The Creator Writings

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Some of you may find the atmosphere exceptionally quiet.  “Where’s the big boom, the massive wave?” (Smiling) Oh, it is there and washing over humanity now.  There is an old saying on your Earth-plane, ‘Speak quietly and carry a big stick’.  That is what is going on in this moment.  Today, you are invited to take some time out of your day and listen!  The Universe is providing you with more information and Unconditional Love than ever before…it is just a matter of quieting yourself enough to hear it. ~ Creator

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Am I good enough?’

‘Am I ready?’

‘Do I have the right tools?’

‘Am I doing it right?’

‘Will other people still like me?’

The time of questioning is over!  These are all unnecessary now.  You are entering the new phase of growth and learning.  Release the negatives, the “I can’t” and the doubt.  You have been preparing for this your entire life…it is time to begin!  Embrace and go!

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True Self

The new year will usher in the journey of self-discovery.  You may have spent the majority of your life altering your being to fit other’s needs and expectations of you.  Now it is time to change that.  In recognizing and loving your true self, you will also be learning the valuable skills necessary to connect with people in an entirely different way; a way without pretense, pretending or half-truths.  It may be a challenge but, you are worth it! (Smiling) ~ Creator

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Release, Release, Release

How may pre-conceived notions do you hold regarding others?  Do you believe that a person that appears to be ‘muggle’ is not walking a spiritual path?  Do you believe that those who are without a home are not willing to change for the better?  Do you believe that if you are spiritual that those around you are ‘less than’?  Do you believe that humans who do not eat the same way you do need forceful guidance to ‘change their ways’?  In the coming months there will be no room for this.  The time for judging others is over.

Each of you is walking your own path, in your own way and, if you look closely enough, all paths lead to Unconditional Love. (Winking) Rather than judging others for what they have (or lack), be a guide…but, only if you are asked for assistance. It may take others more time to get there, but it is their journey!  It is time to step into your new year with a clear and open path to your own growth and learning!  If others choose to join you…it is wonderful!  Free will is yours! ~ Creator

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A Few More Reminders…

As your year draws to a close, you will be reminded of a few simple things…

Trust is much easier than you thought. Introducing yourself to the belief that it is okay to trust yourself and The Universe will be a huge step forward.

Fear has no place in the next phase. Fear keeps you frozen, stuck, static and unyielding when flowing and discovering your new skills is the order of the day.

It is perfectly okay to not know what is going to happen. You may ‘hate’ surprises, but The Universe is always offering beautiful opportunities where you believe none exist. Each moment of your existence is a joyous wonder!

Now that you are walking your spiritual path, wishing to go back or to stop altogether is no longer an option. You are learning and growing. There is no greater gift!

Unconditional Love is the greatest force of all. If you are ever in doubt, ask for Unconditional Love. If you do not know what your next step should be, ask for Unconditional Love. If you are having a challenging time, ask for Unconditional Love. It is free, there is an infinite supply and you cannot wear it out!

You are beautiful. You are unique; there will never be another like you. Embrace your whole self and know that all will be well.

~ Creator

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Spiritual Focus

There will be many things attempting to pull you in many directions as a distraction from your growth.  You can choose to allow the distractions or continue your path as planned.  Many of the old things and old ways are very tempting because they are comfortable and safe.  Stepping away from comforting people, places or things may leave you feeling isolated and lonely.  Do not be afraid of this, dear one.  This is when your deepest learning happens.  Your new year will be many opportunities for learning and the progression of that learning is completely up to you.  Free will has, and always will be, yours. ~ Creator

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A Great Adventure

Now that you are in the new energy of the latest shift, breathe!  There is no need for you to lose any sleep over this; it will be a gentle and comfortable transition to the next level.  Opinions will vary as to which “D” the world is in.  This is just another way to separate and exclude others.  From The Universe’s stand point, it does not matter which (3D, 4D, 5D) you feel yourself to be in.  What does matter is that you continue to do your work in a way that is best for you.  You are on an amazing adventure; greet and embrace it with excitement and love! ~ Creator

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Dreams, Wishes & Hope

Dream your dreams, make your wishes, add hope into the mix.  Make it big, bold and in full technicolor!  Create, know The Universe is listening and will point you in the right direction to accomplish them.  This, darling child, is one of the benefits of being human!  Turning your thoughts into reality will become easier and easier as the new year progresses.  Embrace this gift and know All That Is is ready and waiting…..for you! ~ Creator

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Trust Yourself!

Dear one, there has been much wringing of hands, anxious thoughts and a bit of trepidation at what The Universe will present next.  Some will wait with bated breath for the next hint, sign or signal to move forward.  The searching and gleaning of information in every little thing written or spoken, looking for something, anything, that will give you permission to make the next step.  The one thing you seem to have forgotten, darling child, is that you have been receiving the necessary and needed information the whole time! (Smiling)  The issue lies not in what you receive but, how you have gotten so used to trusting others words more than your own.  The time for second-guessing is over!  It is time to begin trusting yourself as much as The Universe trusts you! ~ Creator


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