Wholeness of Being and Natural Remedies

A Healer’s Perspective on Psychedelics and the Body to Mind Connection

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MAPS, By: Trevor Getsla, 11/22/2013

Flickr - Psychedelic - aussiegall

Within us all there are numerous levels of perceptual experiences we can encounter. All of us already possess within ourselves a powerful field of perception that is simultaneously physiological as well as conscious in nature.


We shall look at the body to mind relationship through the lens of touch therapies, and in reference to the psychedelic experience. Additionally, we’ll see one perspective of the psychedelic experience and what it can reveal for a healer’s work with their own and other human systems.


The human “Being” can be thought of as the meeting of mind, body, and spirit – all three of which are intrinsically linked and interrelated. When we move into the world of healing the human system, we can access from any of these vantages.


Large Scale Study Shows Nuts Decrease Cancer Risk By More Than One-Third

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Prevent Disease, By: Karen Foster, 11/21/2013

Flickr - Nuts - s58y

Writing in Nature’s British Journal of Cancer, the team behind the new analysis reported that consumption of nuts – including tree nuts such as almonds, Brazil nuts, cashews, hazelnuts, macadamias, pecans, pine nuts, pistachios and walnuts – was found to be inversely associated with risk of pancreatic cancer, independent of other potential risk factors for pancreatic cancer.


The data, from a large-scale prospective study, investigated the association between nut consumption and risk of pancreatic cancer in more than 75,000 women who took part in the Nurses’ Health Study, and had no previous history of cancer.”Frequent nut consumption is inversely associated with risk of pancreatic cancer in this large prospective cohort of women, independent of other potential risk factors for pancreatic cancer,” explained the research team – led by Dr Ying Bao of Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School.


Primrose – Pretty Little Plant with a Powerful Medicinal Punch

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evening primrose

Along with its calming effect, primrose was a common remedy for gout, paralysis and muscular rheumatism in the earliest days of medicine. Pliny himself often wrote of the power of the primrose to cure such ailments.

The plant contains salicylates, which are a main ingredient of aspirin and have powerful anti-inflammatory effects. Often an infusion of the root, which should be harvested after two or three years, can be a natural option for headache relief, cough and other bronchial problems.

The seeds of the evening primrose have often been touted for their anti-inflammatory effect as well. The seed oil in particular is high in fatty acids and has been used in the treatment of PMS symptoms, arthritis and the skin condition eczema.

While minimal research has been performed, one study concluded that the gamma linolenic acid in primrose seed oil does aid in battling the inflammation associated with rheumatoid arthritis.

Aftere a review of over 30 human-based studies, evening primrose oil was found by researchers to be an effective treatment for multiple skin conditions including eczema and dermatitis when applied topically.

More on: thealternativedaily.com

Experiencing Grace

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GFP Commentary: Release the ego. Accept Love. Be Love and things will fall into place.

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Waking Times, By: Ida Lawrence, 11/20/2013


“The intensity of your need calls what is needed to you.” Do you believe that statement? To me, it has shown itself to be true a few, remarkable times. Of course it requires that we remain open, because the ego’s need, or the intellect’s need, or the emotion’s need might not correspond with the true need. It is the energy/information/feeling of us that informs the universe of our true need.


So… we may not be fully aware of what our heart has called for, and it may come to us in a completely different form than what we have sought, or what our opinion tells us we are suited for, or even what we are ‘supposed’ to want. If we are open, we’ll recognize it… a way is a way, love is love. Usually, if we accept that a need is being fulfilled, and we are willing to experience it, we’ll know also that this must lead to change… sometimes a great deal of change.


21 Amazing Benefits of Eating Wheatgrass

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Prevent Disease, By: Mae Chan, 11/20/2013

Flickr - Wheat Grass - oklo

Wheatgrass and wheatgrass juice are excellent ways to get dark greens in the diet. Pound for pound, wheatgrass is more than twenty times denser in nutrients than other choice vegetables. Nutritionally, wheatgrass is a complete food that contains 98 of the 102 earth elements.


Wheatgrass is available in many forms, including tablets, capsules, liquid extracts and tinctures. Wheatgrass is often used for juicing or added to smoothies or tea. You can even buy wheatgrass seeds or kits to grow your own wheatgrass at home. Many food facilities offer the option of purchasing organic gluten-free wheatgrass either grown aeroponically (bacteria and fungus free) or grown organically outdoors.


For more on this story visit www.wakingtimes.com

Countless Uses for Coconut Oil – The Simple, the Strange, and the Downright Odd

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Mercola.com, By: Dr. Mercola, 11/20/2013


Coconut oil has been a dietary and beauty staple for millennia. It’s a powerful destroyer of all kinds of microbes, from viruses to bacteria to protozoa, many of which can be harmful, and provides your body with high-quality fat that is critical for optimal health. Around 50 percent of the fat in coconut oil is lauric acid, which is rarely found in nature. In fact, coconut oil contains the most lauric acid of any substance on Earth. Your body converts lauric acid into monolaurin, a monoglyceride that can actually destroy lipid-coated viruses such as HIV and herpes, influenza, measles, gram-negative bacteria, and protozoa such as giardia lamblia. This is undoubtedly part of what makes it so medicinally useful—both when taken internally and applied externally.


For more on this story visit www.wakingtimes.com

Pushing 80 and given two weeks to live, dying patient cures by cannabis

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Stan Rutner, a retired dentist and storage facilities owner, was diagnosed with lung cancer which had metastasized into his brain. The diagnosis had surprised him.This time, the radiation and chemo treatments wore him down completely. He could barely write anymore, and his short term memory was completely shot. He was suffering from extreme weight loss, muscular atrophy, insomnia and a lack of energy, as orthodox cancer treatment side effects combined with cancer's cachexia (wasting away).

What John and Corrine discovered was easy for Stan to take in was coconut oil-infused cannabis capsules. Soon after starting, he was able to sleep and eat in a matter of days and no longer needed tank-supplied oxygen.

Exciting: Ginger Found to Protect Against, Reverse Toxic MSG Damage

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ginger msg 263x164 Exciting: Ginger Found to Protect Against, Reverse Toxic MSG Damage

MSG is found in a variety of foods, sometimes listed under different names so as not to scare off customers: names such as yeast extract, hydrolyzed vegetable protein, whey protein, autolyzed yeast, and yeast food. It’s most commonly found in soups, flavorings, and sauces. But the effects of MSG cannot be hidden. It’s been linked to obesity, vision problems, migraines, and even ADHD and cancer.

Ginger, on the other hand, is a healing food that’s easy to find and even easier to use. It has antifungal, antiviral and antibacterial properties. The health benefits of ginger are already undeniable, but now that research shows how ginger can counteract the damage from MSG, the benefit of this root have grown even further.

Stop Crying – Onions are Good for You

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Despite the fact that chopping onions can make you cry, their numerous health benefits should put a smile back on your face. There is also a way to reduce those tears that are caused due to the series of chemical reactions that releases propanethial s-oxide when cutting an onion.

Stop those annoying waterworks by using a sharp knife which causes less damage to the cell walls of an onion, releasing fewer irritants. Keep the exposed cuts away from you and position your cutting board near the stove so the exhaust fan can pull some of the irritants away. Chilling the onion before chopping it can also help.

Now that you’ve reduced the tears you can begin to enjoy the onion’s many benefits to your health:

Reducing inflammation

Fighting bacterial infections

Preventing heart attacks

Strengthening the immune system

Supporting bone health

Regulating blood sugar

More details on: TheAlternativeDaily.com


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