sept 26 2013

Earthquake Report for 09/26/2013

Silver's picture


20 earthquakes


    3.6 16km S of Fern Acres, Hawaii 2013-09-26 14:36:02 UTC-04:00 9.2 km

    2.5 95km WSW of Healy, Alaska 2013-09-26 13:08:36 UTC-04:00 0.2 km

    2.5 20km NNW of Borrego Springs, California 2013-09-26 12:38:37 UTC-04:00 8.5 km

    4.6 140km SSW of Ndoi Island, Fiji 2013-09-26 07:23:50 UTC-04:00 604.4 km

    4.2 51km SSW of Pijijiapan, Mexico 2013-09-26 06:48:42 UTC-04:00 61.6 km

    4.4 112km WSW of Puerto Madero, Mexico 2013-09-26 03:57:19 UTC-04:00 39.1 km

    2.8 6km SSE of Ridgemark, California 2013-09-26 03:56:39 UTC-04:00 8.2 km

    5.7 106km WSW of Puerto Madero, Mexico 2013-09-26 02:46:03 UTC-04:00 9.8 km

    2.8 10km E of Edmond, Oklahoma 2013-09-26 01:17:11 UTC-04:00 5.4 km

Heavenletter #4689 ~ The World of God

Silver's picture

By:, 09/26/2013

God said:


Welcome to the World of God. It has a special name. It is called Heaven. It is a beautiful frictionless place to be. Its true location is in the Human Heart. Another name for Heaven could be Vastness. Certainly, there are no encumbrances in Heaven, nothing to get in the way of Purity of Heart. There are no arguments, no opposites, nothing extraneous, nothing to get in the way of rising to Heaven. Heaven is smooth-running all the way. No obstacles. Of course, how could there be obstacles to the smooth-running of Heaven?


Heaven is within everyone’s heart. Heaven is really not this distance that you allow it to be. It is so close that We can say that Heaven is no distance at all. It’s only a trick of perception that allows Heaven to be a somewhere sometime later. Heaven does not have to be transported to you. It is already within you. Much the same as when you can’t find your eyeglasses, and they are right on your head.


The Oracle Report for Thursday, September 26, 2013

Silver's picture

By:, 09/26/2013

Third Quarter Moon Phase: realignment, revision, responsibility


Moon: Gemini/Cancer


Ruling Mahavidya:  Shodashi (with Matangi)


The beautiful creature in today's photograph is a kestrel, a member of the falcon family, and second only to the great horned owl in its numbers and range of habitat.  According to Animal Speak by Ted Andrews (that my friend has termed the "Big Book"), kestrel teaches "how to use your mental faculties more patiently and more effectively to capture what you most need and desire (emphasis added)."


It is appropriate that kestrel shows up right after Shodashi, the Wisdom Goddess Who Fulfills Our Highest Desires, sends a wave to shatter the nature of power and control systems.


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