


Supporters of DMSO have long supported the claim that it can cause cancerous cells to become noncancerous, or benign, and can slow or stop the progress of cancer in the bladder, colon, ovary, breast, and skin. Some evidence even suggest it is useful in treating leukemia, and it has also been used as a part of some metabolic cancer therapies.


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