sept 1 2013

Heavenletter #4664 ~ Your Very Self

Silver's picture

By:, September 1, 2013

God said:


What you want of Me is what you want of yourself. What did I just say? What did I mean? I mean for you to be self-sufficient. All answers are within you. If the Kingdom of God is within, it is within. The worshipper and the worshipped are the same. That which you seek is within you. You are your own answers to your prayers. You are the solver and the solution. Find Me within you then. There is a tendency to think power lies outside you.


Greater than the individual you is the glory and power that shines in the hearts of all. Yes, I say all. Not just a chosen few.


Let’s look at it this way. All are chosen. I chose, and you chose. We could call it a team effort, yet it was no effort at all.


What do you think it means when I say We are One, and there is no We, there is only I and the Oneness of I AM? Who is talking, and Who is listening? Who is speaking, and Who is hearing? Who is writing, and Who is written? If I exist within one human being, I exist within all. The many is a fractured picture of One. Optical illusion, shall We say? Here is that word We again. Well, it is better than the words you and I as though separation were real.


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