Waking Times

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Ecuador's Standing Rock is Happening Now - Can the World Save the Shuar?

Dylan Charles, Editor
Waking Times

With so much attention on this year on the struggle of the Standing Rock Sioux people in their opposition to the Dakota Access Pipeline project in North Dakota, it’s worth asking the world if the concern for indigenous people, water, nature, and sacred lands is great enough to extend to the land and people of the Amazon.

In what represents the greatest and most dangerous escalation of tensions between indigenous Ecuadorians and the government approved corporate business model of resource extraction across the continent of South America, the Shuar people in the southern region of Morona Santiago Province, Ecuador are locked in a desperate struggle with the military over mining licenses granted to a Chinese  .

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Pharma Execs Arrested in Conspiracy to Create Opioid Addicts for Profit

Isaac Davis, Staff Writer
Waking Times

Just under the radar of the American dream is a terrible crisis ruining families, destroying communities and killing people who are just too young to die. Overdoses from opioids, synthetic opioid drugs, and heroin have become a genuine epidemic, killing tens of thousands of Americans a year, swamping emergency emergency services and creating a booming economy out of rehab.

There a number of causes to this problem, and while hardcore drug addiction may have complicated roots, there’s no denying that our society is absolutely flooded with many different types of opioid drugs. The market for legal and illegal opioids has become so huge that prescription pills and fake or hybrid pills are being mass-produced and shipped into the U.S. from places like China.

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The Criminal Duplicity of the Mainstream Journalist

Julian Rose, Contributor
Waking Times

We are faced by a shocking fact these days: the profession of journalism, and I speak of mainstream media journalism, has descended into truly toxic levels of printed and broadcast disinformation. One can now virtually count on the fact that what is being said on any topic of political significance, will be a carefully scripted trotting-out of government and corporate propaganda.

That is not journalism. That is what George Orwell called ‘News Speak’.

It is a dangerous game which these news hacks are playing. They are witnessing one event and describing it as quite another event. Let me amplify this by looking at the stories emanating out of the Middle East.

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4 Things You Should Know About Depression and Spiritual Illness

Dylan Charles, Editor
Waking Times

A shaman and spiritual healer once explained to me that in his culture, an indigenous rainforest tribe of Equatorial Western Africa, depression is something incomprehensible. It’s simply not something they can relate to, in fact, he told me, the first time Westerners described this malaise to the chiefs in their village, members of the tribe actually laughed out loud, for it seemed so odd and extraordinary to them. How can anyone not be happy when possessing the greatest gift of all, the gift life, they inquired.

In the West, depression and other so-called mental disorders are a very real fact of life for many. This cannot be denied, and to combat these disorders, we’ve developed a full catalogue to describe them, and have created an entire professional medical discipline for diagnosing and treating them, with the result that depression has become an enormously profitable sector of the healthcare industry.

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Experts Reveal Techniques Used by the Media to Brainwash & Control Us

Dylan Charles, Editor
Waking Times

With so much vitriol flying in every direction these days about fake news, Russian propaganda, misinfo and disinfo, it’s crucial to acknowledge and understand the fact that there is a definitive science to distorting reality and manufacturing public consent. Many of the deliberate techniques of this form of social mind control are well-documented, having been revealed by industry insiders, experts, and content manufacturers.

In the Beginning

Known as the father of modern propaganda, Edward Bernays was the original pioneer of social engineering via mass media. In the early 20th century Bernays laid the foundation for cultural programming at the whole-society level by helping to transform a mostly rural agrarian based society into a homogenized culture of consumers and devout statists.

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Urban Gardening Revolution Spreading with Help from Youth Music Video

Alex Pietrowski, Staff Writer
Waking Times

Music has always been an act of rebellion, and in these times growing your own organic food is also the task of dissidents. In this case, inner city youths from Minneapolis have created a music video displaying their paradigm shift and highlighting their rebellion against the greatest threat to their health and well-being: the food industry.

In many of America’s urban jungles, the only groceries available are the kinds of snacks and processed foods sold at convenience stores and the center aisles of small grocers. Most meals come from restaurants, mainly fast-food joints, and the combo of packaged junk foods and factory produced fast foods is proving deadly, causing more harm to people in these areas than does violence.

The urban diet silently kills people by slowly poisoning them with chemical preservatives, flavor enhancers and colors, while starving them of critical nutrients. Obesity, diabetes, cancer, heart disease, depression, are all linked to diets heavy in low-quality foods and sugary drinks.

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Study Reveals Cannabis May Be the Much-Needed Breakthrough Treatment for Alzheimer’s

Anna Hunt, Staff Writer
Waking Times

A study out of the Salk Institute for Biological Studies in California has demonstrated that the psychoactive compound in cannabis, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), removes clumps of proteins from nerve cells which are believed to kick-start Alzheimer’s disease.

Scientists continue to struggle when it comes to preventing and treating Alzheimer’s. The illness affects about 50 million people worldwide. It is believed to result from a build-up of two types of substances in the brain’s nerve tissue. The first are amyloid beta proteins that clump together between the neurons. The second are neurofibrillary tangles that form inside the neurons due to defective tau proteins that have clumped together.

The recent medical study now offers hope for a possible treatment of Alzheimer’s patients. It reveals that THC aides in the removal of amyloid beta proteins that have accumulated between the neurons.

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Not Just Bees, Trees Are Dying Off at an Alarming Rate With Little Public Attention

Alex Pietrowski, Staff Writer
Waking Times 

In the background of modern life, as people go on debating politics and working for a living, something dreadful is happening to the eco-systems which support us. Major disasters like the ongoing radioactive leak at Fukushima, the apocalyptic fires burning throughout Indonesia, even bee colony collapse disorder, seem to fall out of view in day-to-day life, as we seem to have lost our power and will to directly participate in the stewardship of planet earth.

A new crisis is now happening all around us affecting trees. It appears that millions, hundreds of millions even, of trees are dying in North America and around the world from a basket of reasons, promising to completely and permanently alter the landscape and environment around us.

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Medical Study Shatters Theory that Cannabis is a Gateway Drug

Anna Hunt, Staff Writer
Waking Times


Research reveals that cannabis may, in fact, serve as an effective exit drug for persons suffering from alcoholism or addiction to illicit or prescription drugs. A survey conducted by researchers at the University of British Columbia (UBC) found that addicts may benefit from using cannabis as a substitute to more dangerous and health-destroying substances, especially alcohol and prescription drugs. Cannabis may be a step towards fighting addiction.

“Research suggests that people may be using cannabis as an exit drug to reduce use of substances that are potentially more harmful, such as opioid pain medication.” ~ Zach Walsh, Researcher and UBC Associate Professor of Psychology

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Monsanto Desperate to Hide These New Food Safety Test Results

Anna Hunt, Staff Writer
Waking Times

Mainstream media is completely silent on this story, so it is up to you to share the findings of this important research with everyone you know.

New testing conducted by an FDA-registered food safety lab found alarming levels of the chemical glyphosate (known as Monsanto’s Roundup weed-killer) in several very common foods. This independent research reveals that many popular foods have over 1000 times the glyphosate levels that have been established to be harmful.

 “With the widespread increase in glyphosate use over the past 20 years and the fact that independent science has confirmed low level exposure to Roundup causes liver and kidney damage at only 0.05 ppb glyphosate equivalent, as reflected by changes in function of over 4000 genes, the American public should be concerned about glyphosate residues on their food.

Additional research points to harmful impacts at levels between 10 ppb and 700 ppb. Considering these shocking new scientific test results, regulators must take the below findings into account during any reauthorization of glyphosate.” ~ Glyphosate: Unsafe on Any Plate


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