Waking Times

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Top 15 Discoveries & Implications of Wikileaks CIA Vault 7 - So Far

Makia Freeman, Contributor
Waking Times

Vault 7 has been the subject of a curious and cryptic set of tweets from Wikileaks over the course of the past month or so. Now we know why. In bombshell news, in the greatest leak in Wikileaks history, in the greatest leak in CIA history, a total of 8,761 documents has been released in a series that has been dubbed Vault 7. Even for seasoned conspiracy researchers, the documents are fascinating and horrible at the same time. It confirms the suspicions and knowledge of many investigators. Now we have the proof to substantiate our hunches and intuition. The CIA has been caught with its pants down: spying on its citizens, bypassing encryption to steal their messages, hacking into their electronic devices to listen on their conversations, using US consulates abroad to conduct spying operations, remotely hacking into vehicles (to perform undetectable assassinations) and much more.

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Small Victory in Indonesia as Rainforests Returned to Indigenous Control

Vic Bishop, Staff Writer
Waking Times

When government controls a resource, that resource will be sold to the highest corporate bidder and will be exploited at the expense of any plants, animals or people living in the area. The battle for stewardship of our forests is one of the most important questions of our time, and in Indonesia, home to a significant portion of the world’s remaining rainforests, control of a number of disputed areas was recently returned to the indigenous populations which inhabit them.

As European colonialism in the 1800’s overtook the thousands of sprawling islands which now make up Indonesia, Dutch state rule over the millions of acres of forests in the region was hotly disputed, even flatly rejected, by many of the native tribes in the region. Having been a region of intense conflict for generations, a recent move by Indonesia’s President Joko Widodo will end clashes over this matter by returning authority of some rainforest areas to indigenous people.

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Pesticides are NOT Needed to Feed the World, Says New UN Report

Alex Pietrowski, Staff Writer
Waking Times

The argument for the extreme overuse of agrichemicals in global industrial farming is that supposedly without the advances made by Monsanto and other chemical giants, the world would starve. We need products like glyphosate, terminator seeds and genetically modified foods to feed so many people, they say, but this is really nothing more than a popular myth, pushed on the public as part of a marketing effort to convince people who thousands of years of organic agricultural history is outdated and inadequate for the times we live in today.

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Civil Disobedience - Questioning the Laws We Take for Granted

Gary ‘Z’ McGee, Staff Writer
Waking Times

“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” ~Voltaire

There are many different types of addiction, but perhaps the worst type is an addiction to unquestioned laws passed down from our forefathers and blindly followed. This type of addiction is detrimental, as it affects the world negatively in so many ways. When laws go unquestioned, there is a tendency for the power behind the laws to become entrenched. There is the tendency for people to become ignorant, complacent and even apathetic to the ways in which power corrupts. When laws go unquestioned, those with the power to write laws can use the monopoly on power to force the majority into believing in laws that would, under scrutiny, be viewed as invalid, unhealthy, unsustainable and even immoral.

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Texas School Triples Recess Time, Solving Attention Deficit Disorder

Vic Bishop, Staff Writer
Waking Times

Public education is more stressful than ever for our children, as standardized testing requirements increase and programs like art, music and physical education are being phased out. The result of this type of environment is predictable, and the medical establishment and big pharma are making a killing by drugging active children with ADHD medications and other psychotropic drugs in order to ensure conformity.

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Spain Sets Massive Precedent - Charges Its Central Bankers in Court

by Claire Bernish, The Free Thought Project

First, Iceland, and now Spain has taken on the Big Bankers responsible for financial calamity, as the country’s highest national court charged the former head of Spain’s central bank, a market regulator, and five other banking officials over a failed bank leading to the loss of millions of euros for smaller investors.

This, of course, markedly departs from the mammoth taxpayer giveaway — commonly referred to as the bailout — approved by the U.S. government ostensively to “save” the Big Banks and, albeit unstated, allow the enormous institutions to continue bilking customers without the slightest fear of penalty.

Errant bankers and financiers, it would seem, typically manage to either evade actually being charged, or escape hefty fines and time behind bars.


Spain’s Supreme Court last year ruled “serious inaccuracies” in information about the listing led investors to back Bankia in error, thus the bank has since paid out millions of euros in compensation.

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Experiments at Burning Man Test the Science of Collective Conscience

Terence Newton, Staff Writer
Waking Times

“The universe looks less like a big machine than a big thought.” ~Dean Radin

To bridge the gap between material science and the science of consciousness and spirit, a paradigm must shift occur, and eventually it will, thanks in large part to the efforts of pioneers who are testing new theories in how the mind shapes the physical world.

On the cutting edge of exploration of the mind-matter connection are individuals like Rupert Sheldrake, who has elaborated on his theory of ‘morphic resonance and morphic fields,‘ some as-of-yet undetectable quality of the ether which allows for instinctual and instructive information to be passed on between generations of insects and animals.

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The CIA's Covert Psychics Program Revealed

Nathaniel Mauka, Staff Writer
Waking Times

Exactly how long has the CIA been using psychic technology to interfere with geopolitics? Considering that most military industrial secrets are only revealed years, sometimes decades after they’ve been put into use, the recent unveiling of documents in a CIA database suggests some intriguing additions to their arsenal of mind-weapons.

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Great Political and Social Leaders Always Call Out the Bankers

Dylan Charles, Editor
Waking Times

A common thread between many of the world’s great political and social leaders is their willingness to call out the major banks and bankers for their complicity in establishing and maintaining economic tension and international conflict in our world.

Jesus whipped the money changers when he drove them from the Temple for turning his Father’s house into a den of thieves, and since the days of Christ, history is the story of a never-ending struggle between houses of finance and public interests.

Banks are in a unique position of power in our world, and can generate extraordinary profits without actually producing anything. Through the issuance of currency and credit, they can control the amount of money available to the economy and create economic booms and busts, seizing titles to land, homes, businesses, and property. They hold extraordinary influence over government for their role as financiers of everything from public works to war, and enjoy extraordinary pecuniary advantage and privilege.

“The few who understand the system, will either be so interested from its profits or so dependent on its favors, that there will be no opposition from that class.” — Rothschild Brothers of London, 1863

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Popular OTC Painkiller Dulls Empathy and Joy, Research Shows

Anna Hunt, Staff
Waking Times

One of the most common over-the-counter drugs used to reduce pain may also be decreasing your ability to be empathetic. Moreover, it may also stifle the magnitude of positive emotions such as joy.

A study out of Ohio State University has found that participants who took acetaminophen were less empathetic when they learned about the misfortunes of others. Acetaminophen is the common ingredient in Tylenol and is also present in hundreds of other medicines, both over-the-counter and prescription, according to the Consumer Healthcare Products Association (CHPA).

A substantial body of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) research suggests that observing others experiencing pain, activates brain regions that are also activated during one’s own experience of pain. Therefore, the study’s researchers, Dominik Mischkowski, Baldwin Way and Jennifer Crocker, wanted to understand if something that reduced one’s pain also affects how one perceives others who are experiencing pain.


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