nov 09 2013

Earthquake Report for 11/09/2013

Silver's picture


29 earthquakes


    2.9 2km SE of Big Lake, Alaska 2013-11-09 16:12:47 UTC-05:00 32.6 km

    2.6 8km ESE of East Foothills, California 2013-11-09 15:42:57 UTC-05:00 5.9 km

    3.1 18km NW of Glennallen, Alaska 2013-11-09 14:56:10 UTC-05:00 7.9 km

    3.0 4km S of Springtown, Texas 2013-11-09 14:54:31 UTC-05:00 5.0 km

Heavenletter #4733 ~ Action Arises from Consciousness

Silver's picture

By:, 11/09/2013

God said:


Please forgive yourself for any wrongs you have done. They may pang your heart now. At the time, you thought you were right, or you didn’t think. Now you are ahead of the game. Is that to rue and regret?


It used to be that the world thought that I was a God Who punished. Punisher, I am not. I have other matters to take care of rather than trying to catch you in a what is called a wrongful act. Without exception, you did the best you could at the time. Even if you robbed a bank and you knew that robbing was not admirable, you were doing the best you could at the time, so-called time.


Beloveds, you were guilty of ignorance. You were numbed in awareness. You were short-sighted. Do we persecute the blind for being blind or the deaf for being deaf or the poor in heart to be poor in heart or errant thinking for being errant? The deed itself is punishment enough, yet punishment is not what is required.

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