message for lightworkers

Energy Update and a Word of Encouragement for Lightworkers

Blue Diamon's picture

Energy Update and a Word of Encouragement

If God exists within me and I exist within God, and therefore I AM an aspect of that perfect and incomprehensible Love, and I AM always  living in a state of benevolent Grace, then tell me why do I sometimes feel as though I’m not being supported?

Because you allow yourself to fall into the trap of your ego mind. We have spoken of this before, and I know it is difficult for you to even begin to comprehend the extent of the support that is available to you at all times. But this is where faith comes into the deal. Faith is the absolute knowing of something to be true where there is little or no evidence of that to be seen. Also, may I remind you My Dearest Love, that nothing takes forever to manifest.  It takes a mere instant, a flash, a nanosecond, in My World, but in your world it takes ‘time’ because you are living within that constraint, and there are certain clogs that have to fall into place before the wheel turns, if you get my drift. If you would just exercise patience, and stay within the present moment with Me, then you would not experience any sense of lack whatsoever. You will always feel abundant in every way. Let this be a time for you to build upon your strength and Faith so that you can get to a point where you are beyond the shadows of doubt. A point where you can smile in the face of adversity, as if you were sharing a private joke with Me, knowing that no matter what, you shall prevail! As always! Have I ever let you down?

No, you have not…

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