Waking Times

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Poor Diet Changes DNA, Causes Lasting Damage to Immune System

unhealthy food
Mae Chan, Prevent Disease
Waking Times

While we may be familiar with the dangers of eating too much processed foods, the actual effects of this indulgence may be far more damaging to our health than previously imagined. Almost everyone knows that improved eating habits will most likely improve a range of health measures, but researchers have warned that the effects that a poor diet have on the immune system can persist even after eating habits improve.

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Microorganism-rich Soil as an Essential Part of the Food Supply

Waking Times

Video - Fred Kirschenmann discusses the importance of healthy, microorganism-rich soil as part of a sustainable and safer food supply. Kirschenmann serves as both a Distinguished Fellow at the Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture at Iowa State University, and as President of the Stone Barns Center for Food and Agriculture in Pocantico Hills, New York. He is the author of a book of essays, Cultivating an Ecological Conscience: Essays by a Farmer Philosopher, which track the development of his thoughts over the past 30 years.

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The Spiritual Secrets of Sound

Jennifer Sodini, Contributor
Waking Times

“If you want to learn the secrets of the universe, think of energy, frequency, and vibration.” – Nikola Tesla

If you think of universal reality as a cosmic satellite radio transmission, we are all frequencies that are being picked up from the same transmitter. This satellite radio (aka: God/the Universe/love/all-that-is) offers an endless amount of stations all at once, and you can dial in to any frequency that feels best. Simply put, think of this… just because you may turn to Z100 on the radio dial, it doesn’t mean that HOT97 doesn’t exist, it’s just that Z100 is the particular frequency that you prefer to vibrate on, because this station has the melodies that move you. Others may find their rhythm from different melodies, but all of life is music nonetheless.

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Who Thinks Your Thoughts?

Brendan D. Murphy, Guest
Waking Times

“Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it.” ~Charles Swindoll

The notion that how we feel is merely caused by events around us or directly involving us, is a scourge of our modern times. To believe that the external world and its perceived relationship to us is the major determinative factor in how we feel (“I can’t believe he/she said that to me—that’s so outrageous!”) is disempowering and self-destructive.

We impose our “shoulds” on what we perceive as “the world out there”, and then when it fails to live up to our arbitrary and abstract standards, we pout, mope, grumble and complain that it “should” have been different. Rather than tweaking our perception, we demand that the thing we perceive should tweak itself! When people fail to conform to our whimsy, we often then fall into yet another error avoided by the mindful: we replay upsetting events (events that we perceived as upsetting) and our emotional response/s to them in our heads over and over, further upsetting ourselves!

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Toxic Air Pollution Another Big Problem With Fracking

Mike G, DeSmogBlog
Waking Times

The threat posed by fracking to water quality is an issue receiving a lot of attention lately (see here, here, andhere, for instance), as is the looming collapse of the fracking boom. But the Center for Environmental Health, suspecting that the whole story wasn’t being told, partnered with 15 different local, state, and national organizations to study fracking’s impact on the air we breathe, and the results are not pretty.

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Rumsfeld & Monsanto Team Up to Bring You Neuro-Toxic Aspartame & Splenda

Christina Sarich, Natural Society
Waking Times

As we get closer to the holidays, many people look for ways to cut back on sugar and other indulgences so that when the New Year rolls around, they won’t have to work so hard to lose those extra pounds. While it is a good idea to avoid sugar altogether, using the artificial sweeteners Splenda or Aspartame might be even worse. There are numerous reasons you should avoid the stuff in little yellow packages (or pink, or blue). Here is why.

Donald Rumsfeld, the very same politician who supports GMOs, is perhaps the singular man who got Splenda onto the market after the FDA initially refused it. If you have gotten sick from consuming this toxic substance, you can thank him, along with its makers. Splenda was created by the British company Tate & Lyle along with the pharmaceutical giant Johnson & Johnson.

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Open Source Revolution – 3 Ways Humanity Will Never Be The Same

Jefferey Jaxen, Contributor
Waking Times

Taking a pulse check of the conscious awakening of humanity on all levels, it is sometimes difficult to describe the feelings and experiences we are all encountering. As covered in the recent documentary Collective Evolution III, many signs and yardsticks seem to concur with the filmmakers’ findings that we are riding the wave of something big. One thing is for sure, communities, societies, and the world are in the midst of throwing off any attempts at oppressive control and suppression of information with no signs of stopping.

There are many ways one can measure our conscious shift to date in this fast moving current from control to awake and empowered. Topping the list we see the words ‘open sourced’ being magnified. Beginning as a term amongst the tech culture, the open source revolution has now shifted into high gear and is laying waste to once hidden agendas, disinformation, and suppression. Like nature reclaiming back alley streets and abandoned Detroit factories, it is a higher universal cycle that is serving to bring the false concrete reality to its very foundations. A quick look reveals the open source influence inspiring nearly every key area needed for humanity to release centralized, suffocating control. The students of humanity are ready and the open sourced teacher has appeared.

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The Meaning of Namaste: Many Translations, One Universal Intention

Stephanie Lucas, Guest
Waking Times

Regardless of culture, humans seem to have a universal need to greet one another upon meeting and parting. Bowing in Japan, hand-clapping variations in African countries, and saying hello and shaking hands or hugging in English cultures – are just a few of the most commonly known salutations. While customs and traditions vary, there does seem to one greeting that is becoming more popular worldwide – that of Namaste.

Simplistic Gestures of Universal Oneness

Often used by Hindus, Muslims, Buddhists, Sikhs, and other religions, Namaste is also revered within spiritual circles and meditation and yoga classes, and it’s being embraced far beyond its South Asian origins. You’ll often hear it spoken in combination with a slight bow and the Anjali Mudra – the placement of the hands together pulled close to the heart in a fashion similar to a prayer pose.

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Yonaguni Pyramid: Nature, Aliens or Lost Civilization?

Waking Times

Video – Off the southern coast of Yonaguni, Japan, about 70 feet underwater lies a massive pyramid, often called the “Japanese Atlantis.” The site is dated to be at least 5,000 years old, and many experts believe that the site consists of remnants of an old city that existed above ground when the sea levels were much lower than they are today.

Some scientists think that the Yonaguni Pyramid is a natural structure resulting from tectonic activity, some believe it is man-made considering the various man and animal-like carvings, and some think that, similar to other monolithic sites, the pyramid was constructed by aliens. No one really knows the true history of this amazing structure. Check out this footage and share with us what you think.


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