
Bee Keepers Unite Against EPA and FDA over Approval of Toxic Bee-Killing Neonicotinoid

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Naturalsociety, By: Christina Sarich, 07/14/2013

bee yellow flower 263x164 Bee Keepers Unite Against EPA and FDA over Approval of Toxic Bee Killing Neonicotinoid

The National Beekeeping organizations and the National Honey Bee Advisory Board have joined forces to protect bee keepers and the food supply in an appeal against the EPA for its approval of a highly toxic pesticide called Sulfoxaflor. This toxin has been classed a fourth generation neonicotinoid which scientists worldwide have linked to colony collapse disorder (CCD), resulting in the massive and widespread death of so many bees. Even NASA has said that this particular pesticide is ‘highly toxic’ to bees and other pollinators. Dow Chemical Company, Inc. makes this chemical and currently sprays it on cotton. It is meant to be used on other crops soon.


For more on this story visit www.naturalsociety.com

Nation's Farmworkers Demand Protections From Toxic Pesticides

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Commondreams.org By: Andrea Germanos, 07/17/2013

Farmworkers and their advocates from across the nation descended on Washington, DC this week to demand better protection from the pesticides they're exposed to while picking the nation's produce. Their specific target, the Center for Public Integrity reports, is the Worker Protection Standard, a set of EPA rules meant to reduce the risk of pesticide-related injuries for some 2.5 million agricultural workers and pesticide handlers at 600,000 agricultural establishments nationwide. Yet, even as the perils of pesticides have become better known, EPA protections have not been seriously updated in 20 years.


For more on this story visit www.commondreams.org

5 ‘Medicines’ Women Should Avoid and Replace with Natural Remedies

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Naturalsociety, By: Christina Sarich, 07/01/2013

toxin poison 263x164 5 Poison ‘Medicines Women Should Avoid and Replace with Natural Remedies

While science is always developing, the western world is slow to alter its ways in the face of evidence pointing to the dangers or inefficiency of new medicine and realizations that old treatments could replace current medicines. As ludicrous as this sounds, it is no different than some of the decisions we make with our health. Everyone could make some beneficial changes, and a woman’s well-being is often neglected due to these hard-sticking myths about our health. Here are 5 ‘medicines’ that can easily be replaced with more natural alternatives.


For more on this story visit www.naturalsociety.com

Why I Stopped Buying Juice Boxes

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By: Childrensmd.org, 06/19/2013

Why I Stopped Buying Juice Boxes (The picture will gross you out…)

A patient came to my ER after noticing green slime coming up the straw from her Juicy Juice box. Her mom cut open the box – and brought her straight to the doctor. Here’s what we found in the unexpired juice box:


Her juice box was full of mold—green slime that lined the edges of the box. Apparently moldy juice boxes and juice pouches (such as those made by Capri Sun) are nothing new. If even a tiny bit of air gets into the container molds can grow. Air can get into a juice box through a hole that’s so small you can’t see it, and it doesn't cause leaking. Such a tiny puncture also permits the sugars in the juice to ferment, turning the product into a form of alcohol.


For more on this story visit www.worldtruth.tv

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