Waking Times

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Brain Surgeon Visits the Afterlife and Lives to Tell You About It

Near Death Out of Body

Josh Richardson, Prevent Disease
Waking Times

A top brain surgeon who claims he saw the after-life while in a coma reveals the stories of others who say they have had similar life-changing experiences.

Thousands of people have had near-death experiences, but scientists have argued that they are impossible. Dr. Eben Alexander was one of those scientists. A highly trained neurosurgeon, Alexander knew that NDEs feel real, but are simply fantasies produced by brains under extreme stress.

Then, Dr. Alexander’s own brain was attacked by a rare illness...

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Is it Time for a New Monetary System?

Flickr - Money - zzzack

Rod Morin, Contributor
Waking Times

No matter what problem we look at today, regardless of scope or gender, demographic statistic or geographic location we can provide a solution; if we throw enough money at it…

And therein lies the actual problem.

The fundamental problem the human species faces today is the current monetary system. I submit that only by completely revamping the monetary system will we be successful as a species.

Currently the monetary system is controlled by a “for profit” Central Banking system. The major problem with this system is the idea of profit itself. Profit means “to obtain a financial advantage or benefit”. Unlike barter, the concept of profit necessitates a winner and a loser in any transaction...

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Ancient Sunken Cities – 3 Puzzling Enigmas

Terence Newton, Staff Writer
Waking Times

Is the truth of human history concealed and buried beneath the oceans? Hundreds of sunken cities adorn the ocean floors of our planet, and dozens of them are believed to be more than 3 millennia old. Although most people are only familiar with the myth of the underwater kingdom of Atlantis, sunken ruins of ancient civilizations are as real as the Egyptian pyramids and can offer us many clues about the history of humanity.

Researchers believe that most sunken civilizations were submerged by the end of the last Ice Age about 9,000 to 10,000 years ago, as the massive ice caps covering much of Europe and North America melted. There are also sunken archaeological sites which are believed to have fallen due to seismic activity, such as earthquakes and volcanic eruption...

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A World of Hurt That Can be Changed


Angela Pritchard, Guest
Waking Times

Millions of hurtful interactions are taking place this very second. Arguments, yelling matches, punches, pushes, angry looks, hurtful tones, spiteful words, shouting, put downs, insults, and the endless stream of abusive posts amongst people on the internet.

Hurting plays a huge part in our lives. When we did something wrong, our parents punished us. If we drive recklessly, we can get into an accident. If we hold our breath, we suffocate. It’s undeniable that we live in a universe of natural laws and of cause and effect. If it wasn’t like this, then how would we learn?

But so often, hurting gets into places that it shouldn’t...

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Is The Water on Earth Older Than the Sun?

sun and water
Anna LeMind, Guest
Waking Times

New research reveals that a big portion of the Earth’s water is older than previously thought, and actually predates the age of the Sun. Moreover, the findings of the study suggest that water – and life – could exist on exoplanets throughout our galaxy and beyond.

That bottle of water sitting on your desk is really really old.. Actually, unfathomably ancient.

This is an important step forward in our quest to find out if life exists on other planets,” said Professor Tim Harries of the University of Exeter, a member of the research team. “We know that water is vital for the evolution of life on Earth, but...

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The Peaceful Power of Confidence

Zen Gardner, Guest
Waking Times

I’ve often said the awakening is happening at a fantastic rate. This has been met with some skepticism, and understandably so, as evidence of this catalytic process can seem unapparent in the barrage of negative news and the absolute stupor most people are still in. Our outside world only appears to be more insane by the day while the reaction of earth’s inhabitants seems to be minimal, even regarding their own openly threatened freedoms and very survival.

But I affirm otherwise.

I’m simply presenting spiritual realities at work that are actually more evident by the day. It just takes the eyes of consciousness to see it fully – in fact, to feel it. We’re learning to rely on new awakening senses and this is a big part of the process. Allowing those vibrations to surface in our hearts and minds and listening to them is the next stage we’re encountering. And then to act on them...

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10 Reasons To Stop Drinking Soft Drinks Now

April McCarthy, Prevent Disease
Waking Times

The message to stop smoking issued by public health officials has been nothing less than paramount, repetitive and consistent in the last several decades. What about soft drinks? Daily consumption of just a half-liter of soda is linked with 4.6 years of additional biological aging, effects comparable to that of smoking, finds a new study.

The study found that drinking soft drinks is associated with cell aging, suggesting sugar-sweetened soda consumption might promote disease independently from its role in...

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Save the Present by Letting Go of The Past


Randi G. Fine, Contributor
Waking Times

The human experience is not an easy one. When we enter this world we are given few guarantees about what awaits us on our journey. We are promised times of joy and times of sorrow, times of thriving and times of suffering, times of hope and times of despair.

Pain is unavoidable. No one escapes life without enduring their share of it. It may seem as if some have larger burdens than others, but that is not true. It is one’s perception that determines the weight of an experience. No two people have the same reality so no two people will experience adversity the same way.

There are many factors that contribute to our interpretation of life’s challenges. Upbringing plays a significant role in preparing us for the road that lies ahead. We navigate that road through the use of coping skills, healthy or unhealthy...

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5 Things You Need to Know About Honey

Dr. Mercola
Waking Times

Honey has been valued as a natural sweetener long before sugar became widely available in the 16th century. Honey production flourished in ancient Greece and Sicily, for instance, while animals other than humans – bears, badgers, and more – have long raided honeybee hives, risking stings for the sweet reward.1

Honey is truly a remarkable substance, made even more extraordinary by the process with which it is made. This blend of sugar, trace enzymes, minerals, vitamins, and amino acids is quite unlike any other sweetener on the planet...

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Has Ghana Become the World’s Toxic Dumping Ground?

Waking Times

Video - A new study has identified the Agbobloshie dumping yard in Ghana’s capital Accra as the place which poses the highest toxic threat to human life. Agbobloshie has become a global e-waste dumping yard, causing serious environmental and health issues, while other countries legally and illegally dump their electronics garbage there for a completely different type of recycling effort. The study warns that that Ghana’s e-waste imports will double by 2020...


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