The Creator Writings

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The Light

Dearest child, The Universe knows the awareness being brought you to is overwhelming and there may feel like too much pain and negative goings-on to overcome.  Even though it seems as if you are in a hurricane of chaos, please remember that a purpose is being served.  Consciousness is changing and the light you and your fellow humans carry is shining through the darkness to bring the definitive change you have been manifesting.  Keep going my love, the end result will be worth it! ~ Creator

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Be Who You Are

As your world prepares for yet another huge energy shift, it is good to remember:

You do not have to be anything for anyone. Being yourself, without explanation, is all The Universe asks.

Practice kindness and compassion but maintain healthy boundaries. Your space is sacred, and you deserve to be treated well.

Listen carefully. Your soul and physical being will tell you when it needs a rest. If it does, take it! Respect yourself as you would respect others.

Keep learning. Knowledge is a pathway to greater wisdom and growth. Do not put yourself on hold to please others. Be who you are, be proud of what you have accomplished and love! ~ Creator

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Stay Focused

You have been working so diligently, my love!  Clearing, creating, manifesting and brightly shining your light.  Some things have gone well and other have required a bit more effort, but you have continued to move forward.  Now is the time to keep stepping up to the experiences and challenges that are coming into your life.  Do no be dissuaded by the negative, stay focused and know you are on the right path. ~ Creator

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A Part Of You

Within you exists a small piece of The Universe that, once activated, cannot be turned off. Would you want to? It contains everything you will ever need, all of the power and infinitely more love than you have experienced thus far. It moves within you, it asks to be recognized and can never be removed, it is a part of you. To use it…..just ask. ~ Creator

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It’s Up To You…

You may reach a point when you have to choose between love of self and love of another in spite of yourself. One reclaims your power, the other gives it away. What you choose is ultimately up to you and how you want to live the remainder of your existence on your Earth-plane; empowered or enslaved. ~ Creator

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Closing The Circle

How much energy are you willing to give a negative experience that is over and done with? In replaying the moment over and over, you are continuing to feed it the power you so richly deserve for yourself. Releasing the energetic charge and closing the circle of the will allow you to move forward into a new, more positive experience. ~ Creator


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