This Scorpio Super Full Pink Moon is happening at 10:32 PM CDT which is perfect for being able to see it in the sky at its peak! It’s energies will be active till we are close to the next New Moon on May 11th. This is a powerful and emotionally charged Full Moon…as it is opposite the planet Uranus…among other aspects…making things feel a bit uncomfortable at times! Because of its opposition to Uranus….be aware of unexpected events, sudden and unusual things happening, changes, impulsiveness and rebelliousness along with ingenious ideas. Being in Scorpio brings about a tremendous potential for transformation! It is a time for deep releases from your Soul…time to acknowledge what has been kept out of sight and bring that challenge to the surface so it can be released…so it can be healed. This Scorpio Full Moon is also the closest and brightest Super Moon of the 3 Super Moons this season! It is also known as the Pink Moon… because it happens when many areas of the Earth are full of wild flowering ground phlox which is widespread in the spring and ranges in colors of pink to lavender etc. This Full Scorpio Moon is also known as the Wesak Moon…or the Moon of the Buddha…a day of great Spiritual opportunity.
This Scorpio Full Moon is a powerful and emotionally charged one…making things feel a bit uncomfortable at times! Scorpio pulls us into the Magical and Mysterious depths of our Soul. Scorpio’s energy is about deep psychological transformation…..through the unconscious (dreams, imagination, emotions), as we then acknowledge this, we begin to communicate with our consciousness. Through our deep desires….we learn to let some of those intense desires go and begin to create the unknown through trust. With this Scorpio Full Moon, desires peak through emotional intensity and experiences…..even if they are hidden (Scorpio).
There is a Sexiness with this Scorpio Full Moon as Scorpio also rules sex. There is almost a haunting……simmering desire to express one’s emotions on all levels… sure to keep the desire’s on the high Spiritual side of Scorpio and trust in the transformations. Take the Power of this Full Scorpio Moon and face who and what you are ……only then can you make changes.
May 10th 2017 – FULL MOON IN SCORPIO – the Magical and Mysterious depths of our Soul
AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology – Cathy Lindsey
This Scorpio Full Moon is a powerful and emotionally charged one! Scorpio pulls us in to the Magical and Mysterious depths of our Soul. Scorpio’s energy is about deep psychological transformation…..through the unconscious (dreams, imagination, and emotions), as we then acknowledge this, and begin to communicate with our consciousness. Also through our deep desires…. as we learn to let some of those intense desires go. With this Scorpio Full Moon, desires peak emotional intensity and experiences…..even if they are hidden (Scorpio). There is a Sexiness with this Scorpio Full Moon as it sextiles Pluto…which then pulls it into the ongoing Cardinal Square/T-square. There is almost a haunting……simmering desire to express one’s emotions on all levels… sure to keep the desire’s on the high Spiritual side of Scorpio and trust in the transformations. Take the Power of this Full Scorpio Moon and face who and what you are ……only then can you make changes.
This Scorpio Full Moon is also called the Wesak Moon, or the Buddha Moon. Ancient teachings say that the Buddha was born during the Taurus (Sun) Full Moon period. He was born in Lumbini not far from Nepal. Part of the Buddha’s teachings are about, non-attachment, a free mind, unconditional love and the remembrance of your true nature, of your true Value as a Spark of the Divine. The Buddha also talks about COMPASSION & JOY
This Scorpio Full Moon is a powerful and emotionally charged one! Scorpio pulls us in to the Magical and Mysterious depths of our Soul. Scorpio’s energy is about deep psychological transformation…..through the unconscious (dreams, imagination, and emotions), as we then acknowledge this, and begin to communicate with our consciousness. Also through our deep desires…. as we learn to let some of those intense desires go. This Scorpio Full Moon desires peak emotional intensity and experiences…..even if they are hidden (Scorpio). There is a Sexiness with this Scorpio Full Moon (Venus which rules Taurus is sitting with Uranus in the Cardinal Square). There is almost a haunting……simmering desire to express one’s emotions on all levels… sure to keep the desire’s on the high Spiritual side of Scorpio and trust in the transformations. Take the Power of this Full Scorpio Moon and face who and what you are ……only then can you make changes.
This Scorpio Full Moon is also called the Wesak Moon, or the Buddha Moon. Ancient teachings say that the Buddha was born during the Taurus (Sun) Full Moon period. He was born in Lumbini not far from Nepal. Part of the Buddha’s teachings are about, non-attachment, a free mind, unconditional love and the remembrance of your true nature, of your true Value as a Spark of the Divine. The Buddha also talks about COMPASSION & JOY
This Scorpio Full Moon is a powerful and emotionally charged one! Scorpio’s energy is about deep psychological transformation…..through the unconscious (dreams, imagination, emotions), as we then acknowledge this, and begin to communicate with our consciousness. Also through our deep desires…. as we learn to let some of those intense desires go….. This Scorpio Full Moon desires peak emotional intensity and experiences…..even if they are hidden (Scorpio). There is a Sexiness with this Scorpio Full Moon, almost a haunting……simmering desire to express one’s emotions on all levels… sure to keep the desire’s on the high Spiritual side of Scorpio and trust in the transformations. Take the Power of this Full Scorpio Moon and face who and what you are ……only then can you make changes.
We have been through a lot of transformative energies over the last several months…… Lots of chaos….lots of changes, on a personal level, and a community/humanity level. The energies have been strongly asking us to let go of people, places and things that are no longer vibrating where we are……purging in all areas. We not only are seeing this within our own lives……but also with families, friends and relationships…..and also within the World and the Earth itself. For example: The fiery Volcano in Chile, the massive earthquake in Nepal (the Earth is purging), the wild shootings on both sides of the law and the marches/protests… people start to take their power back and stand up for their cause…..and demand justice on all levels. Remember…..we are in the 60’s part 2! This Scorpio Full Moon will bring more of this to the surface…..if only the surface of your own consciousness.
This Scorpio Full Moon is also called the Wesak Moon, or the Buddha Moon. Ancient teachings say that the Buddha was born during the Taurus (Sun) Full Moon period. Part of the Buddha’s teachings are about, non-attachment, a free mind, unconditional love and the remembrance of your true nature, of your true Value as a Spark of the Divine. The Buddha also talks about JOY!