The Creator Writings

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My lovely one; it may seem as if you are surrounded by muck.  The everyday acts of living may make it feel as if you are dragging all of it with you.  There is a lesson in this!  Please remember that once you move past thoughts of being weighed down, there are great treasures to be found.  It may take some digging, but you will find them. ~ Creator

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The Next Amazing Adventure

There may be times……many times when you feel as if you are starting over.  Things on your Earth plane are changing so rapidly, it feels as if you will never catch up.  This is when The Universe gets to say to you, “Step back, take a deep breath and look at the paths before you!”  There are so many choices, so many different directions for you to move that a starting over is not really starting over, but a beginning to your next amazing adventure! ~ Creator

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The Peaceful Child?

You can spend your life on Earth like a child with no boundaries….arguing, fighting, blaming and with anger.  Or…you can rest in the peaceful knowledge that all is as it should be in The Universe and, if things are not flowing the way you feel they should, the tide will eventually turn and all will be well.  It is completely up to you. ~ Creator

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Allow Yourself Space

You have a choice, my love, as always.  You can hide yourself away, quaking in fear of all the ‘bad things’ or all of the hurts you may experience.  You can become ‘angry in advance’ for all the wrong doing that may or may not occur.  You can spend your time worrying about the things that may never happen.  You could even punish yourself for mistakes that have yet to be made but, what kind of life is that?
Please, darling one, take some time to think about how you present yourself to the world.  Again, it is your choice to be a good person who acknowledges that they are human and will make mistakes, own those mistakes, ask for forgiveness from yourself and others or stay mired in the negativity that you, yourself, have created.  You are human and came to learn human lessons.  Allow yourself the space to be. ~ Creator

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The Spiritual Toolbox

Compassion, kindness, goodness, empathy and the ability to be a good person; these are some of the most powerful tools you, as a human, can possess and they can never be taken from you.  Others may affect how you express them but, again, they can never be taken.  Please remember; even if you are presented with negativity your spiritual toolbox of gifts is available and ready for use at any time. ~ Creator


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