Waking Times

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The Parallel Universe Theory – How Worlds Interact

parallel universe - reality
Ellie Zolfagharifard, Mail Online
Waking Times

  • The parallel worlds constantly influence one another, researchers claim
  • This is because, instead of a collapse in which quantum particles ‘choose’ to occupy one state or another, they in fact occupy both, simultaneously 
  • The theory could resolve some of the irregularities in quantum mechanics
  • It states some worlds are almost identical to ours, but most are different
  • Theory may even create possibility of one day testing for these worlds

Imagine a world where dinosaurs hadn’t become extinct, Germany had won World War II and you were born in an entirely different country.

These worlds could exist today in parallel universes, which constantly interact with each other, according to a group of US and Australian researchers.

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You Are God: The True Teachings of Jesus

Brandon West, Contributor
Waking Times

In this article we will explore how the true teachings of Jesus can be summed up by three little words: you are God. Some missionaries came to my house the other day and I was given the opportunity to come face to face with the religious mind, to discover their relationship to God, and to remember my own (non-voluntary) experience with religion.

In such a short time though it was, it was absolutely clear that the foundational flaw of religion based off of the bible as it is primarily taught today (and in general, for the past 2000 years), is that it teaches first and foremost that we are separate from this force called God. But that is a contradiction because the bible, specifically the teachings of Jesus as I will clearly illustrate, teach that you are god, and that we are all God.

So, I have taken it upon myself to convince those missionaries, and you, that you are not only equal to God, but that you are God.

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Hacking Concentration: The Complete Guide to Getting Into the ‘Zone’

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Deane Alban, Contributor
Waking Times

Learn how to improve your concentration to get more done. Get many simple lifestyle tips and techniques, including the single best way to get in the zone …

It’s been said that the greatest power of the human mind is its ability to focus on one thing for an extended period of time.

If you’ve ever held a magnifying glass in the sun, you know how scattered sunlight can be focused to start a fire.

Imagine if you could concentrate your brain power into one bright beam and focus it like a laser on whatever you wish to accomplish.

But most of us struggle to concentrate.

And when you can’t concentrate, everything you do is harder and takes longer than you’d like.

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Guatemalan Indigenous Communities Beat Monsanto & Seed Privatization

In Sololá, hundreds of campesinos mobilized to oppose the “Monsanto Law,” which would have opened Guatemala to the privatization of seed. (WNV/Jeff Abbott)
In Sololá, hundreds of campesinos mobilized to oppose the “Monsanto Law,” which would have opened Guatemala to the privatization of seed. (WNV/Jeff Abbott)

Late in the afternoon of September 4, after nearly 10 days of protests by a coalition of labor, indigenous rights groups and farmers, the indigenous peoples and campesinos of Guatemala won are rare victory. Under the pressure of massive mobilizations, the Guatemala legislature repealed Decree 19-2014, commonly referred to as the “Monsanto Law,” which would have given the transnational chemical and seed producer a foot hold into the country’s seed market.

“The law would have affected all indigenous people of Guatemala,” said Edgar René Cojtín Acetún of the indigenous municipality of the department of Sololá. “The law would have privatized the seed to benefit only the multinational corporations. If we didn’t do anything now, then our children and grandchildren would suffer the consequences.”

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Eternal Damnation Doesn’t Seem to Work

Ida Lawrence, Contributor
Waking Times

“Every path comes with a price.” I read that statement somewhere and decided to write it down and think about it. Life is a journey, for everyone, and journeys are taken on paths. But the “every path comes with a price” statement sounds a bit intimidating or threatening. So, what ‘price’ are we talking about here?

When we grow up under the ‘eternal damnation if you do it wrong’ threat, we can get a little wary or even fearful of taking the wrong path. Let’s start out by eliminating the threatening feeling of the word ‘price’. If by price we mean effort, well of course… every single life requires effort. If the price we’re talking about is karma, that could be experienced as enjoyable or difficult.

If the price is pain, yes, it could be karma, something we invited or didn’t invite but it did happen, or the emotional pain we feel when life contradicts our opinion. Hopefully we can learn and turn things around by asking ‘why this pain’.

But I don’t think it’s pain or karma or effort that the statement refers to. I think it is this: you give up something to get something. When considering my own life, that does have the ring of truth. We need to be willing to give something up, and if you let your imagination loose as to what people give up in order to get something, it can make you shudder on one hand… or bow your head in gratitude on the other.

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Sunspot Cycles and the Global Shift in Consciousness

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Julian Websdale, Contributor
Waking Times

Many people are feeling confused and uncertain about the state of our world. As we look at the nature of the various societal structures around us and how they function today, we quickly realize that instability is a term that can so easily describe them. Whether it be the natural flow of where they are headed or the population induced direction due to unrest, our economic, governmental, political, environmental and healthcare models, etc., are clearly in a state of decline and transition as the population begins to wake up to the true nature of each structure.

This awakening is being driven by a shift in Consciousness, cosmic factors such as cosmic rays and solar activity, and by a soul decision each one of us is making out of a greater realization that we have outgrown our current experience that we are co-creating here on earth. This can be seen and felt by how little sense the world seems to make these days and by feeling the need to change it. That change is coming from within and is tough for many of us to ignore.

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Genetically Engineered Potato Now Approved by USDA

The potato, called the Innate potato, was developed by the Boise, Idaho-based J.R. Simplot Company, which applied for the permit last year after three years of field trials. Simplot, one of the country’s largest privately held agribusinesses which virtually invented the frozen French fry, has been a major supplier of those French fries to McDonald’s since the late ’60s. It now supplies more than half the French fries the chain buys.

While the environmental benefits of reduced bruising leading to less crop waste are being touted, some environmental groups decried the decision. Doug Gurian-Sherman, senior scientist and director of sustainable agriculture at the Center for Food Safety raised issues about the particular technology, which works not by introducing foreign organisms but by inserting other types of potato DNA to silence the host potato’s RNA-based control mechanisms, such as the one that produces browning.

“We simply don’t know enough about RNA interference technology to determine whether GE crops developed with it are safe for people and the environment,” said Gurian-Sherman. “If this is an attempt to give crop biotechnology a more benign face, all it has really done is expose the inadequacies of the U.S. regulation of GE crops. These approvals are riddled with holes and are extremely worrisome.”

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Consciousness Creates Our Immaterial, Mental & Spiritual Universe


Arjun Walia, Collective-Evolution
Waking Times

“Consciousness creates reality,” a statement that has gained a lot of attention across various alternative media outlets around the world. Make no mistake, consciousness has (and has been for quite sometime) studied by numerous scientists, especially in its relation to quantum physics and how it might be correlated with the nature of our reality.

What is consciousness? Consciousness includes a number of things. It’s how we perceive our world, our thoughts, being aware, our intentions and more.

“Looking for consciousness in the brain is like looking in the radio for the announcer.” -Nassim Haramein


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