sept 06 2013

Earthquake Report for 09/06/2013

Silver's picture


28 earthquakes


    4.3 52km S of Atka, Alaska 2013-09-06 13:29:12 UTC-04:00 40.9 km

    2.9 87km WSW of Cantwell, Alaska 2013-09-06 13:23:27 UTC-04:00 100.0 km

    2.7 25km W of Lost Hills, California 2013-09-06 11:21:26 UTC-04:00 4.9 km

    4.4 18km ENE of Benzilan, China 2013-09-06 11:04:14 UTC-04:00 30.1 km

    2.9 72km NW of Aguadilla, Puerto Rico 2013-09-06 09:30:00 UTC-04:00 7.0 km

    2.8 26km WNW of Kailua-Kona, Hawaii 2013-09-06 07:45:09 UTC-04:00 103.7 km

    6.0 43km ESE of Uyugan, Philippines 2013-09-06 07:33:53 UTC-04:00 178.1 km

    4.2 86km SSW of Atka, Alaska 2013-09-06 06:08:04 UTC-04:00 40.8 km

    2.8 20km SW of Redoubt Volcano, Alaska 2013-09-06 06:01:30 UTC-04:00 100.0 km

The Oracle Report for Friday, September 6, 2013

Silver's picture

By:, 09/06/2013

New Moon Phase: beginning, projection, emergence, intention


Moon: Virgo


Ruling Mahavidya:  Shodashi (with Matangi, The Administrator)


Like veins in marble stone, the record of our soul's history forms patterns of beauty.  This month, the Wisdom Goddess Shodashi traces these lines and then scripts new ones based on our highest desires.  If the trajectory of our soul has strayed from its beauty (its fulfillment), Shodashi will write lines to get us back to our course.


Heavenletter #4669 ~ Dreams God May Have for You

Silver's picture

By:,  09/06/2013

God said:


When you feel you are losing your zip, do two things:


Drink some water and take a walk in the fresh air.


This may be all you need. You don’t need a nap, and you don’t need coffee. You may simply need to drink some water and take a walk.


How simple life can be.


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